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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. Here's a great tip on fuel issues. Run premium fuel in your engine. It does not contain any ethanol. You are getting better fuel, yes it costs more, BUT, it has more cleaning additives in it. If you do run regular AND your boat sits for longish periods between use and fueling, you should put some sort of fuel preservative whether it's Startron, Stabil Marine (the blue stuff), or Seafoam. Gasoline breaks down after 3 months or so and if you end up having a fuel separation problem, it is a big problem, gas on the top layer and water/alcohol on the bottom layer.... corrosion in your tank, possible problems with the tank material itself.... the list goes on and on. I learned about this last year and definitely don't want these types of issues. I run Premium gas in my I/O and don't expect to have any problems. In the fall when the boat sat for a couple of weeks between use, I put in some Stabil just to be safe.
  2. LAKE OF THE WOODS!!! Wake up in the morning, catch a pair of walleye for brekkie and then spend the rest of the day muskie fishing or smallie fishing or largie fishing or pike fishing or laker fishing or, or, or,.... get the message. Huge body of water that has incredulous multi species fishing and gorgeous scenery.
  3. I've got an hankering for sub all of a sudden, with a side of Skeeter.
  4. Lew, good to hear your daughter is ok. Who cares about the car, your daughter is fine, you can fix or replace a car, your child....... Take care my friend.
  5. I'd also recommend the Eastern shore of Superior. Lots of campsites and spectacular scenery. Algonquin is nice too. All depends on what they like to do.
  6. Oh Great!! Now I have something else to look at on my stupid Crackberry. But really, good for you guys, I'm not always near my computer.
  7. Abu Records are decent reels. My 2 go to reels are my Record 60 and my Calcutta 400TE. I use my Curado 300E for the smaller bucktails. The big 7000i Abu is for trolling and chucking the big Cowgirls.
  8. You can get a handgun here in Canada but you have to have a Restricted PAL. That means getting your regular PAL, joining a recognized shooting club and jumping through a few more hoops. You can get it but it's more difficult and any handgun you buy has to have at least a 4inch barrel otherwise it would be considered a Prohibited weapon. Amazingly enough, I have been to a couple of gun shows with a friend who shoots pistols competitively, you should see the sort of stuff out there. I have seen a Russian 23mm Anti Aircraft gun with ammunition that gets fired every year at a range. That, I don't understand. What on Earth do you need an anti aircraft gun for??? Pistols too for that matter, they are designed to kill people, not animals for hunting purposes. Rifles and shotguns definitely. I am opposed to the Registry. If you take firearms out of the hands of your citizens, you in effect control them and can do whatever you wish because they cannot defend themselves. That is Sociology 101 kids.
  9. Doorknobs!! I hope they meet Bubba in jail!! They had better get what they deserve.
  10. If it looks like you are going to hurt the fish trying to take out the hooks, get your Knipex cutters and cut them or if it looks like it will be too hard to take them out cut them. Hooks are not that expensive, killing a big musky.........(not money wise but resource wise).
  11. Use Seafoam fuel system treatment. You can get it at PartSource but it is behind the counter kind of stuff. Many have used it with great success and it also doubles as a fuel stabilizer.
  12. Another thing, make sure your flashlight works, I usually have 2-3 in the boat, the one in my safety kit, my mini-mag-lite and one of those big million candlepower spotlights for late night excursions. My boat is coming out of storage at the beginning of May and it will be spending a couple of weeks on my driveway so I can do some "Work" on it during the evenings (sitting in it having a cold drink with one or two of the neighbours) and also to replace the stereo. I bought a nice Clarion deck, 6 1/2" Clarion speakers, 5 1/4" Pyle speakers and a Pyle 400watt 4 channel amp.
  13. Definitely power directly from the battery and make sure you have good thick power and ground wire, at least 8ga. You don't need much more than 100-150 watts RMS, more than that will shake your truck apart. Go with 2 10" subs with a good amp, don't skimp out on the amp.
  14. That 60 pounder of JD looks like it will numb the pain a bit. All you can do is just take it easy and wait for the soft water season to kick in. You'll be ok in a couple of weeks. Stay away from your buds that are jokers and pray you don't have to sneeze.
  15. Talk to your local MP and raise hell with him/her!!! They will have to look into it and report back to you, especially if a group of local businesses (potential campaign contributors-yes, that's right, spend a little to make a lot) gangs up on him/her. If there are unfair business practices going on with taxpayer dollars then start going up the ladder, if enough stink is made, the government WILL have to act. You never know, if graft is involved, we'll read about this in the papers.
  16. Well, Happy Birthday to you Wayne!! I woulda said you don't look a day over 70, not bad for an old phart who's 101 if your profile is to be believed. I hope the missus has something special planned for you.
  17. My condolences to you Flex. I don't know what I would do without my parents and I'm pushing 40. They have always been there for me whenever I needed help with anything. You take care of yourself and you pass on what your dad taught you, that ensures his immortality.
  18. You'll have to get on it quick. Our trailer park/cottage resort in Honey harbour is already pretty much booked for the summer. My in-laws wanted to rent a cottage for the August long weekend and were informed that it is already booked as is pretty much the whole of August. Temagami would be interesting that's for sure. Good luck.
  19. Now to spool it up with cheap mono and practice, practice, practice. Once you get the hang of it, then go fishing with it.
  20. I took my kids down yesterday with the GO Train, another great option, 2 kids free and daddy forked out $13 for the round trip. The setup with the shuttle bus or the 10 minute walk is just dumb. The venue is all wrong for this type of show but that is just my opinion. It was cool to see the Canadian Forces setup and that was the type of 50cal rifle that the Canadian sniper made the 2.4km shot to kill a Taliban fighter with an American teflon coated bullet (he ended up leaving the Forces over the crap he got into for using American ammunition, our snipers were sent over with very little or no ammo and had to borrow from our allies there). Go figure. I've heard stories of patrols going out with only 10 rounds of 50cal per machine gun or having none at all. It goes to show the commitment and dedication our troops have and I am proud of them, however our government and top echelons of the forces need to address some of these supply problems. We have been in Afganistan for years now, these types of problems should not be happening. I'm not trying to highjack this thread but I am venting. As for deals, I picked up a Barbie fishing rod with the handle that lights up for my youngest for $12.63from LeBaron's which was an incredible price compared to the $20 another retailer wanted. For myself, I picked up a Nautilus manual inflatable PFD for $99 from Lakeview Marine. They purchased a huge amount earlier this year and have been blowing them out. They also had props on for $65 from a discontinued line and I'm going to do some homework on that one to see if it would be worth it. I saw the new GLoomis Walleye GLX rod and fell in love, what a sweet rod but for $399, I can't justify it. Maybe one day when I grow up.
  21. I wonder if the sniper rifle is the 50cal? If so, that is what one of our snipers took out a Taliban rocketeer with at something like 3 kms away. It was the record distance kill by a sniper.
  22. If they stay up the Eastern side of Beausoliel Island in the back channels and bays they will be fine. The open water is a different story. It can be downright scary if the wind picks up. It all depends where they plan on boating to and from. If they are on the leeward side of the prevailing winds (westerly)they should be ok. We need some more info. I boat on GBay and know the waters fairly well so more info would be great and maybe we can help some more. BTW, that boat looks decent.
  23. I picked up a Wally World dual purpose starting/deep cycle for my TM last year and it worked great, at the end of the season I picked up a Walleye 1 deep cycle for a hundred bucks and it worked great, I trolled for 2 days on them and they did not go flat. Wait for Canadian Tire to put their 'Intelligent' chargers on special. Supposedly, they will automatically analyze the condition of the battery and charge it accordingly taking the guess work out on your part. They are even supposed to help bring sulfated batteries back to life (a bad battery is still a bad battery).
  24. Can't go wrong with a Honda. My f-in-law had a Yammie 650 quad and it was awesome to blast around on the logging and mining roads out Kenora way. ENJOY!!! When I was a kid I had a Honday XR100 that I kicked the snot out of and it never quit. Jeez, I miss riding.........Now to convince the missus that I need a Harley.....
  25. Suuuuuwwwwwweeeeett!!!! Very nice ride. That's daddy's dream boat!!! One day when I grow up.............
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