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Everything posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. That's a beauty for sure. Well done. Hopefully I'll have a mess of them to clean tomorrow night when I get home.
  2. Funny you mention that about moose. My old boss was originally from Newfie and grew up eating a lot of moose....but claims he was never a fan..until he married and his wife made him stew with the moose meat. Raved about how good it was. One day brought me in some to work. Have to agree it was the best stew I had ever had. However I have to add that this woman was a wonder in the kitchen. She could probably make stew from an old work boot and it would be good.
  3. Thx Craig ...you have always gave me solid advice when it comes to the vino
  4. Awesome Craig. Since you are being so nice to them....what kinda wine do they like?
  5. Tragic for sure and I feel for the family. However given a choice I'd rather go out that way then hooked up to machines lying in a hospital bed waiting for them to pull the plug on me. Not saying his choice was wise...just saying I'd rather spend my last day doing something I loved.
  6. I can remember them being in our local Canadian Tire when I started fishing and was old enough to get my own tackle, which would have been the mid 70's. Sorry I can't answer any questions with regards to there worth.
  7. 90% of my fishing is for perch, gills or crappie so really a stick and a string would probably suffice. However when I started out I had some more expensive...not top of the line... gear because I fish other species as well. All my expensive gear has crapped out except for my old reliable 1300 whisker diawa reel that is bulletproof. I have had good luck with all my Diawa reels so I have a bunch of medium/low end models now that do the trick for me. I just can't justify to myself spending more for the type of fishing I do.
  8. Most of the ones I get perch fishing are between 10-14 inches. Very annoying some days. You can't even get your bait through them to get to the perch on the bottom
  9. LOL. Santa gets me underwear every year. And my stocking always has a toothbrush, toothpaste and a small bottle of mouth wash.Some years I get razors and shaving cream. Santa seems genuinely concerned about my hygiene I think the last pair of underwear I bought was at Biway. How long have they been gone?
  10. Fishing related I don't need a thing. But I wouldn't be getting it from Santa anyway. I tell the kid's to save their money and not waste it on me. So I get a restaurant gift card or something like that and truthfully I'm happy as a clam. So that's leaves Debbe. She has bought me 2 expensive fishing related presents over the years. Both where returned. I have had about the same luck buying her cloths. So Santa Steve does NOT get Debbe cloths or anything remotely fashion related and Santa Debbe stays the hell out of the fishing section. Works good for us.
  11. Specs through the ice still on my bucket list so I'm green with envy right now. Good job guys and thx for sharing. Kudos on releasing them all too. I grew up fishing creek specs and love the little buggers in the frying pan. Would have been difficult for me not to keep a few little ones.
  12. After driving diesel golfs for 27 years I gave up a long time ago trying to figure out how they determine diesel pricing. I believe that whoever is in charge throws darts at a dartboard and thats the price we get I also remember when it was always 5-10 cents a litre cheaper then regular. Now that I no longer have a diesel vehicle I have come to realize that regular gas pricing is determined the same way. Just somebody different throwing the darts. BTW 89.9 at Costco in Oshawa this morning. I love the guy who's been throwing darts lately...but somehow I think his days are numbered.
  13. Pretty much exactly how I feel. Where do you draw the line? Personally I think the line is fine right where it is. Although I would put snows on without losing any sleep over it if it was mandated.
  14. Good on you guys Brian. Glad someone is getting out. I had too many things on the go this weekend. I got a report from a buddy who fished my first ice perch lake Tuesday and yesterday and did well both days. I just hope they are still on next weekend when I get a shot at them.
  15. Never ran anything but all seasons and never had a problem. However many people who's opinions I respect have told me that the difference is night and day..so I believe it is true. I to would like to see data from Quebec as to whether it makes any real difference at the end of the day. Bottom line for me is I will stick with all seasons because they have served me well for the driving I do. However if the government mandates it I have no problem switching over. Some have mentioned lower insurance rates if you run snows. This was something I did not know and will look into.
  16. LOL...thx for that. She loves fish. I can't think of anyone who appreciates it more when I stop over with a bag of fillets. But fishing to let them all go just baffles her..lol.
  17. Same with my Mom. She just doesn't get all the effort....and tackle...I've put into carp fishing...just to let them all go.
  18. We really don't do a lot. I make snickerdoodle cookies that everyone loves and Debbe makes this cranberry jelly stuff with some type of booze in it that's really good spread on cheese and crackers. I do wanna try making shortbread cookies this year. My sister makes the BEST and I finally got her recipe.
  19. Cliff when our neighbour does his salmon he also has a wood fire going and toasts the bagels which he drizzles with a touch of olive oil before he toasts then. It's a LOT of work and it's not for everyone but he just enjoys the whole process and we certainly enjoy the fruits of his labours. I have no doubt you will get it perfected to your liking.
  20. Not that much...but in the 2008 crash we lost on paper more then we made working. That was enough of a "gut punch" for me. Thankfully we stayed the course and by March of 2009 we had got it all back plus some and have been doing great since then. Between the 2 of us I think we drank enough wine that year that we could have bought a winery ourselves
  21. Debbe and I went for a few walks today. Loved the weather too. But I'm getting itchy for some perch/crappie through the ice. Next weekend maybe.
  22. Simon my neighbour smokes salmon on a regular smoker and I think it turns out better then the cold smoked stuff you buy. It is that good. The texture is not the same as cold smoking but the flavours are fantastic. He starts brining his salmon at midnight and starts the smoker in the morning....then calls us over at around 9 for breakfast. And he never has to call twice If your serious excellent results can be achieved with a regular smoker. Also if you enjoy the salmon and bagels lots of places sell the smoked salmon frozen. We get ours at Costco and it is packaged 10 portions in a box for $19 I believe. Each portion 75g...will do 3 bagels. Just throw a frozen package in the fridge before you go to bed and your good to go the next morning.
  23. Thx Mr Topwater. Maybe it's the morning caffeine rush...but I found that hilarious.
  24. I'll bring the caper's, cream cheese and good jewish bagels Cliff. When you want us to show up? Have fun with your new toy. Our Caygeon neighbour has smoking down to a fine art and is thinking of getting a cold smoker as well. If he does and he master's it like he has his other smoker I will try and get some tips to help you out.
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