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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. Come on people, start wearing your PFD's. I have an inflatable that I bought for $99. They have come down in price and are probably the cheapest insurance you will ever get. Nobody needs to drown.
  2. My condolences to you and your family. Grandfather's are real special people. I lost one 19 years ago and miss him dearly and my other grandfather is hanging in there at 98y.o.
  3. Nice looking fish!! I'll have to tell a buddy of mine who fishes for Salmon up there, all he's caught this year was a cold...........
  4. Next time you are at your doctor's office, ask for a syringe. It works the best. I believe you can get them at BassPro if you want one. Basically it is a little bottle with a needle on it, you stick it in the worm and stuff it full of air so it floats off the bottom. Works great with a Lindy rig for walleye fishing the northern lakes.
  5. I could not agree with you more. A lot of the big cruiser guys don't care about right of way and no wake zones. Actually, it's not a bad area for fishing, you could go hide in a couple of the bays that are less than 5minutes away and fish in that wind on the leeward side of some of the islands. I won't mention where cuz that's some of my honey holes.
  6. Good one!! You should hear some of the stories I've heard from the HH locals....
  7. It could be pooched, it is 4 years old. Take it in to a Canadian tire and have them do a load test to see if there is any life in it.
  8. I don't think a CO would have charged you. There are a lot of musky guys out on GBAY and the CO's know that. With an explanation, you would have been ok. How'd you like Picnic Island?? Our park is next to Paragon Marina where you see all the big cruisers. Wild weekend for weather.
  9. $10 lesson learned. No biggie, we've all spent that much or more on 1 lure that never caught any fish... yet!! There's lots of guys and gals on this board that make their own lures that are great and will stand up to the abuse of toothy critters trying to rip them apart.
  10. Looks Dee-li-cious!! Beer can chicken rocks!! Garlic salt, pepper and a bit of paprika for colour and that's it!! Gotta love cooking on charcoal, gas just doesn't give you the flavour.
  11. I had the kids out in the boat on Friday and figured I'd get some fishing done on Sunday out on GBay, NOPE!! Jeez, at the rate I'm going, I won't wash 1 musky lure this year......
  12. I'd wait for Wayne (Irishfield) to get back. A trip to Penetang might be worth your while. You know he'll take care of it for you PROPERLY. You need to open up the bottom of the boat so he can get to all the rivets (both sides). Could be they only need a whack to tighten them up.
  13. When you are up in the boonies, you have to remember that every gallon of fuel needs to be boated in so yes, it will be expensive. The lack of fish is kinda frustrating though, only 5-6 walters per day isn't much. There is always a trip next year..........
  14. Nice!! Toss out all the expensive and 'nice' rods and reels and use the DORA rod, my daughter's little pink rod caught more fish than everything else put together that I have.....LOL
  15. Quantum or Shimano. Usually, the more you spend on a baitcaster, the better the reel. If you need to save up another couple of weeks, do it, you won't be disappointed.
  16. I agree with Jedi, you sign a contract, live up to your end of it. As for JohnnyBass, your comment about the economic crisis doesn't even begin to explain what happened. It was complicated to say the least. Most of the perpetrators barely understood what they were doing let alone the average layperson.
  17. NICE musky!! Me thinks you now have the disease!! Good catch bud.
  18. Saw it last night with the mrs. I love Sly's line to Arnie, 'you want to run for president??' It was a classic '80's shoot'em up action flick with modern effects and fight scenes. Randy Couture and Steve Austin was a great fight scene.
  19. Pretty much any of the acid based hull cleaners will do the job very nicely. My boat is a mess too and I'll be pulling it out of the water in a couple of weeks to give it a quick cleaning. I picked up a 4L jug of hull cleaner at one of the local marinas for a good price and pour about 1L into a pail and mix another litre or so of water and then fill up a spray bottle and spray the hull down, a quick scrub with a car wash brush and hose off and she looks great.
  20. Welcome to our little community.
  21. And yes, I know it's more than 2.5hrs from the GTA but not by plane....... (You did mention that money is no object....)
  22. The greatest scenery and fishing I have ever had the pleasure of partaking in, Lake Of The Woods.
  23. Gotta be coming up on 10 years old or so, my f in law has a 55lbPowerdrive that he bought in '03 and it is all black.
  24. The 870 is a nice piece. I have a 20ga Wingmaster that is real easy on the shoulder and an older 12ga 870. Very reliable, outlasted my dad's 12ga Mossberg 500 that broke 2 firing pins at the wrong times.
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