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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Thx for sharing that. Used to love Sesame Street. Ernie rules
  2. I thought I was the only one. Walleye for table fare are the most over rated fish on the planet IMHO. A cottage in the Kawartha's and I have not kept one for the table for years now. Crappies Bluegills and any good sized perch are all I harvest for the table up there.
  3. I have always thought they where entitled to take the conservation limit...but I'm not 100% on this one.
  4. Thx for sharing that. ERD 97 graphics on the boat is a fine way to remember someone who meant so much to you and your family. I'm sure he would appreciate being in your thoughts everytime you headed out on the water. Sounds like heaven got another good one. My condolences to you and yours.
  5. I found $3.25 in the parking lot the other day getting out of my car....does that count
  6. Nice one my friend Wish I would have been there to be your net man. This working for a living has it's drawbacks
  7. My folks had the money Phil, but when I was 12 the deal became we will pay your registration and the rest is up to you. All through growing up I did farm work to pay for my sports. Worked on turkey farms, pig farms, picked apples at an orchard. Best gig I ever had though was liming & raking the diamonds and putting the bases out for baseball games at our school where the house league teams played. That was easy money compared to some of the farm chores I did. I learned alot of skills and work ethic doing all these things and I am thankful for it. 40 years from now I can't imagine those boys out in front of the LCBO this past weekend will be looking back on the experience and thinking " Boy am I glad my folks made me do that cause I'm a better man for it". Oh and I played junior as well. It was SWEEEEEET. They paid everything...even my skate sharpening :thumbsup_anim:
  8. Thx for sharing that. My son now 22 never turned into a fisherman. But he was up at the cottage 2 weekends ago and asked if we could get out in the boat and spend some time together on the water. I don't think I ever got the boat and gear organized so fast in my life Spend 3 hours on the Sunday morning watching the world wake up while solving the world's problems and catching fish. He must have said 10 times that day after we came in how much he enjoyed it and that he hoped we would/ could do it more often. There is no drug in the world that could have made me feel better then I did that day. He just might turn into a fisherman after all
  9. I never had an issue with fund raising. It's the "panhandling" outside the LCBO that I take offense with. And perhaps I am a fuddy duddy for expecting some form of a thank you with regards to giving my $$$ to a total stranger to help support there extra curricular activities. I can live with that.
  10. I agree 100% I wouldn't be in the kitchen here flipping burgers if I couldn't take the heat Roy
  11. Just got back from a local liquor store. A bunch of I'm guessing 10 year old boys in baseball uniforms asking for donations to help pay for there team to go to Cuba. No ticket sales for any prizes so some good hearted donator has a chance for something in return ...just sticking batters helmets in the faces of everybody trying to enter the store asking for money. And a group of parents chatting 10 feet away keeping an eye on things I guess. Maybe it's just me but it really rubbed me the wrong way. I did my share of selling tickets,chocolate covered almonds, casino nights etc etc for my sons sports, but any team he was on never asked for money without something for the donator in return. And to top it off making the poor kids beg in front of the LCBO on a beautiful summer long weekend when they should be out enjoying the long weekend with them. I'm just glad my son was never on a team that thought this was the way to get money for there kids sports, cause I know I would never support it. There I FEEL BETTER NOW. On a happier note. Packing for the cottage so things are all ready to go when the boss gets off work at 5.
  12. Yep your entitled to a new one every 5 years. I got the same model and leave my old one at the cottage rather then carting one back and forth. Not that it's a big deal. It's the size of a loaf of bread..weighs maybe 5 LBS... and comes with a soft sided carrying case like a tackle bag. Just throw it over your shoulder and your off.
  13. I was wondering when you might chime in. Lew...everything the big guy says X2 I am a fellow Darth Vader since 2004
  14. Ummmm garlic....love the stuff...now can you cook without it If you get up this fall for some perching Bruce any chance you could bring me 3-4 bulbs so I can start a little patch this fall. I haven't planted it for years cause it's so cheap to buy...but your haul looks so good...it's got me thinking I might have to try it again.
  15. Your squeezing in time to get out...that's the main thing. I've even got Debbe out in the boat 3 times in the last 2 weeks and have had a good feed of bluegills after each outing. Love those tasty little buggers.
  16. Relatives in Sudbury go there all the time and are as equally impressed as you are. One of my visits up there I will have to make the effort to get over there for myself cause I love Sushi Oh and happy SWEET 16 to Tara :clapping:
  17. Yep a nice winter day drillin holes and nailing perch would suit me just fine right about now I got all the proper cloths to stay warm and toasty even on the worst winters day...but there is nothing you can do to make a day out in this enjoyable. Even a nice swim only cools you off for 10 minutes. By the time you towel off your already starting to get hot and sweaty again
  18. It was so hot today I went to work early cause there A/C is better then mine
  19. Glad you 2 hooked up and had a good day Thx for sharing it with us.
  20. Nice "Cooler of Death" there Emil. Never fished Erie for perch. It looks like I'm missing out. A cooler of tasty fish and a nice refreshing swim to end the day. Thx for sharing that with us
  21. Enjoyed it all. Thx for taking the time to share with us.
  22. My old stomping grounds. I'd be all over it if I still lived over that way. Good luck getting someone to hook up with.
  23. Thx for sharing Simon. I enjoyed them all. I'm not a camera guy at all...it rarely occurs to me to snap a few shots of what's going on around me. But I sure do appreciate when others take the time.
  24. Debbe and I have stayed over at Cliff & Sue's and broke some of Cliffs homemade bread at their supper table so I know exactly what your saying about making you feel like family. You would have a hard time finding a nicer couple. You can't help but have a great time with them. And Shayne is a stand up guy and a great fisherman as well. Great food,company and some time on the water with someone who knows how to catch fish. Sounds like a great holiday to me
  25. Yeah it is a 6 I forgot that. Back in the day we used to long line for spring lakers and I got the 6 because it held a million yards of line
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