It seems that it is slowly becoming a tradition that every year my buddy and I rent a hut on Cooks bay and take some people ice fishing. This year the guest was my buddies girlfriend who had never fished a day in her life before. So as gentlemanly conduct dictates, I lent her my best rod with a spring bobber tip and my flasher with a little bit of instruction to ensure that she would have a great day of fishing.
I think its pretty safe to say she did. She brought a novel she has been working on for when she figured she would get bored. She didn’t end up writing a single word the entire day.
I think gentlemanly conduct also dictates that when you bring your buddy fishing you’re supposed to let him catch the biggest fish.
A nice 10 inch perch. Biggest one of the day.
And he’s supposed to catch fish you have never caught before.
The bugger ended up getting 2 monster herring. I’ve never even seen one before and he gets two. His girlfriend also ended up getting 1 but she didn’t want to touch it, it was able to shake the hook, bounce off the ice shed and escape through the hole before we were able to get a picture.
End of the day she had 59 perch and one herring.
I had 48 perch
And my buddy had 36 perch and 2 herring.
I love cooks bay.