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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Dang I look forward to them things croaking every fall so we are done babysitting them for the year. Thx for letting me know Cliff...much appreciated.
  2. X2. Mid Sept to mid October pretty much my favorite 4 weeks of the year. Thx for posting the frost heads up Lew. Anyone know if Bobcaygeon got touched? Never made it to the cottage this weekend and I'm just curious if a frost might have got Debbe's Planter baskets outside.
  3. I grew up in Fergus but moved away in 83. Used to be tons of good smallie river action in the area. Lots of small creeks loaded with Specs and the Grand had just been infused with Browns as well. Caught tons on Pike in Lake Belwood and in the Grand as well. I hear Belwood has a healthy population of Eyes now too...but I can't confirm that. I think you just have to get out and explore.
  4. Good one Cliff Debbe even grinned...when she thought I wasn't looking...after I showed it to her.
  5. Always enjoy your posts and pictures Mike. Thx for sharing your roadtrip with us. And like others have already mentioned..it was nice to hear some good health news too
  6. In the 30 years I have fished Lake Simcoe I have seen many shore fishing and lake access spots ruined for everyone by fishermen who are disrespectful pigs. Seems ESSA is trying to discourage the same problems in there area. I think they have come to the conclusion that most of the problem is caused by fishermen...and I bet they are 100% correct... so they are targeting that specific group. I really have no problem with that. Believe me Brian I understand the frustration of being singled out because of other disrespectful pigs...but it is what it is. Why charge everyone if one specific group is the major cause of the problem? Many of my old spots on Simcoe are pay access now. I don't fish them anymore unless someone else suggests we meet there. I can afford to pay for parking/access but generally refuse to on principal. Every individual has to decide on there own if the fees are worth it to them or not. Many will chose to pay it and be happy with what they get for there $40. Others will flip the bird to ESSA and fish elsewhere.
  7. Black walnuts hulls might work. I know a neighbour of my parents swore by it for keeping all kinds of critters out of his lawn. Collect the walnuts if you have a source and make a tea and pore it on your lawn. A quick google search will get you all kinds of info. It is very toxic to certain things so use your own judgement. I have no knowledge of or am I endorsing it's use. Just throwing it out there.
  8. Got checked this summer at my crappie spot in Bobcaygeon. First time ever in the 15+ years I have fished up there. Lake Simcoe's MNR seems to be getting more vigilant though. I was checked 3 different times last winter in 3 different locations. I get checked at least once every winter on Simcoe. Always happy to see them. Just wish it happened more.
  9. And I told my 2 fishing partners that when the Osprey made off with my jig. Told them I got that line from another fishing buddy of mine
  10. First gull was trolling at the mouth of the river in Thornbury many years ago. Hit my flourescent orange rap while we had stopped. Set the hook and watched my line go skyward .Broke me off and we watched him fly into the sunset with the rap stuck in his face with a ton of line trailing behind him. Can't imagine that ended well for him. Got a second one at the cottage twitching a rap across the top of the water. Got this one into the boat and got the hook out of him. He sat on the transom right beside me for quite awhile before he finally flew away. As a kid I nailed a mud swallow in midair with a cast under a bridge. Knocked him right down into the water. And finally just this summer I was reeling in a nice crappie and while it was flopping around on the top of the water an osprey nailed it. He broke off my 4LB line after about 10 seconds and made off with my crappie and my finesse jig.
  11. 15 minute commute to work for me here in Oshawa...piece of cake. 2000-2002 I transferred to our plant in Mississauga that was 45-50 minutes. Never bothered me but I sure don't miss it. Gas prices have doubled since then but my wages haven't We have been tinkering with the idea of selling our big house in the city and moving to our house/cottage in Bobcaygeon and doing the Caygeon to Oshawa commute for our last few years before we retire. The money we would save on only having one house would easily justify it. Keep hoping Debbe can get a job transfer up that way. The day after that happens our house in Oshawa will be on the market. When I was in Mississauga one of my co-workers commuted from Bethany to Mississauga everyday. That would be out of my comfort zone.
  12. Haven't been around for awhile Brian. Sorry I missed this when you put it up. As much as I like the crappies and gills at the cottage I'm getting impatient for my fall perching on Simcoe. Thx for sharing and well done!!!
  13. Cliff just reading this now. No internet since August 8th and just got back from the cottage last night. You know Debbe and I would have been there to lend a hand if I had known. We will be up in Caygeon this weekend if anything else needs done. PM me if there is more to do.
  14. The bucket for sure With 2 kids of my own and now grandkids the good old white bucket has seen everything....minnows,fish,crawfish,frogs,leeches, big scary water bugs,turtles even a mouse or two. And if there is some wild flowers around picking a few to throw in the bucket to take home to give to mom or grandma is always a nice idea too. I always take Dads cookies too. The ones in 2 per package. Send the nephew into your tackle bag for some cookies to share. Open the 2 pack and have a cookie each while you sit on the river bank and enjoy the day. My whole family knows I always have Dad's cookies in my tackle bag. Enjoy your day and share some pictures if you get any.
  15. LOL....yeah... I have to agree with that statement
  16. Brian. I'm never near Simcoe from May until the end of September. Too busy chasing gills and crappie up in Caygeon at the cottage. But I do miss my Simcoe perch as they are my favorite fish to eat. I just have to be patient and wait until the fall. Those toons look like alot of fun. I could seriously see myself with one someday. I already have at least a dozen spots where I could launch one and enjoy some quality fishing.
  17. Killing me with the perch pics Terry. Haven't had a feed of Simcoe candy since April
  18. Yep I agree. The world is a big place. A little knowledge about all aspects is important. I come from a rural area. Far to many stories of older rural folks who for health reasons are asked to consider moving to the city. Some are to stubborn or afraid to go and I have seen the stress it causes not just them but the whole family. Us outdoor types are not superior to city people any day or in any way. We just choose this lifestyle because it is what we enjoy.
  19. Yep...X2. UNLESS you have sometimers....like I do. Meaning sometimes I give things away and forget. Just happened recently. A buddy at work thanked me again for the old chainsaw I gave him. Hadn't used it for years and gave it to him cause he needed one. Totally forgot about it.
  20. Sorry to hear this kind of news Cliff. Way too young to be leaving this world for any reason.
  21. I have an animal lover in my own family who would lay down there life for an animal, probably any animal. They even have a sign on there front door that instructs people in case of an emergency to please rescue my pets first...and then names them. I could actually see them stopping on a highway and blocking the highway with there car or themselves to stop people from hitting a defenseless animal. This is the context in which I mean the person should never be allowed to drive again. Because honestly my relative could go through this and still stop on the highway a SECOND time if the situation ever happened again. I truly believe that. They would not ever view it as a wrong decision. No malice or criminal intent. Just so wired to animals that they are negligent of any common sense. I hope that clears up my point of view Cliff and I hope I didn't offend. That was not my intention.
  22. People are talking about the motorcycle driver being at fault as well. I can understand that train of thought...I really can. However if you remove the root cause of the problem...which is some dumb dumb parking on a highway...it really won't matter how fast the bike was or was not going because there would not have been anything for them to rear end.
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