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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. Wayne congratulations to your daughter!!! Thank God she gets her looks from mom!! The smile on your faces says it all. Her's for her accomplishment and yours for seeing her accomplishment. You put a lot of money into her education but it will pay off in spades during her lifetime. I don't think she'd ever forget what you did for her. Best of luck to her in all her future endeavours.
  2. Oh yeah, if you have an inflatable life jacket, it only counts if you are wearing it. A lot of people forget that.
  3. The CT safety kit contains a rope, flashlight (no batteries), a whistle and of course the container which doubles as a bailer. You need that, a paddle, a lifejacket for yourself and EACH passenger, and an anchor. You are covered with those items. Now get out there and catch some fish.
  4. Well, the Leafs have not won the cup in my lifetime (I'm coming up on 40) and hopefully they will do something this decade. Their last decent shot at the cup was in '93 and that has been a long long time. Go Leafs Go!!!! BTW, congrats to chi-town!!
  5. I've got a buddy who used to fish tourneys years back and his fave technique for walleye was ripping a bucktail jig in the weeds. It's a lot of work but it produces. Good luck with the technique of the year. Mine is going to be slow trolling a worm harness around weedlines for walleye and mastering the art of the Suick for musky.
  6. If you do make it up, enjoy. All of those little northern lakes are teaming with walleye and pike. I'm green with envy. I'd love to be able to just jig or rig and nail a ton of fish. down here, we have to work for our walleye. BTW, I love the pic!! A stubby and feet up with a rod in hand, that's the life brother!! Too bad we can't do that any longer.
  7. 93 and still coherent. God Bless her!! My condolences to you and your family. Celebrate her life.
  8. Re locate a few Massassauga rattlers into your storage hole......... But unfortunately, you are not there in the winter so you will get some dumb around looking for anything to steal. The camera's are a good option but they may get stolen too. You never know what to expect. Good luck on maybe catching these bonehead's on tape.
  9. Don't forget your hat size, shoe size, favourite food..............
  10. NICE!! That's just what I need for my boat. An 80lb'er that is not cable steer. Good find!!
  11. Try NutriFlex from Naka. It's a health food store remedy that works for my knees which sing to me often. Several retired hockey players swear by it (Wendy Clark for one). Combined with fish oil rich in Omega 3 and 6 helps as well with the inflammation. Give it a try, it beats rotting your stomach with anti inflammatories, Advil, aspirin and the like. http://www.nakaherbs.com/pdf/nutri_flex_liquid.pdf
  12. Stoty, my sincerest condolences to you and your family. Moms are very special. Remember her. Take care of yourself.
  13. Nice 'eyes, beauty northerns and damn those are some big perch. I guess you guys had a real nice fish fry.
  14. Try Eddie with Square Tail charters out of Port Credit. He's a good guy and will get you on some fish. 416-527-5318. I'd have said Fishunter but he's in Port Hope and that would be a long trek from Guelph especially since he has his wedding rehearsal that day and it would not be good to start off the marriage by being late for the rehearsal.
  15. You know, this really is a Community. It never fails to amaze me how people that are virtually strangers help each other out on this site. Yeah there are a few bad apples who stir up trouble but they are flashes in the pan. Kudos to the admins who keep this site up and running. Fishunter graciously offers his boat and services for gas money to OFC'rs this weekend and nobody has really thanked him for that. Well, I thank you even though I can't make it and would love to go. Wayne, you are another one around here who does a lot for us. If you ever want to fish the Honey Harbour area, let me know, my boat is in the water till Halloween.
  16. You'll be fine tubing with the boat. You don't go too fast anyways (esp. with the kids on the tube), just get the boat on plane and you'll be fine and they will have a blast.
  17. Too bad for the neighbour, if he complained before, just wait!!! I hope the nasty dude gets it where the sun don't shine. If 'his' buildings are on their property, I guess they should be 'their' buildings now, he can pay rent (not cheap) and that could help with the mortgage payments.
  18. Now hurry up and get that puppy slimed up real good!! Beautiful rig, that's my dream boat.
  19. Too many people don't want wind turbines in their backyard. These are the same people who have a fair bit of money and talk about being green. There is a big stink about putting wind turbines in Lake Ontario off the Scarborough Bluffs, I say DO IT!!! Wind is free, the sun is free, we have an abundance of both, why not utilize it for crying out loud??? Burning garbage and sewage would make too much sense. Nuclear although unpopular is actually a very good option. If only OPG can build reactors on budget and on time. AECL has a great reactor called the CANDU which is very efficient and safe. We've had them at Pickering and Darlington for over 30 years. Get the plants up and running and build more. I'm sure there are mines up north in the boondocks that could be used to store the waste. Big government equals big waste and we really need to realize that. I can go on and on until your ears bleed. I think the future for energy production lies elsewhere however but that is what I think and I'll keep it to myself.
  20. Lew, that is not too bad a price. See what you can get off of him for 2 cords, you might save a few bucks (maybe 20-50 or so). What about picking it up yourself?? How much will you save. Firewood is not cheap, esp. considering it literally goes up in smoke like gas for the vehicles incl. the boat. Don't forget the stacking party with a couple of strong backs and an afternoon fishing for muskies. I paid $200 for a bush cord of really really dry hardwood last year but it burns real fast and really hot and would not be suitable for a woodstove. The campfire, sure, anything that burns but for home you have to be a bit more picky.
  21. Johnnybass, they are not losing money on the lcbo, it is one of the few money making ventures the gov't is involved in, the last I heard it contributes around a billion dollars a year to the provincial coffers. To sell it would be a travesty, they'd get a couple of billion dollars up front and that would be it, no more milk from the cow because it got slaughtered. As for hydro, we really don't pay what it costs to produce and distribute but that was subsidized out of our taxes that went to the provincial gov't. No problem with me to raise the price of hydro, just make sure the same amount gets reduced from my provincial tax bill (as if that would ever happen). Unfortunately, we are getting to the point where our vote does not count any more. Politicians don't listen. I tell this to all who live in Toronto, if you don't vote for Robbie Ford, you will be in for more of the same. Yes, he can be a buffoon, but he is a regular guy like the rest of us and loves Toronto, not a full of Bull run of the mill politician. If Toronto elects someone like him to shake up the political system, you can bet that the other politicians will start to take notice of your concerns.
  22. Wow, sorry to hear about this. They should have had pfd's in the canoe, there was no excuse for that. My sincerest condolences to the family.
  23. Ahhhhhhhhh, A/C...... I got home Tuesday morning with the kids and got into a nice cool house. The wife had to work Tuesday morning so she came home Monday night and was nice enough to crank up the a/c.
  24. Nice report!! You did good!! I nailed a 14lb'er on Lake X just outside of town Y this weekend.
  25. The skeeters were out in full force this weekend on GBay. Thankfully we don't have any black flies. Hopefully with the heat and dryness they won't last too long.
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