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Everything posted by Joey

  1. Totally cloud coverage here I'm bummed
  2. Got my camera ready G. Hopefully the cloud coverage will dissipate!
  3. Great report and nice pike Cliff
  4. Hmmmm, wonder if woman pee works as I'm the one who does the garbage. Think my neighbours may wonder why I'm squatting on the corner though I'd probably for sure get arrested. Think I'd rather pick up bones
  5. Oh man, that was funny Mike, thanks for the laugh!
  6. Nice!!!!
  7. How Awful Only wish I was so lucky
  8. What a trip and report, amazing. Great photos aswell. Great job!!!
  9. Thought about you all day hun. Sorry we couldn't make it. Got some stuff going on at home I'm dealing with. I had plans to come but it just didn't happen. I was there in spirit aswell.
  10. Some real nice fish there. Congrats on the 1000 posts!
  11. Awesome Will, looks like a nice day with some beauty fish. Those winds sure can get nasty though!!!!
  12. Awesome TJ, glad you got a chance to get up there again this year and with the fam damily to boot
  13. Sorry to hear that Chris, theft sucks for sure
  14. Wow, some really great stories here, thanks all. Sorry for your loss glenner Ralphie also has dreams and barks, howls and does the kicking thing. Also sleeps with his eyes open sometimes. Kind of freaky. We are both tired today from his snoring, but ya gotta love em !!!!!
  15. I find it doesn't matter what time of day it is. Paul calls me the "Crack of noon" fisherman I find that we catch them when the water is choppy and it's hard to stand on the boat. You need good weeds and a good chop and overcast IMO. Just my two cents worth. I can't live up to Raf or any other great musky fisherman's knowledge. Just seems it is when I catch mine Good luck, and take a big net!!!!!
  16. Well on the couch now
  17. Joey


    Great show, I like it too. Ya, Sam is hurtin.
  18. OMG, here I sit up at 12:40 a.m. because my beloved dog snores like a maniac. Anybody else have a dog that snores??? I'll shove him once in awhile but it only lasts a few minutes before it starts again. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  19. Here's another one from the same concert : https://youtu.be/dBPvFNo_VFY
  20. No matter what you think of him, this is awesome. Saw it on TV today. What a talent and voice https://youtu.be/bMPOMT251mQ
  21. Sweet
  22. OMG, so sorry to hear this. Hope it was quick at least. I'm heartbroken for you
  23. Wow, those are some impressive fish there bud. Great report and pics.
  24. Awesome pics That's a one a spicy meat ball LOL!
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