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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. We where without power here in Oshawa from 11PM Saturday night until 9PM tonight. Kept the place warm with the woodstove going and went and got takeout sushi...sorry Cliff I know it's one of your fav's....for supper tonight and ate it at the kitchen table with a bottle of white wine and the coleman lantern for lighting. Not your typical Sunday night here in the city Thx for the offer though Cliff.
  2. Love Actually...cause Debbe told me to say so
  3. They stopped being a daily wear boot years ago. But they where still in good shape so I kept them for doing outdoor chores in...like when I'm hauling or splitting firewood or like I already mentioned for throwing on when I shovel the driveway. Seems pretty stupid and wasteful to me to just throw them away. Do you EVER stop and think before you type out one of your useless replies
  4. Why did they only last 4 years I have some comfy sorels that are over 30 years old. Pretty much only wear them when I shovel the driveway now as they are a little heavy. But I have put them through alot of abuse over the years. Maybe it's just me... and I mean no offense by it...but if I had to replace a pair of winter boots after only 4 years I certainly would not be buying another pair.
  5. Very well said and I wholeheartedly agree.
  6. Beat you by a week my friend. Debbe and I had a holiday bakeathon last Saturday. Enjoy the holidays and your goodies
  7. If it's real...that's why they make millions...while we sit here with a coffee and play on the computer
  8. I agree. The last 2-3 winters Port Bolster has seen more winter fishing pressure then the previous 10 winters combined IMHO. I get there early well before sun up and still have several people beat me there. That never used to happen. John is a good guy and I believe he is only trying to be helpful and promote fishing. However as you mentioned the hordes are never respectful and eventually if the locals get fed up we will all lose more access points.
  9. I totally missed this thread when it happened because I was in Caygeon at our cottage for 2 weeks at the time...with no internet. I did not participant but as an observer I thought it had been better planned and run then any other tournament I have seen up there since we have had our cottage. Then I read this thread today and read the news story. Wow....with the numbers posted and guesstimating as many more fish died after release....it would not be a stretch to say mortality could easily be 30% or higher. All I gotta say is I hope the tournament boys go play on some one else's lake. This kinda stuff isn't welcomed by me on mine.
  10. My eye opening internet experience happened about 15 years ago when I got my 1st computer. I posted on another fishing board...I wasn't aware of this board yet. Anyway I fished a first ice spot on a Saturday and absolutely hammered perch. It was a gorgeous day too and there was if I remember correctly only 2 or 3 other groups of fishermen out there. So I go home clean my fish and afterwards make a very specific post on the internet. Then I pack it in early cause I wanna go back Sunday and do it all over again. I wake up Sunday morning and it is a blizzard outside and I almost went right back to bed, but the fishing was sooooo good the day before I decided to get on the road for my 1.5 hour drive. All the way I'm thinking no one will be there today as I gotta be the only idiot driving in this weather. I pride myself in pretty much always being the first car there in the morning. Well was I in for a surprise I get to the parking area and there are dozens of cars there....already...in this blizzard. I ended up parking across a hiway about 1/2 KM from the lake rather then 50ft. I went out and hammered perch again so I had another good day. However in my post the night before I had specified a football field sized area that was producing. Well there was over 100 people out there in that area in that blizzard. I am 100% certain all those people where there because of my post. That was the last specific report I ever made on any internet forum.
  11. I agree 100%. PURENEWF it's not a matter of it being well known by the locals. It might be able to sustain that fishing pressure. But once it gets on the internet ....the hordes that may have always gone elsewhere might just start going there instead. I'm very jealous of your day as I have not been on the ice yet. Congrats on that. But for the sake of your local honey hole you might really wanna keep it on the down low.
  12. I have the under armor top that is rated for the coldest/most sedate conditions. My fav part is the way the wrist fabric extends over the back of your hands and has a hole for your thumb...really helps to keep the hand warm if you have your gloves off for awhile. Over that I have a very thick polar fleece turtleneck. And over that I have a hoody. And OVER that I have my Ice Armour suit. Most mornings I usually only have the base layer on under my ice armour for my walk out and my first bunch of holes drilled. I keep the hoody and turtleneck in a box and add them later if I get cold. I just wear regular cotton longjohns...as I've never had a sweat/cold problem from my waist down. I have some heavy duty thick socks I got years ago. I only wear then ice fishing...they are too warm and bulky for anything else. I can't remember where I got them or what they are made of.
  13. It is a company that is cutting out a part of there business that is losing them money. Although I feel for anybody who loses there job over this. It is what it is. They are doing what is best for the company and have every right to do so. Blame the internet. I haven't sent a letter to anyone for any reason for a long long time. The money I used to spend on Canada Post I now spend monthly to have internet service. It's not my fault technology is putting posties out of work. It's the evolution of how we communicate....plain and simple.
  14. We moved into our brand new house in Dec of 1988 here in Oshawa and already had a super box then.
  15. Phoned my renewal in Tuesday morning. Got my card today.
  16. A work mate has been one of those guys who always looks for the cheapest gas. He was the one who told me about the sites to check for the cheapest gas. He has also told me to never buy gas in the morning. He claims most places start the day at there highest price and drop prices as the day goes by. Get your gas in the evening...or if you have a Costco nearby...get a membership. They always have the cheapest gas prices....here in Oshawa anyway.
  17. I love Irish cream. PURENEWF & N.A.W. If either of you can help me out or point me in the right direction to making my own I would really appeciate it. P.M's or private...doesn't matter. Thank you if you can help.
  18. Sounds good Mike. If you wanna try something different to go with that . Cook up some Basmati rice. Dead easy. The leftover sauce from baking any kind of fish is awesome over Basmati rice. Chop up a few green onions and sprinkle over the fish and rice and drizzle with the sauce from the baking dish... some salt and cracked pepper....AWESOME
  19. You must be higher up the ladder them me Terry. He just laughed when a made the same request. Very embarrassing having him do that while I was sitting on his knee... at the mall...it front of all those people.
  20. X2 Thanks for sharing Beansie. All the time we have fished together....I had no idea you decended from royalty
  21. My experience with any alcohol is that after 2 or 3 drinks it's all good If I'm gonna sit on the porch after a long days work and just enjoy one drink it would be a good scotch and lotsa ice cubes. If it sociable drinking and I'm not doing any driving....give me the cheapest swill you got...cause that's just a waste of the good stuff IMHO.
  22. Yep Xmas is rum &nog with lots of nutmeg season. Had some last weekend while getting xmas decorations out. We go through a 26er of rum this time of year and then that's it until next Christmas...but we both enjoy it.
  23. Fishing is probably my number one pastime. And I get out as often as I can...all year. Like others have mentioned I never got out much when my kids where small...maybe half a dozen times a year. Then later on for about 20 years I worked 12 hour shifts and only worked 14 days a month...I fished well over 100 days a year then. Now I probably get out 50 times a year. I used to be pretty hardcore at chasing chrome...but it doesn't interest me at all now. Haven't had any of that gear out of the basement for 2 full seasons. Now I pretty much focus on panfish and perch. However I know once I retire I will be fishing more again so who knows what species will be taking up my extra fishing time then.
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