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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. I would so be the dad, dressed in red..... busting out of the cake
  2. I am the first person to pull over for a turtle on the road. Couldn't begin to guess how many over the years. But this moron didn't pull over...they flat out stopped on a highway. The thought of someone being that stupid just angers me...I can't begin to understand how the family of the people who where killed feel. Sorry Cliff I feel that this was 100% avoidable if the dumb driver had just got the hell off the highway. I'm not sure what good prison will do...but they should never be allowed to drive again...period. Actions like that don't deserve a second chance in my books.
  3. Would be perfect for my perch spot in the fall on Lake X. A big improvement over a yak or a tube for solo fishermen IMHO. Any idea how much$$$$?
  4. Have had the same luck with fall perching trips with my brother and dad. Some falls we have only fished for a couple of hours. The beverages and stories back at the hotel are always enjoyable though. It has got to a point that the fishing is almost secondary. I wish you good luck with the weatherman.
  5. 50 years old and I have never voted. I have always felt a vote is a powerful thing and should be taken seriously. So if you vote you should do everything you possibly can to understand all the politics involved. I also believe there is way too much smoke and mirrors and corruption to ever really understand what if possible, would be the correct vote. So as I feel I can't really make a correct choice or a choice that will really matter I choose not to vote. I truly feel that whatever party gets in, our system as a whole will never be changed to make any kind of a difference. Having said all that. I never talk about politics as I really don't care and never complain about the way things are ran. Instead Debbe and I have spent 30+ years spending and saving responsibly so we don't have to worry about how much the politicians screw things up.
  6. Cliff Agree with you OLD Iron maker. Most don't have a clue. My company has no legacy costs. Surprising how many have no clue what that means. We lost our company pension in 2010...give or take...34 years and I'm looking at less then #700?month. Complaining..no....hoping to educate yes.
  7. Debbe is an expect at this game. We keep switching back an forth from Bell to Rogers here in Oshawa. We are paying less then we where 7-8 years ago for MUCH BETTER services. No loyalty here...just give us a good price!!! Honestly Cliff...chat with her next week. You might be able to keep some coin in your pocket!!!
  8. X2. Actually I prefer perch, bluegills crappie and small pike over walleye. We have a cottage in the kawartha's and I haven't harvested a walleye in over 10 years up there. Looks like a good day Simon Thx for sharing it with us.
  9. A few busted rod tips over the years...but I still fish those rods. I have been lucky I guess. My best luck was losing a new Stradic combo over the side of the boat on a fly in walleye trip out of Chapleau. 8 feet of water with just enough current to keep me from jumping in after it. Told the 3 other lads I would perform sexual favors for them if they got my gear back. No takers 2 days later fishing the same spot my buddy Paul hooks a 13-14inch eye that gets heavier as he is reeling it in. Yep it swam around my rod or line...and I got my gear back 20 years later and everytime I run into Paul he still reminds me I owe him
  10. You and Sue still have to let us know when your free for a get together and a fish fry Cliff. I am so making this wine but I think this year is out as I'm not 100% prepared and most of the dandelions are past there prime and white now. Gonna talk to our wine making people and see if they have any tips. I'm hoping next year it will become a Bobcaygeon spring ritual and you and Sue would certainly be welcome to join in.
  11. So gonna try making this stuff Anyone ever gave it a go? I have a limitless supply of the " yellow gold" at the cottage.
  12. So when you overseed do you just toss the seed over your lawn or do you add peat moss or soil when you seed? I tried over seeding a few springs ago by just tossing the seed over my lawn an it never did a thing.
  13. Gotta agree with you Lew. Unfortunate outcome for sure. The cop husband following in another vehichle really has me thinking we really haven't heard the whole story though.
  14. Just read your April 23 write up TJ. Sorry to hear about your pops. You have a great family tradition going on there that he started for all of you. And now it has even more meaning. He will always be out there keeping an eye on it. Enjoy the work and enjoy the memories you have made and will continue to make and thx for sharing it all with us.
  15. Seeing as I have personally witnessed you almost do that twice...it's not hard for me to see you going out that way Bruce
  16. Never gave it much thought until recently. I'm 50 and have lost friends and co workers around the 50 age bracket so you start to think about it more. My grandfather died of cancer years ago. But they told him way before hand his time was running out. He had a bucket list and checked everything off before he was bed ridden. My father- in-law went to bed one night and had a heart attack and died in his sleep. Both where in there mid 70's and both lived there lives to the fullest right until the end. That is all I hope for. I just hope for my family I go this way. I don't wanna have my health so bad that I am unable to physically or mentally look after myself. I've seen many examples of that and I don't want it for myself or my family.
  17. Not much of a TV watcher so I play hearts against others... not the computer...on the internet. Yahoo had a free site that I played on for years but they have upgraded to a pay site So I'm looking for another free alternative site for my Hearts addiction. I have tried POGO but I don't like it so I'm still searching. Anybody out there have something they could recommend? Thx for any help I can get.
  18. I do my part every year. Been years since I ate a walleye. I'll be chasing crappies and gills
  19. Happy to hear it Beansie. That means the crappie should be prime when we come up the first of May
  20. Pretty easy and much cheaper to make yourself Cliff. Just tell your friend to do a google search. Lots of good videos and step by step diagrams out there.
  21. Please bear with me. My son was as tough as nails in sports. But I always tried to make him look towards sportsmanship and integrity. Having said that I always told him walk away from a fight if you can. But if you can not...throw off your gloves and keep swinging until the refs pulls you apart. You appear to be at that crossroads. I can not or can any one else make your decision for you. But here is my advice. Walk away. If you win you will be bitter but defiant because you have won. If you lose you will just be bitter. The amount of money you are fighting over is simply not worth it. I see the smiling faces in the 1st picture you posted and realize everything that really matters is still intact. You have my advice. Best of luck with whatever path you choose.
  22. Thx for that Joey. My first smile of the day
  23. OK I'll play the devil's advocate. She gets friends or family members a job. Big deal it happens everyday. I'm betting there's not many out there who haven't done the same for there friends or family when they can. My second job out of school 30+ years ago I was hired by my best buddies older brother. I started out higher in a company ahead of people who had put in time there because I was a family friend and they knew I was capable. I worked my butt off to prove that a good choice was made. Was it fair to others..perhaps not. But at the end of the day it was a good business choice. Trust me I'm not sticking up for any politicians. I don't follow politics...hell I don't even vote. Just saying that many in the same position would do the same thing. Now if it was a poor choice and the person is grossly under qualified...then I guess we just round up the posse and go hang them all
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