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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. Mercer's booth @ 3pm after Pete's seminar!!
  2. Sounds good!! I'll probably be there with my 2 little girls.
  3. Back in '83, I got a brand spanking new Honda XR100 that was a great little bike. It sipped gas, did 80kph and had no troubles with the trails up on the Ganny. As I grew older I picked up an '82(I think) Kawi KDX 175 that had been worked over. It was a fast bike but had no low end torque at all (the Honda had gobs of it). It was a pig on fuel but it had tons of power. If I was in the market for a newer bike, I'd definitely go with a 4 stroke, less pollution, better fuel economy, less maintenance.......
  4. They are looking like a team now. I think they got rid of the cancers they had (I hated Blake personally). They may make the playoffs yet!!!
  5. Hey, they still rocked!! For a couple of 60 somethings, Roger and Pete rocked the house. It's cool to see these guys go at it. Maybe they can't hit the high notes and don't look so cool any longer but I grew up listening to them and it was great to see them live one more time.
  6. The Curoado 300E is a great reel for musky fishing. Either Quantum PT, Shimano Curado or mid range Daiwa's will suit you fine. It come's down to your personal preference and most importantly your pocketbook. Piece of advice, save up to buy decent equipment, cheap reels are just that, you'll end up replacing them and spending more money than you have to.
  7. It is a good cause!! My sister in law suffers from Colitis and it's not fun. She ends up in the hospital at least once a year. We'd be interested in going but that whole weekend is shot, the Colonel has let me know that we are fully booked from Friday evening on. I don't ask questions, I just go where I'm told to go. Happy Wife.........Happy Life. Good luck with it!!
  8. Started working when I was 13 at a grocery store for the princely sum of $3.55 an hour, within 6 months the minimum wage went up twice and I was making $4.25/hour. 10 years there while I went to school. I'd work 22 hours a weekend (Friday and Saturday). I'd start Friday at 5pm, work 12 hours and be back in at 8am the next morning and work until 6pm. I did everything from work on the meat counter, cutting meat, receiving, stocking shelves, pushing buggies, cutting and stocking lettuce, unloading watermelons by hand from a tractor trailer, counting money, supervising, managing....you name it, I did it at one point or another. I realized by the time I was 19 that I did not want to spend my life working for someone else and making them rich. At 25 I joined a financial planning firm and the rest is history, I've been there for going on 15 years now.
  9. I think the Hamilton RV show is coming up. You may want to go down and take a look at the new units to get some ideas as to what you want and should be looking for. The dealers there will probably have some used units for sale as well and that way you'll get a warranty.
  10. Hiya Flintstone!! I used the my dad's old DE a few years back and it was the closest shave. Problem is though I have a very coarse beard combinded with sensitive skin so a real close shave lights my face up like a Christmas tree. I'm one of those guys who goes to work in the morning clean shaven and needs to shave again at night to go out. I use whatever razors I find on special and I use the same disposable for about 6 weeks or so. My little trick that I use is my shaving cream dispenser that heats the shaving cream that way, right after my shower, my pores and skin are loosened up and don't get tightened by using cold shaving cream.
  11. Well, you are using pretty much the same techniques for the big pike as you would for big musky so.........it's all good as long as you catch one. On another note, you've got a nice website and I can tell the members from experience that the northern lakes fishing experience is second to none. Having fished LOTW for several years, the scenery and sheer beauty is incredible up on the shield lakes.
  12. Tj, the best thing to fillet fish on is a 3ft long piece of cedar 2X10. You don't want to run the risk of damaging the pretty granite or quartz. Lew, I've heard really good things about quartz and how it is less maintenance intensive as granite, they both look nice. 12 in one hand a dozen in the other......
  13. Gotta remember that when they are asking you for your paperwork they are smelling your breath. I don't mind being stopped out on the soft water in the summer. I've met and gabbed with most of the OPP water unit at one time or another either out on the water or at Picnic Island while getting ice cream cones for the kids. If you have everything in order, you have nothing to worry about.
  14. Spend what you can afford and try to buy the cleanest looking one you can find. Make sure everything works and the canvas is in good shape. You'll get a better deal now that it's not camping season, another month or 2 and they will be selling really quick. Make sure you check everywhere for mould and mildew. If it smells musty then say no thanks. Good luck.
  15. I'll probably go either on Friday or Saturday depending on the family schedule.
  16. Second the Labour Board. They should be able to help you somewhat.
  17. You'll get a call in a few days to see if you are still interested. Invoice price, MSRP etc... are misleading because dealers get breaks if they sell so many cars they get a couple of free ones.... Pretty much all retailers play that game now. Dealer list is meaningless. As a financial advisor, I'm obligated to report any suspicious transactions to FINTRAC. I can't take cash now even though it is Legal Tender with the new money laundering rules. Big brother is watching....... I think the ultimate goal is to eliminate paper money ie.cash and make everything electronic so the government can make sure they get their cut on every single transaction made and to eliminate money laundering for terrorist groups and the like.
  18. I'm not that old to sit and troll, I still cast for my fish........... Anyone have cabin fever???
  19. Well, it sounds like you are doing your homework. Just get her somewhere that is more comfortable for her whether it's hot and dry or hot and humid, hopefully there will be decent fisihing for you nearby. Good luck to you guys.
  20. I guess the silly season is kicking in. For those that haven't been around for a while here's a tip- if you don't like the contents of a thread, don't read it and don't follow it. Very simple. A lot of fishermen/women are hunters as well and quite a few friendships have begun on this website which is fantastic and I hop on a couple of times a day when I get a chance. There is nothing wrong with posting a thread that has nothing to do with fishing. Like Rick said, if you don't like it, go somewhere else. This is a community and our faithful Admins are around to keep the peace and thankfully, they aren't kept too busy with that. Please enjoy responsibly.
  21. Some nice looking 'eyes from Lake Winterpeg. U keep any for the frying pan??
  22. Oh yeah, I remember............ 2pc snack pack from Kentucky Plucky for a buck. 2cent double bubbles, Asteroids, Space Invader, Missle Command............Atari, Intellivision...... Istill miss the Flintstones at noon.... Kids now have too many diversions and just too much choice of stuff to do. Jeez, as a kid, a stick was a multi purpose toy...... I can honestly say that my kids have more toys now than my brother and I had our entire lives. We had one cardboard box of toys and we shared with all the kids on the street, we'd pool our toys and play all day until the street lights came on. Now let your kids out like that without direct supervision.....
  23. I don't think military FMJ is even legal for hunting purposes, be careful with that. Practice all you want with it. I used to blast off 2 or 3 bandoliers of .303 at a time target shooting out at the farm but now that ammo is getting hard to come by and it pretty pricey. I used to find 500 rounds in stripper clips in bandoliers for $150 or so way back when. Now..............
  24. Wayne, if the wife needs hot and dry, get yer butts down to Arizona. Real Estate is still cheap down there and from what I hear from a buddy of mine who's a teacher in Yuma, there are much worse places to live. Don't mess with her health by dilly-dallying. BTW, we went to St.Maarten for our honeymoon almost 7 years ago and stayed at the Maho. Yes it's loud with the planes coming in starting at 7am but it's kinda cool. I rented a Fat Boy for the day (a 100th anniversary model) and toured the whole island, it takes about 45mins to go all the way around. It's a nice island, did you go to Philipsburg when there was a cruise ship around?? (prices go up 50%) We met a bunch of people from Canada, 2 couples from the GTA who were friends of friends and another couple from Winnipeg who were friends of friends of my wife's (who is from the 'Peg). We had a blast and the one fellow from Winnipeg was a pilot for the Canadian Forces (co-pilot in a Herc) and I spent a fair bit of time getting blasted around the beach by the jet blast (we weren't too stupid to get very close) and he critiqued the landings. Prettty cool that they have to make a quick turn right after rotation or else they'll hit a mountain.
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