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Everything posted by Sandbag

  1. Nice looking fish there Shayne Cheers Craig
  2. Very neat.... lol douG Cheers Craig
  3. From a quick Google search of the model. I would say somewhere around the $6000 mark depending on the mileage. Keep in mind that is a very heavy 4stroke sled. I've seen where you take your truck and if your planning on taking your sled to the same remote spots you may want something lighter. LOL Cheers Craig
  4. Rain has stopped here as well for now. But it's supposed to start again for the next couple of days. Makes painting inside the house not feel as bad. If we get a break from the rain tomorrow I have to winterize the pop-up trailer and maybe go fetch the snowmobile and make sure she's all ready to go. Cheers Craig
  5. I've seen flocks of seagulls feeding on the baitfish and tossed right among them. The Perch schools have been right below the bait on the feed. Never seems to last too long before it disperses, but pretty fun while it lasts. Cheers Craig
  6. Very nice Pike and Walleye.... Cheers Craig
  7. Sandbag


    Wlcome aboard steel'n'esox... you will have plenty of company with your obsession of both steel and esox here Cheers Craig
  8. I remember as a teen fishing of the pier in Erieau for Perch with minnows on pickeral rigs. Once the schools came in, you could shelf the minnows as all that was needed was the flash of gold from the hooks. The double headers would last for maybe 20 minutes and they would be gone as fast as they came. I've had some similar experiences when ice fishing and a school of Perch came by. Anyone else have the same experience? And has anybody has the same thing with another species other than the beloved Perch? Cheers Craig
  9. For ice fishing I have a Polaris Indy 488 fan cooled machine. Been great, very reliable and when things do need to be serviced/repaired, they are very simple to work on myself. Cheers Craig
  10. I've had a 50" Sony LCD for a couple of years now and very happy with it. no problems knock on wood and awesome picture. I still look at some of the HD channels in awe. Particularily football games, NASCAR and anything on the Discovery Channel Cheers Craig
  11. Thanks for the laugh Holdfast Cheers Craig
  12. Nice Rob How were the winds out at the Bluffs. That can be a long ride back in if they pick up. Cheers Craig
  13. Beautiful pics Kev. Looks so nice with that beautiful blue sky Cheers Craig
  14. Nice job Randy! I tried that batter once that you have on the table. It made me sleepy...lol Cheers Craig
  15. Nice Dan Still having turkey or have the plans changed?lol Were there many boats out by EC10? Cheers Craig
  16. Wow......You and Leah have had a busy summer by the looks of things. Your place is really looking nice. When you were in Quebec, were you in St. Bruno Des Guiges. That vista looking across to Haileybury looks awfully familiar. Cheers Craig
  17. That is just plain awesome...pass on my congrats. He'll be talking about that one for some time. Cheers Craig
  18. Roger My hat is off to you, both Dave's and George. Truly a heartwarming story. Made my day!!!!!!!! Cheers Craig
  19. People in Venezuela are not paying world prices for the oil and gas that comes out of their ground. So why are we paying world prices for Canadian fuels. That is the bigger question. Why a gas station charges this or that price is simply price fixing to max profits. Oil company, investors and the tax man all win. We get screwed. The bigger screw is the one all us Canadians get shafted with when we sell all our resources away and pay triple, or more, to buy it back. All the while, the boys on Wall St and Bay St. laugh while they make their puppets dance in Ottawa. Why do you think the main political parties have leaders that look pretty, but lack the necessary backbone to face real issues. That's my rant The price of gas in Venezuela is subsidized by their government. Cheers Craig
  20. I believe that the intended purpose of the Human Rights Commission is worthy. What need to be curtailed, is the use the forum for peoples personal agendas. Some people with nothing better to do spend time searching out "anything" that "someone" might find offensive and bringing it to the attention of the Commission, without really having a complainant that is offended or slighted. You and I pay the freight for the months (years) of tribunals that follow. Not what I believe the system was created for. Cheers Craig
  21. Great thread. My brother in law is a double transplant recipient (Pancreas and kidney) and has a much better quality of life than he has ever had. Signing the donor card is very important, however making your wishes known to your family is more important as ultimately it will be one of them that has to convey your wishes if something tragic was ever to happen to you. Not a pleasant conversation to have with your family but one well worth having. Cheers Craig
  22. Limeyangler......you have a beautiful spot there.. Thanks for your report...felt like I was there with you except you were enjoying your ALONE time...lol Cheers Craig
  23. Man...when you look at the size of the anglers head and compare it to the fish, it is truly amazing how big that fish is. Thanks for posting that Roy. I hope he does come online and tell the story. Cheers Craig
  24. Pretty good sized one at that. I can't believe someone would release anything like that into one of our water bodies. I hope Musky or Specks is right with not being able to survive the winter. Cheers Craig
  25. Awesome fish congrats Cheers Craig
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