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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Much better then crappie IMHO. Last spring my crappie spot was overrun with big gills...lots over 10 inches. Needless to say the crappie I was catching went back in the lake.
  2. Lucas will be three in July. I have decided that he is getting to the age where it's time for grandpa to do his level best to get him into fishing. Mudcats where always plentiful back home in the Grand through Fergus and I spent lots of time catching them. And nothing is simpler for a child. They are willing biters and if they are around in numbers you can have a blast. A worm on a jighead under a float and you are good to go. I am located in Oshawa now and having not grown up in this area I have never looked for Mudcats around here. I have a spot up on Simcoe south of Orillia that usually starts anytime soon and goes into May...but I'm not to sure how the little guy will handle the 3 hour round trip in the car. So I'm hoping someone who knows Durham can point me in the right direction to give this a try closer to home...say 30-40 minutes tops from Oshawa. Any help would be great. PM me if you wanna keep it off the board. Thx to all that reply and Happy Easter
  3. Love these posts. My daughter was much more into fishing then my son when she was younger. But that changed when she got a little older and discovered BOYS Now she is a parent herself and I'm looking forward to getting out this summer with her and my 3 year old grandson Lucas Sorry no pictures to share...but I'd love to see as many father/daughter pics as you all can muster. Brings back good memories for me.
  4. No way no now I would EVER keep that many..gotta take Big Cliffs side on that issue...but I am very envious of your catch, particularly the size of the smelt. Looks like that would have been a blast.
  5. I never set any goals this year...but congrats on reaching yours Coming from someone who has fought with extra weight my whole adult life I know how hard it is... and how happy you are when you can do it.
  6. Note to self...convince my daughter that my grandson wants to grow up to be a Vet
  7. Good advice if you are up to a little work/or have access to skids Meely. Thats what I have been doing here at work. We actually save all our broken skids/scrap wood at work in bins to go out as waste. I just go around when the bins are full...about once every 3 months...and cart the wood home to cut up. Then I throw a weekends worth in boxes when we head for the cottage. It cost me about 4 hours of my time for all my campfire wood last summer. Be real careful when cutting though...skids have lotsa nails in them
  8. Depends on what stage of your live you are at. If you are older IMHO a move for money will not make a difference. After 50 unless you already have a nest egg or it is a HUGE amount more $$$ the extra coin will not matter for your retirement. At 47 my career changes would be geared towards a shorter work week and more time off. Things like a 30 hour pay week or a compressed week...work four 10 hour days to get a 3 day weekend every weekend. A shorter commute if you have a long one. That's the stuff that appeals to me now.
  9. Sad indeed. My condolences to friends and family. I never knew John personally but wish I had. The way he carried himself on this board conveyed to me that he was a stand up guy.
  10. WOW. But I'm thinking my 15 Merc on my 14footer isn't ever gonna put me in that situation.
  11. The last of the ice went out last weekend.
  12. You know I'm just pulling your leg Beansie Can't wait to get back in the swing again this summer. As long as you show up you can be as noisy as you please
  13. A guy I fish with all summer does this EVERY cast...and I MEAN EVERY CAST I have never taken the alarm plunge. I was actually given one by a Brit we fish with in Peterboro. But I have never hooked it up. I hear my baitrunner fine when I get a pick up and I don't wander away from my rod. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
  14. Glad you back wasting time here like the rest of us Bruce Now we gotta see a fishing report with some fish porn or a few shots of some of your home cookin...just so we know for sure that it is you
  15. Sorry to hear about more health concerns Rick. Wishing you the best in wading through this latest challenge.
  16. You sir obviously never tried my first last and only attempt at a B-day cake. The HORROR Nice looking work in the other posts though
  17. My daughter quit on the patch...before she decided to have kids. I was and still am very proud of her decision to quit and her reason for quitting...so she wouldn't bring a child into the world to see his/her mom smoking. She had nothing but good things to say about the patch. Good luck with your turn at quitting Twilight. I hope you do it
  18. Real close to where I work so I know I will wander in...but it stopped being an EVENT for me when they stopped spooling line for a buck.
  19. I have a propane BBQ at both the cottage and at home, but I also have 20 LB spares for both. One of the tanks here at home is 8 years old...the cottage has an older one too but I won't know the age until I get up there to check it. I'm going to take them regardless because as you pointed out even if I don't need them today...I'm sure I will find someone who would appreciate them.
  20. Heaters and stoves are for ice fishing sissies or do I not have that cool stuff because I'm a walker and don't wanna drag out the extra weight...lol...so I have never entertained the idea of refilling the 1 pounders. Thx for the reply Wayne.
  21. A coworker has switched from propane to gas for his BBQ and offered me his two 20LB tanks since he has no use for them anymore. They are both 5 years old. Since they are free I was just going to fill them and use as spares at the cottage and at home. My question. Is there a time frame as to how long propane can be stored in a tank? Are they going to be OK if they sit full for a number off years or should I leave them empty until I intend to use them? And does long term storage in the 20LB tank itself have any effect on the quality of the propane? I'm all for getting the tanks for free but if propane spoils...for lack of a better word...or the tanks are damaged by sitting awhile either full or unfull without being used...I'll pass on this freebie. Thx all for any help you can offer.
  22. I'm thinking that would be Steve's plan
  23. First of all congrats It's a big step for everyone. I'm no expert but the best advice I got was take a 5 year term for your first ammortization period. Gives you 5 years to settle into your home and your new life and routines. Then when you renew....knock 5 years off your Amm. So if you start with a 25 year and sign a 5 year term you will be due for renewal at 20 years. At this point change your Amm to 15 years. You will NOT have a problem with the larger payments unless mortgage rates go crazy...but it will knock years and a lot of coin off your mortgage. Also I would recommend paying rapid weekly payments. Another thing that I think is brilliant but I never did it because my house was brand new when I bought it was budget every year for some renovation. A work friend of mine has done this every since he bought his home 15 years ago. He budgets 2 grand a year...ballpark... for some home improvement...doesn't matter what it is..just budget for it...and you will always keep your home up to snuff. We never did that and now 22years later EVERYTHING needs updated or fixed Debbe has the MOTHER of all honeydew lists made up for me and I could keep myself busy for the next 5 years with it. Whatever you do.... enjoy your home and again congratulations.
  24. Not a hunter myself...but I still enjoy watching a pro at work. I wonder how many he has done to get that good?
  25. I have noticed that as well at Timmies. A coffee up in Cottage country quite often seems better. I just always thought it was because the water was better then city water. I however have not noticed that difference in McD's coffee so that shot down my "water" theory.
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