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Everything posted by Joey

  1. Joey

    Red Eyed Vireo

  2. Wow, brutal story. Very glad they survived Spincast. Honestly, it could have turned out alot worse and most times it does. Think I'll be wearing my life jacket alot more this year. I usually always wear it on Lake Ontario and the lower Niagara, but not necessarily on the smaller lakes thinking I could easily swim to shore. I'll have to revisit that thought after reading this man's tale!!!
  3. Have never seen one of these before. Apparently it is a red eyed vireo. It was in the front yard tree today. Terrible photo conditions, drizzle/overcast, but a new species for me IMG_9462 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_9492 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr
  4. Thanks Joe, yes, I used Saran wrap when pounding, learned that along time ago when I started making Chicken Cordon Bleu. Asparagus and/or red pepper would also go well with it. It was my first try so I'll play with it, but it was darned good as it was I still love your asparagus/prosciutto recipe, do it all the time
  5. What kind of mushroom is that?
  6. Mmmmm, I have some fresh fiddleheads I bought at the Farmers Market, and I just happen to have some bacon, think I'm gonna give that a try Bruce, thanks!!!
  7. Looks Amazing
  8. Very interesting, thanks for posting this. Things I never would have thought of. I have great neighbours and we always tell each other when we will be away and to keep an eye out for anyone who may show up if we are not there etc. Luckily my neighbour from across the street is an ex police officer and he's retired and always in his front yard hanging out So my advice is to make friends with your neighbours too
  9. It's the Simon show Great vid bud!
  10. Good luck Roger, hope you get a monster!!!
  11. Awesome, they're such cool birds. Great shots!
  12. Wow, that is cool
  13. Thanks Guys, give it a try. I'd like to see any additions/changes to it
  14. Wow, congrats. Beauty!
  15. Hahaha, no was butcher involved. All I did was buy boneless pork chops and pounded them to smithereens with my pounding mallet (also good for the frustrations of life ) Then I added salt and pepper (not much), the prosciutto and then shredded the cheese and added that (I used three different kinds of cheese, an old cheddar,a cheddar with infused red wine and a marble). Rolled it up and put a toothpick in each. Then I made a cream/milk/egg/flour mixture and for the crust I put ground up plain chips and bread crumbs and added a bit of garlic powder, onion powder and salt and pepper. I dipped in the egg mixture, rolled in the crumbs and then just fried in olive oil and butter in a cast iron pan until done. While it was cooking, I mixed Keen's hot mustard, some Dijon mustard, some mayo, some sour cream, a bit of white wine and lemon juice and mixed well for the mustard sauce. Served with green beans and scalloped potatoes. Delish.
  16. Pork, proscuitto, cheese, breadcrumbs/chips and mustard sauce IMG_3379 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_3380 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_3381 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_3382 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_3383 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_3384 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_3385 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_3386 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr IMG_3390 by Joeyfishing, on Flickr
  17. Wow, great report and beauty knife
  18. Well that doesn't sound good Hope is found safe and sound!
  19. Hahahaha, too funny Drew
  20. Welcome Rob, hope we can help
  21. Okay, well the first year he was a puppy so didn't need the meds or test, second year I got the test before we administered the meds for 6 months, then last year no test but administered the meds, so this is the next year after that so if you guys are saying testing every two years, I guess that makes sense and it is due. Thanks all
  22. Thank you Oldschool, that makes sense. We did have mosquitoes here in early May and we do go into the bushes and up north alot. Guess I should not take chances. Appreciate the responses.
  23. So I just booked an appt with the Vet for Ralphie to get his nails clipped (he will not allow me to do it, goes psycho). After his back surgery, I can't take the chance of him flipping about when I try. Anyhow, they said it was heartworm season and I should also get the heartworm meds, which I do every year and administer from June to November. So then she says we should also test him for heartworm in case he got it last year. I questioned why he would need the test if he has been administered the heartworm meds every year from June to November no fail, and of course, the test will cost money. She agreed the test was not cheap. Does anyone here administer the heartworm meds AND get the test done too??? As much as I like my vet, I'm wondering if this is some kind of cash grab!!!
  24. Great report, looks like a cool place.
  25. I second Mashkinonge Lodge!!
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