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Everything posted by Joey

  1. That is awesome Simon. Love your videos, always make me smile! Hope all starts to turn around for you. I've had a bad year too and hope it turns around for me aswell!
  2. Sweet, nice one Pete
  3. Akrisoner, I understand completely. Paul and I have had a few close calls and he has been boating his entire life. It sure wakes you up to smell the coffee and teaches you a lesson each time, but the next lesson is always different. Some mistakes we made, the other someone else made that almost put us 6 feet under. So very glad you made out well this time and are still here to fish another day. Joey
  4. Hope they catch him Cliff and nobody gets hurt!
  5. Those pics are classic, especially the one of Musky kissing Monique
  6. It's Canada, there are coyotes and wolves. Run them over????
  7. A Storms a brewin !!

  8. Holy Wow!
  9. What awesome pictures. Beauty fish. Sorry about the weather, that sucks, but you made it through Good Stuff!!!
  10. Hmmm, Envious what a monster, congrats to her!!!!
  11. Ah, it's just a flesh wound, I've had worse
  12. OMG Cliff, I added my name and my mom's name to the do not call list years ago and it was for not, I get about 4 or 5 calls a day. The new one is from TD Financial Services. They call every morning at precisely 8:59 a.m. The first thing they ask for is my date of birth. I usually tell them to go somewhere, but they keep calling back. Same with the duct cleaning services!!! It is really getting out of hand I agree!
  13. That's awesome Drew, I remember one time mom flew down with the boys and me and my sister drove down from Flin Flon in the station wagon with dad. Dad was on a mission, get to the cottage as fast as possible (dad's can be like that). We drove 2000 miles in two days. We stopped for one night somewhere, not sure where it was, the three of us slept in the back of the station wagon and when we woke up, there was a moose right near the car, it was so cool.
  14. Thanks Steve, great memories/stories and it helps to know I'm not alone in my future dog blindness endeavor Appreciate it !!
  15. Thanks Lew, I really appreciated Di's call. She's a Gem. Don't let her replace you (wink, wink).
  16. Thanks B, they say nothing can be done. We've already seen a specialist. It's over, sight is gone The lake was Horseshoe Lake, near the rapids. Paul's parent's had a cottage on Little Gull we used to frequent, which I thought was funny as we met in our 30's and had cottaged so close to each other all our lives Ya it was surely a drive, especially with 4 cats in the station wagon and 4 kids, ugh. But we made it and all came out unscathed
  17. Sweet, congrats bud!
  18. Careful with the meds G, been down that road and it is a hard one to get off. Better off taking yoga or meditating okay!!!
  19. OMG, that was awesome
  20. Wow, scary Rob, glad everyone is okay.
  21. OMG, her voice is so annoying, I'd eat the kayak
  22. OMG, such great stories here, thanks for the responses. Ya, Ralphie is only 4 so I guess I have a long go of this with him. We'll make it through, but it has not been easy and me being so sentimental, I do tend to cry alot about it. Trying my hardest to manage, but at least, as I said, it has given me time to reflect on past good times as I lie there wide awake. Sounds like I was not the only one with some great cottage memories
  23. As some of you may know, Ralphie has lost all his vision and is not sleeping most of the night, so I stay up and take care of him, guiding him around, but tonight, as I lied on the floor with him, as he won't sleep in the bed anymore, I started thinking about the cottage my grandparents used to have. It was in Minden and we'd go up about 4 or 5 times a year. So there would be Grandma, Grandpa (on my mother's side), Mom, Dad, My sister Leslie, me, my brothers Adam and Lennard my aunt Pat and uncle Bob (mom's sister and her husband), and my Uncle Bob and Aunt Mary with their two children, my cousins, Scott and Andrew. We'd all arrive at the cottage on a Friday night and stay for a week or two, we'd even bring the cats, from a long drive from Flin Flon, Manitoba with the cats (4 of them, imagine that ride) and unpack and settle in. There was a cathedral ceiling with a stone fireplace that was huge and went right to the top. Three bedrooms with no ceilings to them and of course since me and my sister were the oldest, we slept in the living room while the fam damily drank and laughed by the fireplace. Grandma would come and put hot rocks, covered in cloth, at the end of our bed, to keep us warm. Every night the women went to the sauna, an old fashioned one with rocks you poured water on. Laughed and talked and then ran down and jumped into the lake when we got too hot, then it was the men's turn. We had a hammock and collected rasperries and watched the cows come down the road. It was the best of times. Trilliums and fresh air and fishing and dinghis and sailboats and a wooden boat we would drive down to the store for those wax tubes that had yummy fluid in them or the dip and dunk candy with the little stick and powder. Man they were good times and we used to catch perch and bass off the dock and swim for hours. Anybody else have memories like that? Joey
  24. Nice shot Bill, better than what I got
  25. Good Luck Rog, I feel your pain, haven't fished as much this year either, nor gone to St. Clair Hope you do well bud!
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