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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. He sounds "grumpy" too . . .
  2. Pikemaster66, if your teacher sees your post (grammar and spelling) forget pike fishing, you may fail grade 4 for not shaving!
  3. Cut rabbit into pieces rub with a bit of olive oil, salt pepper to taste and rosemary/oragano. Put in a roasting pan with potatoes and carrots an onion and one or two cloves of garlic; with a bit of white wine, cover and roast.
  4. Many years ago on my way to Detroit the OPP had the same thing happening, but it was an empty cruiser on the side of the road. I passed two empty and the third was manned and getting the people who were ticked at having to slow down for the first two.
  5. Hey CCMT revamp the OFC Anthem and put in a bit of Hockey and submit it to the CBC for $50 a pop, it's worth try!
  6. Variety is the spice of life! A salad with no dressing would just be green stuff . . .
  7. Bill, I was there a few years back (about 6 am) and it was solitude just the sound of water, could hear a pin drop. Settle in a pool in front of a beaver dam, as you said they came out and looked at it but no takers . . . but they were getting very close. On my right I saw a small beaver coming into the pool; not a ripple on the water, I just froze, maybe he'll go by, not a chance gets within 4 or 5 feet and "SLAP," just like a gun going off . . . home I went. :wallbash: If I decide to get out I'll pm you for sure.
  8. Well Cliff couldn't see at work, but I'm amazed at your piece of work. Can we have it pinned so when we log in we can "sing our anthem" . . maybe not sing (no talent here) :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
  9. There are lots more under those logs Bill! Had it happen to me many times, they come out look at it and back down they go. Bounce it off the bottom as far as you can go under the logs, lots of snags but the results are good. Glad you had a good time.
  10. What a Catch, she fishes and shows skin I like golf too. Hooked with Krupa isn't bad either
  11. I'm doing a tourisn piece and I have guy going to the Country Market in Orrillia and he says it's acroos the Hwy for Wali World. What is Wali world? I'm not driving there to find out any help?
  12. Congrats on the house, great move. I was actually told by the bank not to buy theri insurance i.e. cost was a and the payout factor. I got a great rate on my own and covers everything just incase something does happen. Now if we all could "lock" in on gas prices
  13. I lost mine as well; I didin't really lose it, I threw it away, got in between two newspapers on the coffee table and went into the recycle :wallbash: I always have a copy/scan all my wallet contents, cards etc. (front and back) so cancelling and replacing was a breeze. Dang wallet was expensive, I have the recycle plant looking out for it . . . good luck!
  14. Try these guys EmbroidME 4585 wy #7 Woodbridge, Ontario 905 265.0210 www.embroidme-woodbridge.com e-mail [email protected]
  15. Love to try those, can you shed some light on what kind of area they grow in? Not your spot just what to look for, we have a lot of woods that I can access.
  16. Gerritt you are the MAN. Since Joy asked for rib recipes a while back I kept Gerritts and was dying to try it. I have to learn to smoke better! I did some work for Canadian Tire in Bowmanville over the winter and the Q was my payment. Works like a charm and has lots of toys, as you guessed the ribs were the FIRST on and lots of other things followed and thanks to Gerritt, a good time was had by all. 4 racks and all that was left were the bones. Again thanks Gerritt :clapping: A
  17. And his Rib recipe is also amazing :clapping:
  18. Sleep tight Lew, you helped a good cause and deserve it.
  19. I don't go to Timmies – but waht is a Timmies Ten? Good work probably saved an accident. They should have someone posted at 400 and 7 at 5:30 when jerks are in the passing lane and see traffic ahead at a standstill and swing over 3 lanes at rediculous speeds to exit at hwy. 7, I've come close a few times trying to avoid them.
  20. Yup, I check in for e-mails and they have my numbers if I'm needed but generally it's taken care of when I leave at 5. Being connected may be ok but it depends on what you do and what your clients' needs are – they pay the bills in the long run. I myself would rather leave at 5 (because of the commute) and then after I have dinner do work that may not have been done at the office. But this weekend I'm trying out my new "TOY" and your rib recipe is going to be tried. How long do you smoke'em for?" You said put them on the grill an hour before dinner; sounds good?. Which wood chips are better than others (never smoked before . . . and I mean never ) Have a good and safe long weekend to all OFC'rs
  21. They even got one of their own! An OPP officer is charged with going too fast in his cruiser. Peterborough County OPP Const. Lloyd Tapp was in provincial offences court this week facing two charges of racing. The charges were laid last April and stem from a March 25 incident. Court records state Tapp, 43, is charged with driving at least 50 km/h over the speed limit along Hwy. 115, just south of Peterborough.
  22. Oh now I get it . . . our national symbol, the furry one with the nice 'tail' :canadian:
  23. .TJ would it be a problem if I got my own shirt made? I'm in advertising and know logo regulations. . . In order for you to reproduce the logo you need the owner's release AND his electronic file (Illustrator) if it's registered. (BTW it's done illegal everyday, same as poaching) Legally you cannot go to a place that photocopies it and puts it on a shirt . . . You know those GUCCI bags that are at the flea markets LOL. Support the "boss" and he may give you a "secret" fishing spot in return . . . as JW always said "that will be the day"
  24. Pictures of her making out could have made it on OFC and shame the family!
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