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Everything posted by ketchenany

  1. ABS piping, with caps on both ends. One end you could glue into place the other you drill idiot in the center and one in the tube and connect them with any type of string or wire so it won't get lost.
  2. Just read in the Star of his passing on Wednesday Oct 1, 2008. I was a avid reader of his outdoor reports for many, many years. I had the pleasure of Ice fishing with John in 1981 in Owen Sound and was featured in his weekend report. Great man with loads of outdoor knowledge.
  3. Her eis alink that actually show one running and the also have links for books it's start. http://www.splashvision.com/Video/12290_19...rude-18hp-.html
  4. This may be one of those chain thingies. The last time they got a dime from me was in 1973. WHAT TO DO IF YOU GET A TRAFFIC TICKET This system has been tried and it works in every province. If you get a speeding ticket or went through a red light or whatever the case may be, you are going to get points on your license, this is a method to ensure that you DO NOT get the points. When you get your fine, send in a check to pay for it. If the fine is $79.00 make the check out for $82.00 or some small amount over the fine. The system will then have to send you back a check for the difference, however here is the trick. DO NOT CASH THE REFUND CHECK! Throw it away! Points are not assessed to your license until all financial transactions are complete. If you do not cash the check, then the transactions are NOT complete. The system has received it's money and is satisfied and will no longer bother you. This information comes from an unmentioned computer company that sets up the standard databases used by every province. Send this to everyone you know. You never know when they may need a break. I talked to an ICBC investigator, and he said its true..what a screwed up system,eh?
  5. You guys are asking for trouble from the (NF) police! :o
  6. I'm with Girrit on this one, but I'm going to keep looking at this in the paper/news for updates. The Star is not a rag and probbaly will stand behind what they wrote. Lets face it, there are people / companies in all industries out there willing to get as much as possible for their money, it will never end knowing very well that few will complain.
  7. Great shot Bill, at least no one will find "the spot" . . . :D
  8. I too read the article and to me it seems like exploitation of this poor woman . . . wonder how many more are being treated the same and nothing is ever heard, sad.
  9. Again at the top of the class in writing and photography. Great work . . .
  10. See Bill, you are fishing on the wrong side of the tracks! Out East they send distinguished guys in uniforms; not some yahoo putting a tag on your window.
  11. Happy birthday Cliff. I you are having a party over there today just wave and I'll come over LOL. Kind of foggy now so mabye flash the lights . . :clapping:
  12. Forget them in the vest and then go to Timmies on your next trip wearing the vest! "old fishermen never die, they just smell that way"
  13. Bill, go back and make up a sign for your car "LAND SPECULATOR – LOOKING FOR DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY TO BUILD UP–SCALE CHALET VILLAGE" I'll bet your car will be washed when you get back. He/she must have lots of them printed up because when mooshrooms are in season it's standing room only!
  14. Bill you scared the crap out me! I hope this is not "the river/bridge"! Take F&A with you next time you go and make sure he's in uniform; that will get their excited . . .
  15. I have the same PROBLEM and I have also read about that treatment; where can it be purchased, I want to treat my lawn this weekend. Thanks
  16. I live 5 minutes away from it and have only been 2 times since it opened!
  17. Great report! Nice to see one of my typefaces being used in the first picture! (FISHING)
  18. I see Cliff is reading the book! :clapping:
  19. Oh boy! another book for me "Guide to Drinking Ontario Beer"
  20. I've had to read every word, every figure, every bar, English and French. All of the support material that goes with it English and French and 19 other languages for the last 2 publications. How do you think I feel
  21. If you read the upfront section starting at page 2 of the book it goes into detail regarding consumption etc. Hope this helps
  22. CCMT I do that book and it's a 'PITA' to do, but information is good, the next one may really get hacked with some new studies they have done. Happy reading!
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