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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Awesome shots. Haven't done a fly in for years. Pictures like this get me thinking.... Thx for sharing.
  2. And a very worthwhile goal indeed. Pretty much exactly what I have planned for 55.
  3. My only knowledge of this is the link you provided G. Seems very wrong to me. It also appears that this is something that will go on forever as it is suggested that it is not a permanent solution. It appears we have screwed up the habitat bad enough that the Caribou can no longer self sustain. I'm a dollar and cents kinda guy. At the end of the day when I look at something like this and all the money that will get poured into it....all I can think about is how it could be used in so many better ways to help people.
  4. Finesse Minnow or Shad...Arkansas Shiner color. Has caught me every species....some accidental...of gamefish and panfish that swim in the waters I fish.
  5. It would take far too long for me to type in all the things this cheap bugger does to stretch a dollar. But I'll share a few of my fav's. Rent your cottage out to winter tenants. Once we paid the mortgage the cottage is now free...there rent cheques cover all our costs and then some. Go garage saling. Pretty much everything in the cottage was a garage sale find....and lots of tools and other things at home too. Couldn't begin to add up all the money we have saved over the years doing this. Plus you meet some interesting folks while sipping your morning coffee and looking for treasures. Get a PC Financial MasterCard and only use it to purchase groceries....the points add up...about $250-$300 a year...which we then spend in May when we move into the cottage and have to buy everything for the fridge bathroom and laundry supplies etc etc... just the same as all you folks that move back into your trailers every spring. Check the grocery flyers every week for deals. Also do your regular shopping at No Frills or similar. Used to go to a Loblaws because it was closest. Big mistake. Far more $$$ for everyday items...it all adds up. I however can not endorse price matching. I think it's the most inconsiderate thing a person can too to the poor souls stuck behind you in line. I may be cheap....but I refuse to be THAT person. Make your own booze. We do wine both white and red. $4 a bottle compared to the $10-$15 or more a bottle that we used to spend. Our white is really good. We have got used to the red. Make your own coffee at home and pack a lunch for work...You just saved a minimum of $30 a week right there. The next big one is go back to being a one car household when we retire. I want to give it a shot...Debbe not so much. We will see how that one plays out.
  6. Gordie was just a touch before my time with regards to appreciating hockey. But I have read more then enough about him to appreciate he was/is the real deal. So sad to hear about what he is going through now. I grew up watching Orr and the big bad Bruins. To me Orr is the best to ever lace up a pair of skates...and no one will ever change my mind on that.
  7. Check out Sail Brian. I got my Finn Bore 3 in the Oshawa Sail a few years back. Never use anything else when I go after perch. I have a 5 inch Lazer I use for crappies and walleye. Can't believe how much easier a 4 is then a 5.
  8. Didn't know they worked for perch. Thx HH. I'll have to harvest a few this summer at the cottage. I'm pretty sure our cat will enjoy the musky too
  9. Just an update for anyone interested. Our plant terminated 19 employees because of Target closing....which is about 20% of our staff. Fortunately I was not one of them. I just posted this to see if anyone else on here has had there company affected by Target closing.
  10. I never found anything of any interest the one and only time I was in a Target store. However I agree with you 100% Mike. To me it's the same as going to a yard sale in the summer. Nothing wrong in my eyes with making your hard earned dollar go as far as possible.
  11. So true Cliff. It happened to my own brother. Lost his job in 2008. He was the HR person for his facility. They moved the whole business back to the states....just like target is doing now. Lots of the employees developed an BADattitude at the end...some of the stories he has told me...unbelievable. He showed up and did his job everyday....right to the very end. 14 months later he gets a phone call at home. It's the old plant manager from his last job. Wants to know how my brother is making out. Long story short he wanted him to come and start an HR department at his new employers. Over 5 years there now and he loves it. Even got his wife in there as well and drive in together in the morning. He is pretty confident he got that job because of how he carried himself during the closing of the other place. His plant manager told him that himself.
  12. Was hoping that you folks where done with the "C" word Bruce. Wishing Judy all the best for this go around.
  13. Not coming off as an A hole to me...and I understand your point perfectly. However I stand by my statement that choosing to be happy or unhappy applies.... to 99.9% of the population anyway. Can we agree to disagree on this?
  14. I can't comment on depression...as it is foreign to me. I know friends family and co-workers who have dealt with more "crap" then I have ever had too. And there "take"on how it unfolds has inspired me to follow the same path they followed to navigate through it. I was not trying to belittle the experiences of anyone dealing with mental illness. I just don'y have any experience or anything to offer as help for such people.
  15. I've had the privilege of growing up around a few key people....co-workers...family....friends, who really have things figured out. What I have learned is life is too short to be unhappy. Happiness or unhappiness is a choice. It really is that simple. I have been blessed with many examples of how to do it right. I just hope I have the "stones" to stay the course and do it right.
  16. Love stories like this one Lew. Mother nature as entertainment is hard to beat. My summer entertainment is feeding an Osprey. Catch a small bluegill...step on it to kill it and throw it out in the water 10 feet in front of me. I have one osprey that is coming down out of a tree before the gill even hits the water. I just hope I didn't fatten him up too much so that it couldn't fly south for the winter
  17. We use our Propane BBQ minimum 3 times a week...52 weeks a year. One at home and one at the cottage. No way I'm farting around with charcoal that often. However I do enjoy cooking over a wood fire when I'm relaxing in the summer.
  18. Glad your OK Cliff. Quick question though. Did you sign the medical consent forms as an organ donor? If so ...and if you go before me....I would like first dibs on your skull. Seems like a pretty durable unit
  19. That's Simcoe on a good day Dave. Before I had my fish trap to hide in...I had people cut holes closer then that to me when I was having a good day.
  20. As I mentioned earlier in this thread my company will be affected by target leaving. A sister plant released over 20 employees last Thursday. I just got a call from a buddy in on day shift and he said it has started at our plant today. Wish he had not called me. Now if real nervous about heading into work in 30 minutes. Although it would mean much much more fishing time this winter......
  21. Start leaving hints to your family that you want one. It's bound to show up for father's day...your birthday...or next Christmas. If my name ever changes to Nancy.... ..... and I need a heater...I'm with you Brian. The kids at Costco can fill my 5LBr.
  22. I was just commenting on the ways of our world....I hope no offence was taken.
  23. Do you know where the Walmart is going Cliff? That is good news to hear for Lindsay. Actually an upgrade from Target IMHO.
  24. If you think it's only retail people...you have had your head buried in the sand for a long long time
  25. Where I work we print all of there in store signage for ALL of Canada. When we got there contract we hired a bunch of people and spend tons of money on new equipment just to service them. Many of our new hires are young kids with mortgages and young families. It's really going to have an impact on our workplace. Not looking forward to going in at 3 today for my shift. That aside. It really was a dreadful flop. I went in the Lindsay store once and said to Debbe. There is nothing in this whole place price quality or uniqueness wise that would ever get me in here again. But I have to say we did an OUTSTANDING job on there instore signage
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