If I'm out of line on this, please someone tell me but this really bugs me.
My parents have owned a cottage in the Kwarthas before I was born and our lake is fortunate (after this weekend I'm thinking unfortunate) enough to have great bass, walleye and muskie fishing. With the long weekend and walleye being open there were a lot of people on the lake. As a rule, I have a couple of spots that I like to hit up for a walleye but if I catch a bass I won't go back to that spot until after bass opener (call me a little neurotic but I don't like bothering or hooking into spawning fish)
There were a few spots I saw people fishing, rocky shoals and weed beds in <4 feet of water where I knew all they would catch are bass but I kept my mouth shut as, they are just trying to have fun and probably didn't know where to target walleye.
What really really got me was, on sunday afternoon, a guy with a a bass boat worth more then my car, comes trolling by all of the docks on our side of the lake, tossing what looked like a spinner bait in and around all of the docks. Now, again, don't judge a book by its cover, but this guy looked like he knew all too well what he was doing and all he would have been doing is pulling spawning bass off of their nests.
Has it got to the point where people just don't care anymore? The mentality of 'I'm going to catch the fish I want, when I want and unless I get a ticket I'm going to keep going?'
Don't get me wrong, I like keeping fish for dinner as much as the next guy, but I would really like it if, when I have children or grandchildren, I can take them out to catch more then just White Sucker an Carp.