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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. I love taking soup or stew out on the ice in a thermos. I have a big polar fleece sweater I wrap the thermos in to help keep it hot longer. If it is a real cold day I can put my sweater on as another layer later in the day...and the sweater is warmed up nicely from the thermos when I put it on Crappy Tire may play games with their pricing but if you flyer watch and are patient you can always get great deals on stuff. Thx for posting. I'm sure someone on here will grab one of those thermos and enjoy it.
  2. I'm glad your mentioned that Wayne. I would have never thought of it...but now I will take the time to clip mine as well.
  3. X2 for the fish trap pro. The sled part is actually the same sled as the fish trap...the top is just mounted sideways onto the sled part compared to the Fish Trap. This layout is 100 times better then any one man flip IMHO because you have room beside you for stuff rather then always having to reach behind you for gear/food etc.
  4. I have an old FL8 Vex that I got second hand from a board member. It does what I need it to do. Combined with a lower end hand held GPS. That's pretty much as high tech as I will ever need to help me catch fish.
  5. Cliff it's always good to hook up with you and Bruce. As long as the fish keep co-operating I'll be there every fall and you 2 are EXPECTED to make the pilgrimage every year. I ended up taking home an even dozen. It would have been more if my fish basket hadn't malfunctioned and a bunch escaped I'll just have to go back and get them next weekend. Again thx to both of you. It was another good day.
  6. That's the base model. Mine has an awesome cup holder
  7. Moxie any effort is a good one. Well done. Chotchkies House. Someone in your house must have alot of class....cause it appears they got all of yours.
  8. There still in that area Cliff. Wouldn't leave us alone last year either. They even seem to be getting more plentiful and slightly larger too.
  9. X2 Keep em coming and I hope others show some of there work too. Never tire of this stuff
  10. Financial advisers are just like any other professionals. There are good ones and there are not so good ones. I am lucky because my wife has been in the banking industry for over 25 years and knows many advisers on a personal level. Our advisers would not even talk to us if we walked in off the street. These guys don't even handle portfolio's as small as ours However because of there work relationship with my wife they have taken us under there wing and helped us out. There fee's have been a little high...however... we are averaging over 8% through the last 4 years so I'm not complaining. On a personal level I have found the best way to make money is through real estate...particularly rental income. If you have the ambition and the time I would highly recommend checking into that Mike.
  11. Thx Simon. That put a smile in my aisle
  12. Dan to they get a cigarette to smoke after that ? Good luck at getting to view the brookies
  13. I agree with everything you said Mike..especially this last part. Brian did someone crap in your corn flakes today
  14. You are not having any luck that's for sure. I had a nail this summer that I heard clipping on the pavement when I was driving slow in town with the windows down. It was short enough that it never punctured all the way through. In 34 years of driving that is my only metal ever in my tires.
  15. If the hook is not in the fishes mouth when the hook is set then in my eyes it is a snagged fish. Just because a technique has been developed that makes that hook "snag" legally in the fishes mouth..doesn't mean it's not snagging. That's my opinion and I'm entitled to it.
  16. Side bar Lew. If they post a video of whatever McGyverism they have invented for him to do his "paperwork" in the bathroom...please don't post it on here
  17. So it is essentially the same concept as a hair rig for carp fishing? The fish sucks in the hook on the take, or is the hook raked into the fishes mouth when the fisherman sets the hook? Anyone wanna chime in and educate me/us some more?
  18. If that doesn't inspire you nothing will. Thx for sharing that lew.
  19. When is the hook ever deep in the throat when you fish under a float? I have never seen that happen...ever...for trout or any other species I've fished under a float. Edit to add. Except for Northerns using minnows under a float.
  20. I have never done it or seen the set up....but the lack of feedback from the hard core trout guys on here pretty much confirms what I already thought of the rig. It appears to be the river version of those nasty side hooks on the williams for ice fishing....nudge, nudge,wink,wink.
  21. I agree with you 100% Cliff. That's why I have never voted, ever. Pretty much a waste of my time IMHO.
  22. X2. If your gonna use it often...don't cheap out. I got a new Poulan 3 years ago for some light duty stuff. Happy with it so far but I gotta stress that I have only ran 3 tanks of gas through it...so it doesn't get much use and tackles nothing tough. If I was going to be using it regular I would have never bought it. I would have spent double and got a Stihl. I know several people who run them and they are all happy.
  23. I consider myself to be a very good driver and I have never been involved in an accident with a human being or another vehicle while behind the wheel. Although I would be the 1st to admit that I have had a few narrow escapes that would have been 100% my fault if not for pure luck. So it's pretty hard for me to criticize someone else's driving. A split second of not paying attention is all it takes. Accidents happen. Just be thankful if your not involved in one like this. I feel bad for the families involved.
  24. Thieves unfortunately are everywhere. We had a problem in our neighborhood for a while. I never locked the car and had change stolen out of it a few times...so you know its just kids. Food was stolen from the freezer in our neighbors garage...etc, etc. There was one punk kid in our neighborhood and many including myself, thought it was him. Funny how after they moved things stopped disappearing. I lock up now and consider myself lucky that I only had change stolen out of my car. Sorry to hear that some low life made off with your tackle Cliff. Hopefully that d-o-u-c-h-e with move out of your area soon too.
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