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Everything posted by Joey

  1. I used to feed the geese at work bread until I read an article saying not to, so I switched to Apple pieces and they loved them
  2. Very nice Chad, love your property. Poor doggy Hope he learned his lesson, but probably not
  3. Is this a recent pic?
  4. Will 100 HP be enough
  5. Wow, you are a brave soul for going out there on a day like today, well done and nice fish!
  6. Wow, glad your dog is okay. I'd be hard pressed not to step in if something like that attacked my dog, but then I'd probably pay the price for that. I didn't know badgers were so nasty either!!!
  7. Great report. That fog scares the crap out of me. I like the GF's T-shirt
  8. Sweet
  9. Eyes to the skies. Stay safe all!!!
  10. Those photos are spectacular Simon.
  11. Woohoo, nice fish. That crappie is a monster, way to go
  12. Are you noodling them Art I like the avatar
  13. Have an awesome trip Connie. Enjoy yourself and friends, food and drinks Oh ya, and fishing!!!!
  14. Thanks Connie and everyone else. Enjoy your time up there. Tell Phil to quit being a wus. Low ceiling schmo ceiling Have fun boys. Wish I was there with you!!!
  15. Good idea Joe, thanks, I'll look into that today!
  16. Sorry, I meant fix, not fish, must have fishing on the brain
  17. Ya, I almost figured that. It is only a small apartment sized washer/dryer stacked combo. Can't be too much to replace as opposed to repaired. Guess I'll look into both options. Thanks
  18. Thanks again all, just about ready for bed here so guess my "day" is over Appreciate all the Birthday wishes.
  19. Anybody know anyone who works in the downtown area who can fix a washing machine? My son's machine went on the fritz and we are selling his apartment soon and need to get it fixed ASAP. Thanks. Joey
  20. Saw that today on TV, pretty freakin cool!!!
  21. Hahahaha, no hall pass, but yes, he'll be out of the doghouse for awhile now Thanks again everyone!!!
  22. FullSizeRender (13) by Joeyfishing, on Flickr FullSizeRender (12) by Joeyfishing, on Flickr
  23. Holy cow that's a brute, well done Joeytier
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