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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Thanks for posting Cliff. A great start for someone indeed. To all those that think $20/hour is lame. Your lifestyles must really be something I can't imagine. I make marginally more then that and have put 30 plus years in where I work. The wife and I are in good shape financially and will retire at 55. I would think that a young couple today with both of them making that kind of money starting out would have a real good shot at a decent future for themselves. Again Cliff thanks for trying to help someone out.
  2. X2 on the wine kits. We do a Merlot for our red and a Pinot grigio for a summer white. Works out to about $4 a bottle. The red is OK. We have not been able to find a red we are 100% happy with. The Pino is great though. Rivals any bottle we have ever had from the LCBO. Actually starting another batch this week for our summer at the cottage.
  3. Good luck man....it's encouraging that you have done your "research". However that is such a very very tiny piece of the puzzle. Will power and commitment are far more important. The first 60 days are easy...the upkeep is the true test.
  4. Throw that whey protein in the trash and chomp on celery stalks....just sayin....
  5. Do what you gotta do. My old man was a 3 pack a day man....until he got COPD. He quit cold turkey then....but it was to late. No coming back from that. It's a tough row to hoe....but the rewards are worth the effort. Best of luck to you.
  6. Thx for the report. Sounds like first ice will be closer to a normal time this year
  7. I have an old jack plane in the basement and have several apple orchards nearby and can get apple wood for the asking. I don't have a smoker but my cottage neighbor does and is always talking about how$$$ buying wood is. I'll plane him up some when I get some wood. Thx for the idea.
  8. It is good maple Shayne. It had already been cut to stove length...just needed splitting. But the troublesome pieces where a section of the tree where it appears 2 trunks or the trunk and a big branch grew into each other. That combined with some gnarly twisted grain and some 4 inch knots made it a real workout.
  9. Thx all for the replies. Especially the advise about eye protection....I never would have considered that a problem. I have always heard splitting when the wood is frozen makes it easier...but I have a bit of a space consideration so I pretty much have to chop it up as I get it. I'm not a newbie when it comes to splitting firewood...it's just that this batch was very knotty and extra difficult. It was the picked over crap left from the city cutting down a big tree....you know the stuff you generally say isn't worth the effort and leave for someone else....groan. Anything I have split previously to now was handled with my 5 LB maul no problem. I think I'll get myself a heavier maul....anybody have a recommendation which one to get or even where to get it? When I got my 5LBer it was the heaviest one I could find at the time around here. I just figured that was as heavy as they got. P.S. Thx for the splitter offer Shayne...much appreciated. But for all the wood I use I'll take the aching muscles for now.
  10. Got a pile of large wood and can't get through it with my 5 LB maul. So I started using an old axe head as a wedge and it works pretty good. Today I grabbed a wood wedge at HomeDepot. Not happy with it at all. It is dull and I can't pound it into the wood without a ton of effort. If I put an edge on it I'm sure it will help. I got through all the wood I have for now but was wondering if anyone has any tips or "tricks of the trade" to make my next go around a little easier...cause I'm not getting any younger This is strictly for home use and I actually enjoy the workout...so I have no intention of investing in a splitter. My aching body would appreciate any gems you can share.
  11. Oh my the nice fluffy stuff...I'll be right over!!!!
  12. Simon I had a similar situation here with my roto tiller a number of years ago. I paid the guy and just went somewhere else from then on. Trouble is I have had issues with the last 2 people to have there hands on my tiller. I ended up after 15 years going back to the original guy because he at least did an excellent job with my tiller and was always excellent except for the one incident that drove me away. Everything has been great since I came back to him. I can't tell you what to do...but in my case if I had just given my first guy one mulligan I could have saved years of grief.
  13. Thanx for starting this thread Terry....I look for it every year and "A pittance of time" has always been my favorite reminder of how thankful we should all be for what those before us sacrificed for all of us. As I am inclined to do I mention my great Uncle every year at this time. His name is Leonard Birchall and was called the saviour of Ceylon by Churchill himself. Anyone who is interested please take the time and google his name. His career and accomplishment are well worth the read. Although I have never met the man and I never will as he has passed....my mom's chatter and pride at this time of year is infectious. As Old Ironmaker has eluded above....if the opportunity arises for you to look a vet eye to eye and say thank you please take that opportunity. God bless them all.
  14. Your know my fall spot Steve. So yes it was Lake X.
  15. My pigeons are union members and under contract are not allowed to carry my old stone tablets so I had to switch to papyrus paper a few millennium ago Good luck with your new fangled cell phone package thingy for your trip stateside.
  16. LOL Thanx for that Bill. I got a good chuckle out of that. I know. I know. I always said if I had a job that required people to be able to contact me 24/7 I would have had a cell years ago. Still don't have that job though....and am thankful for it
  17. When I read stuff like this I'm just glad I have never entered the cell phone market. No offense intended...just glad it's something I don't have to lose sleep over.
  18. Never on that side of the lake much Brian but I'm glad the folks of Barrie have a good place to check out. I feel the same about Mark's in Bobcaygeon. Mark and his wife have always treated me good. Since we are up there every weekend all summer if I need something Mark doesn't have I tell him one weekend and if he can get it he has it for me when I come up the next weekend. I'm pretty frugal with my money....but every once in awhile I grab something from him I know I can get cheaper in the city. That's my way of saying "thank you" for the way I'm treated there.
  19. Don't hold your breathe waiting for me to post any pictures....but I was surprised Bruce never had his camera out as he usually brings it. And BTW who you calling old 50 is the new 17 don't you know
  20. That looks awesome. I have an ice armour suit that is supposed to be waterproof but is not I think I'll touch up the seams and see how it works out
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