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Everything posted by lew

  1. I must be getting old, I never heard of him till something about his death was on the news this morning.
  2. Some of the posts on this site are just pathetic anymore.
  3. That really is a good show, I saw them in Toronto a few years back.
  4. Fantastic fish Mike, congrats to your dad !!
  5. All I know is I'm sure glad I'm not one of the people that voted for these clowns. Absolutely unbelievable what they're doing to this province and getting away with it. And it seems every day something else rears it's ugly head.
  6. You made a good choice with the F150 Gallie and you should be very happy with it. As for the EcoBoost, I've got a 2013 Lariat with Eco and absolutely love it and my next truck will have one too. Really nice low end torque and that's why I bought it. If your buying a truck to pull heavy boats and your worried about gas mileage, your making a mistake. If your not too concerned about mileage, buy a truck and enjoy.
  7. Wuss !!
  8. I don't know if it's kosher to link to other websites and if not I'll gladly delete this post but this just a truly amazing fish. http://muskie.outdoorsfirst.com/board/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=106545&posts=11&start=1
  9. If guys learned how to actually catch big fish they wouldn't have to straight arm them to make them look big on websites
  10. Here's a sad addition to your story Skip, it's a dangerous job out there. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/storm-hunter-joins-thousands-in-annual-dumping-day/60484/
  11. Not always Dave but they often are. We had a member of this board a couple years back who saw he had a headlight burned out. On the way home from work the same day he stopped at CTC and bought a new one. He was stopped by a cop who gave him a ticket for the burned out bulb. He had the new bulb on the front seat of his car and the time on the bill proved he'd just bought it a few minutes earlier. Tell us THAT cop wasn't on a power trip.
  12. That's the problem when you get a few guys who think they know absolutely everything about absolutely everything. Always tough to have a discussion with "experts"
  13. Really sad when an interesting post goes down the drain.
  14. Nuthin worse than a cop on a power trip.
  15. Congratulations to you and all your family Bruce !!
  16. It's not like a government to mis-manage our money....yeah, right
  17. A lot of today's fishermen would be amazed at the basic gear we used back in the day Dave, but we still caught plenty
  18. If you have a pick-up truck with a drop-in bed liner they can sometimes wear on the paint underneath which can lead to rust, but Krown actually sprays under the liner too to keep your truck bed from rusting.
  19. Purdy fish Roger
  20. Once the liquid is sprayed inside the panels they insert plastic plugs into the holes and they don't look bad at all, nothing to worry about.
  21. Received this in an email today and it shows how much more we're gonna be paying. I spose most of you got it too but for those that didn't. http://cl.exct.net/?qs=93af659d62fe28d7a4f9326c210793153f06a11cdb8bcb63e51ad0045c8524dc1f4c7e57f13de42d
  22. Sorry boys, I posted in the wrong thread.
  23. It's been about 45 years since I drove cabs in downtown Toronto in my spare time, but back then the taxi company got 50 % of your daily take & the driver got the other 50 % but he had to gas up the car out of his share.
  24. Keep on doing what you've always done around here Wayne, your knowledge & help on many things is always appreciated.
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