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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. I have a buddy at work. 3 teenagers and one income. He barters for everything! He has got discounts from every box store you can imagine....so yes it happens.
  2. For the people involved and for Muskie fishermen I hope it works out cause alot of hard work sweat and money has went into it. However I still feel that Muskie went the way of the dodo bird in Simcoe for a reason and I don't ever see all the hard work panning out. Now if as dedicated a group was to take on a similar project for a more sought after species on Simcoe...pick one...the efforts would have been appreciated by far more people. Again I hope it works out. I just wanted to add my full 3 Cents worth.
  3. I agree 100% with iTunes. After I started to hear about cases going to court for pirating music I started to worry about it. So I wiped all of my Limewire off my computer and started using iTunes. It would be my luck that the week I retired I got nailed and they took my hard earned nest egg away from me because I was too cheap to pay a few bucks for music. In the last year and a half Debbe & I have purchased 96 songs. iTunes are .99 cents or $1.29 a song...you do the math. I won't even go there with regards to stealing music...others can be judge and jury on that one. Perhaps those pirating will never get caught. Maybe they will. Who knows? The route I have chosen allows me to sleep better at night. That's what's important to me.
  4. My neighbor used to do that. Cept he was draggin the carcass home to bury under his rose bushes. Musta worked his roses where beautiful. He used to try and convince me I should do that for my Asparagus patch. I did it once and concluded that the effort required was not worth it.
  5. I few years back I was on Simcoe Dec17 or 18 perch fishing. Had to ram over an inch of ice out of the marina with my boat to fish...but we sure hammered the perch that day I think that late a date on Simcoe will be hard for me to beat. Honestly once we are into December I'd rather be on the ice ice fishing then in the boat.
  6. Nice perch porn Billy Bob :thumbsup_anim: I'm hoping to hit my honey hole for the first time next Sunday. Enjoy the fish fry.
  7. Like others...I'd probably never leave Ontario to fish...just too much beautiful water to cover here at home. However my boat, tow vehicle and cottage would get some real serious upgrading
  8. Had a planned outage this spring at our place in Bobcaygeon. Gave us 3 weeks advance notice. Never gave any thought to asking for a rebate. It was supposed to be from 6AM to 9AM on a Sunday morning. It was only out for less then an hour. Maybe your outage will not be all day, just a portion of it.
  9. Yep my wifes the expert. Lucky me I married someone with looks and brains We work as a team. Somethings in our marriage she is better at then me and visa versa so we trust each other in our respective areas of expertise. Pretty sure thats how a marriage is supposed to work. Call me the pot or the kettle or both if it makes you happy. But I can promise you that you will NEVER see a threat started on OFC by me complaining about how the big bad government or those terrible people at the bank are trying to make me poor.
  10. My wife and I have been contributing to it since it was rolled out. I think it is a great tool to help save for retirement. My wife is a banker and has a background in finance so she is the expert..so I really can't help anyone with suggestions about this topic. I however can say with 100% certainty that if you had taken the time to understand completely how the investment works before you go playing around with it...this unfortunate thing would not have happened. Sorry if I seem insensitive. I just have reached a point in my life where I'm a little sick and tired of hearing people complain about how the government or the bank ROBBED them...when in most cases it is just people not taking ownership for a problem that was created through there own ignorance.
  11. Cudz, totally understand and respect your decision. Fishing is a passion that my young family and wife never shared. I pretty much gave it up for 10-12 years. Once the kids started to hang with friends and not require constant adult supervision/attention I started to get back into it again. Just got back from the cottage and fished for 3 hours yesterday with my son. Thats twice this summer and I can honestly say we never fished twice in a summer together before. He is 22 now and on his own so it's more about one on one father and son time then fishing...but we both enjoy it. My wife was in the boat 3 times this summer as well. That has never happened before either. I guess I'm just trying to say that if you take care of your family then they will eventually understand your passion for fishing and want to share time on the water with you because they want to be with you. If they actually end up sharing your passion that's just a bonus. I could not be happier with how it has worked out for me. I wish you the same outcome.
  12. Keep up the good work Simon. You and your family will benefit EVERYDAY from this unselfish decision you have made
  13. Just put a Prime Rib in the oven at 200 degrees for 4 hour approx. When the thermometer says 140 it's time to eat. Having roasted sweet potatoes,onions,parsnips and rutabaga done in a lemon cumin brown sugar sauce with it. One of my favs. We have been waiting awhile for a cooler day to have the oven going. BTW how hot do you have the BBQ going when you do this? And I'm assuming your doing indirect heat. Looks good Enjoy your supper
  14. Our little Lucas does the same for me :thumbsup_anim: Especially in the summer cause he always wants to go out and play around in my vegetable garden. "Ghepah...that's how he pronounces it... can we go out and water your garden?"...puts a smile on my face everytime. And watching the excitement in his face when you dig a hill of pototoes and he fishes them out of the ground as they appear. Priceless
  15. Your proud and you should be. Good on your son
  16. Stand up to the plate..point the bat at the right field bleachers...and let er rip.
  17. The happiest retirees I know, still work. They however don't work 40+ hours a week and some of them do volunteer work and don't make a dime doing it. There is something to be said for having a purpose to get your behind out of bed in the morning. Everyone has to find what works best for them. All the best Cliff at finding out the right mix to make your tomorrow's rewarding relaxing and worthwhile. If you are having some trouble adjusting and your driving Sue crazy....I'm your man for a fishing intervention. Fall perch are about 4-5 weeks away
  18. "What's he do nibble your bum?" Great way to start my day. Thanx for this thread
  19. Welcome. Come on in sit down, relax and enjoy. Good group here and newcomers are always welcome. Good luck when you get your boat in the water.
  20. Did you splash some Heinz on that or use the no name stuff Wayne
  21. So I had a few trees taken down at the cottage. One was a nice birch that I'm cutting up to bring home and burn in my wood stove. I figure maybe 1/2 a bush cord total. I have always bought seasoned firewood and never used fresh wood I have cut myself. My question is this. I just stacked the first bunch...smaller pieces/limb wood.... of it directly in my garage. It will be totally out of the weather. Will it be seasoned/dry enough for me to burn this winter or should I wait until next winter? And what about the body wood if I get it split and stored out of the weather? Thx to all for any helpful info.
  22. Slightly before my time...but alot of his stuff is timeless. I think "In the Ghetto" is one of my FAV's of his too. I think your mistaken about the death thing though Brian. He was 2 behind me in line at No Frills today
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