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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. I say find out if you enjoy it before you spend a lot of $$$ on it. Skip the hut, skip the heater. Bundle up and head out on a nice day and give it a go. The best advice I can give is dress light for the walk out. I stuff my extra cloths in a waterproof bag. Do your walk and drill your holes. Once you have settled in if you start to get chilled start layering the extra cloths on. It's a lot better then wearing too much cloths out and getting all sweaty and then sitting out in the elements with damp cloths and getting a chill...cause that will ruin your day faster then anything. I would also suggest sunglasses and a baseball cap to keep the sun/glare out of your eyes. I use a 5 inch strikemaster lazer auger for 90% of my fishing..so I wouldn't worry too much about an auger bigger then 6 inches to start. Get out and give it a go.
  2. Congrats Cliff :thumbsup_anim: If you need someone to sample your pepperettes when you get them...I'll gladly volunteer
  3. I have a UL St Croix Premier for perching. The only ice rod I have broke down and spent a little more $$$ then normal on...cause I had a gift certificate and figured what the hell. Absolute junk...never again. The heavier ones for the type of fishing you plan on doing might be different. But I would never recommend there UL rods.
  4. Yes it was a beauty fall day...but the blue skies and flat water really made the bite tough. Though Erika and I did better in the boat then you shore bound lads...it was by far my slowest day in there this fall for both size and numbers. We ended up with 22 over 10 inches for a big fish fry for the whole family when we got home. Good to see you both again and it was fun watching peanut in action as well. That is what I call a "fishing dog"
  5. Iggy..god that's a great name Joey Enjoy your little bundle of joy.
  6. Nice gator Mike reminds me of the Kawartha Muskie Beans got last year on a corn baited hair rig..fishing for carp Still wish I had a camera that day Life is like a box of chocolates Forest....
  7. Funny how things work out. I always said the first thing I wanted to get when I retired was a fishing dog. We had 2 dogs and a cat when we got married but my daughters severe reactions to flea bites made us give up our furry friends. Fast forward and circumstances conspired to have us with 2 cats instead. But I still wanted a dog as I always had one growing up. One cat is gone now but I have really grown to love the one we have. So much so that I'm starting to rethink getting a dog when I retire... they are just that much more work and an inconvenience when you wanna travel. I am told we will be doing MUCH travelling when we retire. Our lifestyle now is much more suited to having a nice friendly cat to come home too. I never ever thought I would be a cat person...but I guess it is true. Pearl...our kitty... has made me appreciate having a cat. Just tossing in my 2 cents Joey. I know whatever decision you make will be right for yourself and Paul.
  8. I look forward to getting out with you this winter Brian. Perch or Whities/Lakers....doesn't matter to me. We will just have to get it done this year. BTW I don't think Apple makes the shuffle anymore. But the Nano's are awesome.plus they tell time and are able to get FM radio as well. I already asked Santa for one.
  9. I love the ice If it came down to only one type of fishing...I honestly think I would choose ice fishing. I am perfectly happy wandering out on my own for a day on the ice. I do not enjoy going out in my boat alone...much rather have company for that. Bundled up in my Fish Trap...with my ipod shuffle playing some of my favourite tunes while I haul in fish. That's what I'm waiting for
  10. I think both of you are basket cases You got off lucky Cliff. You should have seen what happened to the last guy who tried to crowd me out :whistling: Seriously though...that was pretty much a perfect day. Bites all day... but much better size in the afternoon after it warmed up. I don't know how many quality throwbacks we had in the last couple of hours but I know it was a bunch. The weather was beautiful, and our banter pretty much kept a smile on my face most of the day. The three of us have been getting together in the winter for some Smelt fishing down Bruce's way. Hopefully a fall fishing trip together for perch will be something we can carry on with as well. Thx for a great day gentlemen
  11. Tee Hee you said breast Looks good Bruce. Hopefully Sunday is good and you will have lots more perch to barter with
  12. Yes I have. A well thought out and designed hut. 2 thumbs up from this guy :thumbsup_anim:
  13. Love to see this stuff I'm happy your son has rediscovered fishing. I know how good those days on the water are. I'm hoping to get my daughter out for some fall perching in the next month. We haven't done that together for awhile. Thx for sharing that :thumbsup_anim:
  14. LOL Beansie....I do believe there are a few trees in that general area that have the same problem BTW did you and Dave make it up there this past week? Ted and I slayed perch in there yesterday
  15. Head for Pefferlaw and follow the hordes...you will get bit.
  16. I'm doing just fine Shayne. Come fall I'm in my happy place chasing perch. Much like your in your happy place blasting birds Pinch me....did somebody say free I got no problem hauling my trailer up your way to get it Shayne. And I certainly don't mind splitting it. My only concern with the have to get it part is there any off roading involved that my VW just will not be able to do? Once you find out for sure shoot me a PM. And thank you kindly for your help.
  17. Like Lew I enjoy the exercise. And when they drop it off in the driveway it only takes about 30 minutes to get it stacked up. It wouldn't cut into any fishing time at all. You are right I don't have a truck but my VW tows my trailer just fine and I have hauled lots of wood and wooden skids home and too the cottage for burning. And in 22 years of living here I have never had an issue with firing up the chainsaw, but it doesn't happen alot. For the amount I have a fire...2-3 times a winter tops...it would be far more expensive for me to convert over to gas or propane as I already have everything I need for a wood fire. I could not justify that cost to myself for the amount that I would actually use it. Myself it is the whole experience of having a fire that I enjoy. Flipping a switch just wouldn't do it for me. I have always said there is 3 things I will never have in my home.An automatic garage door opener, a fake fireplace or an automatic dishwasher. So far I have broke down with the garage door opener because of Debbe's arthritis but I'm still holding firm on the other 2. When I threw this on the board I was just hoping someone local to me had a name/number to give me of someone they used to buy there wood from. Debbe is the one who really enjoys the fire so I want to get some wood in here so my favorite pyromaniac can play with it. She is suffering from withdrawal now since we have bid the cottage farewell until May.
  18. Yes it was a perfect day despite the not so perfect weather. Tell your mom she is welcome in my boat anytime. The "shore lunch" was great and so are the goodies you sent home with me. And I'm hoping to get the garlic planted later this week when things warm up and dry up a little. Once again thx for a good day Bruce. Like I already told you, if you can sneak up again this fall, I will have a spot reserved in the boat for you.
  19. Have a good woodstove. Got a source of wood almost free years ago but that source dried up so the woodstove is for enjoyment only now and doesn't get used too much. Ran out of wood last winter and was looking to get a bushcord this winter. Anyone out there have a source for good firewood in or around Oshawa. Aged stuff I can burn this winter. I'd appreciate any help I can get.
  20. Best advice I can give.Take one weekend to give plastics an honest effort for Simcoe perch. 90% of the time they outfish minnows and then you will NEVER have to worry about hunting down bait. I'm on Simcoe for perch 8 months of the year and I haven't bought minnows in almost 20 years.
  21. Hit my fall spot on Simcoe for the first time with my old man Monday. Fished from 9-1;30 and kept 27 in the 10-12 inch range. Could have limited out easily with 10-12 inchers. Let a few go that where pushing 14 inches. Man I love the fall perching on Simcoe. Bigugli it should be good for our trip in there on the 2nd. I'm looking forward to meeting your mom...and I'm fasting for the occasion 8feet of water fishing plastics under a float. Does it get any easier then that?
  22. Where you at Glen? The cat just went crazy and ran under the bed here in Oshawa. Mind you that's not an uncommon occurrence
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