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Everything posted by Joey

  1. Now that is a trip of a lifetime. What an excellent report. Felt like I was right there with you. Fishing with your grandpa must have been something really special. So glad you got to do it, and that fish fry just made me hungry!! Love the picture with the trees and trail.
  2. Ya, maybe for you
  3. Cliff, I've had those meatballs and you just gave me a bit of a chuckle. Paul called them heart attack in a pot Hang in there Gerritt, how are things today???? What is the prognosis (when do you get out of the hospital)?
  4. They showed up at my door the other day. Paul is on midnights and was sleeping. I kindly told them I was not interested and to leave. They persisted until I had to raise my voice saying I was clearly NOT INTERESTED. Finally Paul yells from his now interrupted sleep to "move along" and that's putting it mildly They then had the audacity to mock Paul and continued to make derogatory statements all the way down the driveway. The nerve of these guys is unbelievable.
  5. Wow, beauty pike!!
  6. Now there's a nice bass, congrats!!
  7. Now that is cool
  8. Way to go B, a nice Sunday morning for sure Did you wash all the socks?
  9. Jeez Gerritt, that totally sucks. Be strong bud. My best friend's husband had a stroke a few years back. He's about your age and he's fine now. He had a few hurdles from then to now with his eyes and left side, but has fully recovered. I'm sure you will too. Now rest and take care of yourself. Quit smoking and take it easy for awhile. Please update us on your progress bud. We're here for you!
  10. Great pics, hope you are feeling better!
  11. Great job, why is your report all highlighted white?
  12. Wow, great report and pics Nick. I'll bet there are going to be a few more reports of you being outfished by the GF in the near future
  13. Lookin good. This will be fun to watch your progress
  14. What a great report. You two did well and I'm impressed with Memquisit chasing you down for the refund. Good on Frank!!! As for Lakair, I sure hope they have some weekly rentals, or even camping. Sure miss that place, but we did see the renovations taking place and it looks good!! Nice Pickerel and that is a heck of a drum for sure
  15. Oh man, I feel your pain Matt, so sorry
  16. Awwww, that's precious. Very cool!
  17. Looks like fun, minus the mouse clean up job
  18. Ya Phil, where ya been hiding???
  19. Jeez B, that sucks big time, sorry to hear that. Hope it all works out for you bud!!
  20. Joey

    Last night

    Fire in the sky Great shot!
  21. Thanks Will, Mr. Blizzard and Doubleheader And yes doubleheader, I love taking bird shots and have learned alot about them since I started.
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