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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. If it were closer to Toronto I'd buy it and start up my dream. I've always wanted to make a summer camp for underprivileged kids to teach them fishing, boating, and how to respect nature.
  2. Until the Leafs win the cup I just experienced my number 1 sports memory of all time. My dad flew out to Alberta Tuesday morning and we took in the Leafs vs Oilers. Great game and surprisingly an equal split of fans in the stands. Then Wednesday we road tripped to Calgary to watch the Leafs vs the Flames. Way nicer building and way closer game. Experiencing both games would have been sweet enough as is, but having my dad fly out and getting to do the road trip with him defiantly makes the experience that much more memorable. I think he had a good time too, he keeps saying now how it has to be a yearly thing.
  3. Thanks guys. We really lucked out. The fishing trip was a bit of work for Trout Unlimited. They want to assist in bringing back the Grayling to their most southern habitats. Earlier in the year, guys had scouted the area and had seen a bunch so we knew if they were overwintering we had a pretty good shoot. Talk about getting to play the odds. The whitefish looked delicious but I wasn't sure what the regs were for that area and I didn't want to help doing work for Grayling in one hand and then be loading up my freezer in the other hand. Turns out I could have kept 5. Ah well. Maybe another time.
  4. Well, due to a busy work schedule I haven't been able to get out fishing here nearly as much as I would like so when a co-worker mentioned that bunch of them were going to a spot to look for Arctic Grayling I jumped at the opportunity. Not knowing what to use to catch them with I was told to pick up some very very small spinners. A bit of a drive through Albertas parkland country had us at our spot on the Pembina river. We spread out on a pristine patch of stream with tons of fallen logs and debris, the type of habitat you just drool over. Upstream one of my co-workers hooked into a whitefish. I missed one before feeling a massive tug on my rod. "I don't know what it is. But its big!" After a really good fight, I landed this. My first ever Arctic grayling measuring at a full 14 inches (Huge for this far south). After that the fishing was fast and furious. That was my only Grayling of the day but my co-workers managed to land another 8. We also landed about 20 or so Mountain whitefish in total. Some co-workers got them on the fly, my best luck was with a red mepps. All in all it was a great day on the water. Wading was a little chilly but landing some really cool fish that are not native to Ontario was defiantly a nice treat.
  5. Ok Alberta, you gained some brownie points today. 5 Mountain whitefish and an Arctic grayling. Pics to come.

  6. Away on a 22 day work stint, apartment got broken into. $2K plus worth of stuff stolen. Am I allowed to break my lease and move? Nope! Laws sure are silly.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. misfish


      The way of the west.


      Sux dude.

    3. grizzlybri


      frig that sucks man

    4. Acountdeleted


      Yup. In Alberta. Sadly a lot of laws are different in the wild wild west. Sadly no time for fishing too. Been busy.

  7. What were they thinking when they created Albertas labour laws? Currently on work day 15 of 20.

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Bring it this way please lol.

    2. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      enjoy the paychecks!

  8. Its why I had to get out of the Province. There is no place left for the blue collar field worker in Ontario. I'll be back when the Provencal government actually cares about the environment.
  9. Beautiful fish and looks like it was a great day. I still say the view of Toronto from the water can't be beat.
  10. Oh man, just beautiful. That road trip brings me a ways back and the fishing plus scenery looks like it was well worth the hike. Great report.
  11. Round 2 tomorrow. Shore fishing so I can't get knocked into the water...... I think.

  12. Awesome. I think this will be where I'm headed next when I get some time off. Thanks for the concern guys. This never would have happened if I had my kayak.
  13. Dip in egg, batter in herb and garlic fish crisp, fry up with a chopped up onion. Dip in egg, crush up your favourite flavour of chips (bbq or sweet chilli heat works best) fry up.
  14. So, settled in here for about a month, finished my first big stint of work and I figured I would reward myself with some fishing. I don't have my kayak here so I rented a canoe from M.E.C. $30 a day. Now that's a deal. A co-worker of mine gave me a tip over our last work stint, and if there is one thing I know, its don't turn down free advice. (Aside, the benefit of fishing in Alberta and reporting on a Ontario board is I can give away the name of the lake with minimal worry about people slaughtering it.) So I head off to Jackfish lake. Guy at the bait store tells me that the fishing has been unreal as of recent in Alberta and even shows me a few good spots on the lake. Man do I ever like the kindness of bait shop owners. So, get there, launch the boat and find a nice little weedline. First cast: ...... ok I could get used to this. I see something splashing about the surface, tie on my frog. Had it miss a few times but I was enjoying it. Switch over to a chartreuse jig: I wanted to keep this one so bad, right in the 1 person eater size, but a lot of lakes in Alberta have a 0 walleye possession limit...... that's going to be kinda hard to get used to. Fished for about an hour more, caught a few more, lost a bunch more but it was pretty rainy and the wind was pushing me all over the lake so I decided to call it a day. Sadly this last part put a very big damper on my day and makes me question humanity. I'm pulling back into the dock to call er a day paddling my way along, a big sports boat is coming into the launch as well. He starts slowing down but is making a huuuge wake. I am not able to turn the canoe in time to take the waves head on, the first wave rocks the boat back and fourth, the second one tosses me into the water. I was able to right the boat quickly and keep all my gear in but the boat is 80% submersed. Rather then trying to get back in, I get behind it and push it back into shore. As I'm doing this I realize that I had my work phone on me (In case of emergencies) in my pocket which has been drenched this entire time. Sure enough its done for. The worst part of this, after the guy knocks me in the water, he keeps going to the dock, doesn't stop. The woman who is on the dock helping him get back in doesn't say anything. After I get to shore I don't get a word of "are you ok? Sorry about that. Anything we can help with?" They just go about tying up their boat and heading on down the road. I had debated giving this guy a piece of my mind but really, what would that accomplish. That being said, I really hope karma bites this guy in the behind. The swim I can laugh about now that I'm warm and dry. The phone, it sucks but its only money, I'll make it back. The lack of human decency or compassion from these two is what is going to be lingering with me.
  15. First time fishing Alberta on Wednesday. Full report to follow.

  16. Its all a guess, I would have tore a spoon across the surface.
  17. Thanks guys. I'll be posting Alberta reports here for sure to keep in touch. I'll be back for christmas to, hopefully, land some iced fish.
  18. So, as some of you may know, tomorrow morning I being my long trek out to Alberta for what will be hopefully a long and illustrious career. On Saturday I decided that I should spend one last hurrah in Ontario with my favourite things. Fishing and with my girlfriend (who hasn't been since she was 9) I have a honey hole not too far out of the city so we decided to go there. Action was slow to begin with and then something strange happened. The rainbow trout happened. I have never seen rainbow trout out of this lake before. Rumors were that their used to be some but I had never heard of anyone catching any. Within half an hour we had half a dozen, all good eating size, but it being my last few days in Ontario, good karma told me to throw em back. A little more fishing, pumpkinseeds mostly, then I hook into a bass. Yeah I know, not exactly a record breaker. Was good to see one. My girlfriend hooked into a good sized catfish, which was great. Gave her a good fight and I was able to give her a few tips on fighting the fish and letting it run. She picked up the techniques quick. Its a good thing she did because not long after, her rod bent almost totally in half. Using the techniques I just taught her, she fought the fish like an expert and stole the show with what I can only describe as a monster. Its been years since I saw a bass that big, and I have never even seen one half that size out of this lake. Truly an amazing going away present. Until we meet again Ontario. So long and thanks for all the fish.
  19. I find it ironic that this thread started a fish fight.
  20. Well, suppose its time to let the cat out of the bag. I've accepted my dream job and will be leaving for Edmonton, Alberta on July 8th. For all the OFC members I met, and all the Ontario fish that I caught, thanks for the memories.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Acountdeleted


      Haha misfish, I'll return for them over Christmas break. Thanks for the well wishes.


      Chris. Merry Christmas, keep it. lol.

    3. misfish


      Let me know when your back. I,ll take ya out.

    4. Acountdeleted


      Thanks. Like the song goes, I'll be home for Christmas.

  21. Congrats bud. May it bring you many years of happiness.
  22. Bonus points for the tiger muskie. Nice haul.
  23. Stick with the Reservoir. I drive 45 minutes there to catch the big fish. Lots of good ones in there.
  24. Online "Hey guys, Lake Sturgeon are junk fish right? I hope so because I just threw 7 of them up on shore" For me, on the water its when I'm on my buddies dock on Quinte, its obvious he doesn't have a boat and we are landlocked, and yet someone comes by and tries to cast into our back pocket.
  25. I don't know what I'm more upset about, the fact that a wacky rig plastic worm works so well, or the fact that I probably would have been skunked had I not tried it.

    1. dhickey


      Ya never know??? What will work?

    2. Freshtrax


      some people look at ya crazy when you put it on....there usualy putting one on about five min. later

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