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Everything posted by Joey

  1. Paul's parent's had a cottage on Little Gull. We used to fish right where the two met in the little bay there on Big gull and caught trout. Hope that helps!
  2. Damn, I'm all outta goose legs
  3. Oh man that looks painful. Hope you enjoy your time off and the pain isn't too bad. Now remember, drinking and painkillers makes people silly and they could walk into another doorframe
  4. Tiller I'm guessing
  5. That one always makes me laugh
  6. Aww shucks Sorry to hear it was cancelled but my thoughts were more on the worrying side that fishermen will go up and take a chance and we certainly don't want to lose anyone. Under the circumstances, I think it was the right call to cancel!
  7. Very sorry to hear that John I will be thinking about you and your family.
  8. Wow, that's some sweet work. Me likey
  9. Hey, I just saw this cool newborn foot/handprint idea I thought you might like bud! If you or your wife are artistic in any way, I'd try it newborn by Joeyfishing, on Flickr
  10. Just pay it if you're gonna have to drive up there, use gas and lose a day of pay. It works out in the wash!
  11. And what are the ice conditions there?
  12. Sorry to hear this Rick. I too would recommend keeping a close eye on the dog now, but I'm sure you already know that. Good luck and RIP Sweetie
  13. Woohoooo, congrats!!!
  14. Well we are die hard ice fishermen and we haven't even switched the boat trailer/snowmobile trailer in the driveway. We usually tarp up the boat and get the snowmobile ready to roll and switch places in the driveway so it's easier to move one or the other for the season. I don't see the point now. Guess the snowmobile will not be used this year and the boat will be ready to roll again shortly!
  15. Wow, lucky you, awesome!
  16. That's awesome Cliff. A great day for sure
  17. Well, guess it's time to cut the grass :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Joey
    3. dave524


      hit 60 F here but they say it is going to cool off tonite

    4. highdrifter


      Harvest time already? I'm on my way!

  18. Awesome B, those are nice. Look at that ice, woohoo, so clear!
  19. Yowzers, what a monster. Those are cool nostalgia pics
  20. Aww, what a shame. Well we all have to go sometime and he did live a long life. Definitely enjoyed him in Barney Miller!
  21. Sweet new ride, congrats Simon
  22. Nice going, gorgeous fish!!!
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