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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. Talk to Christopher K. He told me he fried up a few a week or so ago.
  2. Haha I get em in summer in quinte pretty good. And I will have one before ice out this year. That being said, if I never catch one again until the day I'm called by my ancestry to the afterlife I think I'll be ok......... I think.
  3. Well this escaladed rather quickly. Back on topic. Blue Marlin. I don't care how big.
  4. Yep, go train goes right to the ex. Will save you the walk. Double check just to be sure.
  5. Obviously not going today, but when people go for lakers on Kempenfelt bay, where do they usually park? I just don't want to be wandering the roads for hours looking for a beach or boat launch when I finally decide its safe to go.

  6. Go train is best bet. (Driving in Toronto is scary). Sportsman show has the dog shows which are awesome and the trout pond which is also a lot of fun.
  7. Bring cleats. Yesterday just getting from the shack to the bathroom was a trip in itself.
  8. This pic from yesterday makes me smile.
  9. Ha ha thanks. Yeah she wanted to keep track to have a 'fishing derby'. Kept her entertained so it was cool. Wish we were allowed to keep the herring on simcoe but sadly no dice. Bet they would have been good to eat too.
  10. It seems that it is slowly becoming a tradition that every year my buddy and I rent a hut on Cooks bay and take some people ice fishing. This year the guest was my buddies girlfriend who had never fished a day in her life before. So as gentlemanly conduct dictates, I lent her my best rod with a spring bobber tip and my flasher with a little bit of instruction to ensure that she would have a great day of fishing. I think its pretty safe to say she did. She brought a novel she has been working on for when she figured she would get bored. She didn’t end up writing a single word the entire day. I think gentlemanly conduct also dictates that when you bring your buddy fishing you’re supposed to let him catch the biggest fish. A nice 10 inch perch. Biggest one of the day. And he’s supposed to catch fish you have never caught before. The bugger ended up getting 2 monster herring. I’ve never even seen one before and he gets two. His girlfriend also ended up getting 1 but she didn’t want to touch it, it was able to shake the hook, bounce off the ice shed and escape through the hole before we were able to get a picture. End of the day she had 59 perch and one herring. I had 48 perch And my buddy had 36 perch and 2 herring. I love cooks bay.
  11. Wow. Great catch. For me I take Doritos sweet chilli heat and crush it into a powder, then batter the fish with that. For my money, can't be beat.
  12. Great day of perchin and tomorrow hopefully splake.

    1. Rod Caster
    2. Joeytier


      hahaha! go get em

    3. Acountdeleted


      Thanks guys. Sadly splake was a bust. Ah well. Was still a nice day.

  13. I didn't even know there were fish in that lake. Whenever I stay at Cyprus for camping I always leave the fishing gear at home. Didn't know that anything lived in either of those lakes.
  14. Nice. Great catch.
  15. Bought a 6 inch finbore III today. Thanks for all the advice everyone. Now I just need some free time to get out and use it.
  16. I'd say green sunfish as well. Never seen one that big. Very cool.
  17. I'm using my same tip ups too and probably will be for the rest of my life, but thats because they don't catch fish.
  18. I've heard it before and the more I fish the more I believe it, all you ever need is a chartruse jig.
  19. The Nanook is awesome. It sets up and takes down very easily, the seats are ultra comfy. Its a little heavy to tow around the ice by hand but I really enjoy it. I can fit tons of gear in the sled too.
  20. Make the drive, go to Gilford on Simcoe. You'll never have a dull moment.
  21. I would have answered closer to AUGUST 2013. Didn't realize we were in such a rush.
  22. Island lake opened up today. Lots of huts on the ice. Girl at the gate said they had 5-6 inches on the main lake but back in the islands wasn't quite safe yet.
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