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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. I agree 100%. Over my 34 years of driving I have had a few instances where I have just plain not been paying 100% attention and except for lady luck things could have turned out real bad. I'm not saying people shouldn't be more careful or that cell phones are OK...because they certainly are not. I'm just saying that if you honestly think you couldn't have caused an accident at some point in your life while behind the wheel...I think your only fooling yourself.
  2. My reaction from watching was I'd rather hit the vehicle then a big heavy trailer full of god knows what. Can't say what my reaction would be in a real time incident but that was my thought watching the video.
  3. Congrats on the move Bruce. I know you will enjoy the space and the yard more then being in an apartment.
  4. I think the latest I have ever been on the ice is April 8. Very good chance that record might fall this spring.
  5. Loved this thread last year and I would be happy to see everyone's journey this year too Shayne if you need a hand with any of yours give me a shout. I'm equally adept at sampling whiskey and working. Besides I'm almost out of the syrup you gave me last year
  6. Common practice for the guys that service our printing equipment. The night crew and weekend crew are pretty much strictly on call. A service technician once told me he didn't think his son had ever been driven to the arena for his hockey in his own vehichle as he is on call every other weekend and takes the work van.
  7. Keep up the good work. Been there done that and it's time I got back on that train.
  8. Another newfie with a firearm...heaven help us Wish Jacob a Happy Birthday for me.
  9. I'll be there in 20 minutes Simon. Don't butter the bun on me though. It would make it too heavy for my tummy Similar story Bruce. Old deli right across from my bank. You know back in the day when you had to go to the bank with your pay cheque to get money The best Reuben sandwiches ever with a ton of sauerkraut and pickles on the side. I never did any banking EVER without a deli stop.
  10. I got one from Photoz real cheap when he got me into carping. If I had not gotten a deal I would have made my own. I figure you could build one for free no problem. A bit of scrap lumber some nails and screws.
  11. Thx all. Just wanted to confirm. Having no cell phone I got Debbe to text them a short message and sometimes those short text messages get screwed up. I can't believe we got that much more snow here. Too bad. I was really looking forward to burning half a tank of gas to rush up there after work and then hauling my behind up onto a slippery roof to shovel off the snow No need for a drive by Cliff. But thx for the offer.
  12. We got dumped on real good in Oshawa last night, so I was planning to head up to Bobcaygeon to clear the snow off my roof up there. I sent a short message to my tennants and they responded saying they had no snow last night and said there was no need for me to go up. Can anybody...Big Cliff...Beansie...anybody on here verify if you did get any snow or not last night in the Bobcaygeon area. Thx for any replies.
  13. Construction zones are no fun for anyone. If you think she doesn't like the idea now wait until you have kids and your wife is stuck at home on maternity leave with a sick toddler and a bathroom all tore up or the inlaws show up for a weekend and your kitchen is not quite finished...been there done that. As mentioned above buy a brand new home with an unfinished basement. Todays codes ensure a good standard all around on everything so the house will be sound, and you can putter in the basement without getting in anyone's way. If this is going to be your home and not a flip house any work you do now will be old and tired before you go to sell and you can go reno crazy then. The kids will be out of your hair and you will have more $$$ to play with and way more time. I'm there right now, 26 year old home getting tired and needs some sprucing up. Damned if I have the energy or ambition to do it though
  14. In Pidgeon and Sturgeon near Bobcaygeon anyway the algae has been real bad the last 2 summers. By mid summer I will not go swimming at the public beach because it is so gross. If swimming is something that is real important to you I would not be looking at either of these lakes. I can't comment on the rest of the Kawartha's as I have no firsthand knowledge of the algae concerns/problems there.
  15. Not on the water either....but we have 3 free public launches that are close enough that I can be putting away in my boat less then 10 minutes after I walk out my front door.
  16. That's why I like the Kawartha's Wayne. Our little place in Bobcaygeon is on town sewer and water with a 70 X 180 lot. We just got our 2014 taxes....$1208 for the whole year.
  17. Nice shots Cliff. Where did the white tail one go? It was my favourite
  18. Class all the way Brian. I'm sure they won't sit on the table long.
  19. I hear you about the electric baseboards. Our 640 square foot one floor cottage is baseboard only....$642.06 for the last 30 days Mind you I know it isn't very well insulated either.
  20. You and I are cut from the same cloth Bruce. Sibbald Point PP used to be my favorite winter perching spot. Have been twice in all the years since they started charging for parking. Same goes for IBP although I never went there as much because it is a farther trek. Yes I can afford the pittance they charge. I'm just pig headed enough not to spend it. Lotsa other spots to go wet a line.
  21. Respectfully I disagree Wayne. I'm happy to hear about a sunny day fishing down south or whatever other adventures Cliff and Sue might get into. I however don't wanna see any pics of Cliff in a Speedo
  22. Outdoor cats whether feral or pets will cause the same problems. They all hunt and kill and they all whizz and crap in your yard. It isn't a problem when the number of cats is small..but IMHO that still doesn't make it right. Your pets are your responsibility. I don't know anyone who lets there kids loose to let them kill wildlife or crap in someone else's yard. Not sure why some feel it is OK for there pets to do that A topic that gets under my skin. My apologies to the OP for hijacking his thread.
  23. I understand that Wayne...but thankfully we have never had an issue from critters chewing things up or being where they shouldn't be. Maybe it is because we have winter tennants so someone is always there.However we do have a small opening to the crawl space under the cottage that the critters can always get in. I can't get to it from under the cottage...to tight a fit for me...and I would have to rip the porch apart to access from outside. So we used to find peanut shells under the cottage. Now we have chipmunk and bird carcasses left by those darling cats. And it is sand under there as well...which means to them it is a big old litter box. Yeah I just love people's outdoor cats
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