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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. Did you happen to go through Norland on your way up? My parents have a cottage 15 minutes or so from there, just curious how it was there.
  2. There is one pike in that lake. I caught him. It was fun.
  3. First softwater fishing of the year on a local pond. 2 hours, 30ish crappie between 2 of us. Its going to be a good year.

  4. Looks like Crappie fishing is possible next weekend. Except its my cousins bachelor party. NOOOOO!

  5. If anyone could let me know when little lake or rice lake open up I would really apreciate it. Crappie, you have eluded me long enough!
  6. Frenchmans bay is open. You can go off of the beach, and its a little less wavy then the open coast.
  7. I'd love to see a live one. Forget catch, even see, I'd be happy.
  8. Sorry to hear about the loss. I have my first aid so I would probably try to assess the situation and help out as much as possible. I wouldn't leave the scene until the EMT's had arrived regardless of my training. Years ago, I was driving up North and a woman had hit a moose, the car behind her had swerved and flipped into the ditch. I pulled over to help out and a lot of the work wasn't even first aid related. Keeping people calm (those in the accident and witnesses) letting people use my phone to call tow trucks and loved ones and then providing as much info as possible to the EMT's when they arrived. I really hope I'm not stirring the pot by saying this as is not my intent but if I were in that situation and I had left I think I would always be wondering if there was something I could have done or if I could have made a difference.
  9. ....... I am never allowed to own a dog, ever, after reading this thread. Tieing 8 pound braid to a harness on my dog sound hilarious, and a lot of fun.
  10. Great pics. Thanks again for letting me come out with you guys and enjoy the awesomeness that is the Nip. Can't wait for next year.
  11. Ice fish Spend too much money at bass pro.
  12. Great fish.
  13. Thanks for the help. Dan Don't tell him! I want it to be a surprise.
  14. So, we have started planning my cousins bachelor party before his wedding and the guys decided they want to have it in Niagara towards the end of April. I figure the perfect icing on the cake would be to book a charter for my cousin, his brother and myself for either Lake Ontario or the Niagara River. Two things I've been having problems with. I checked the MNR website and I couldn't find a for sure answer, does the Niagara River count as zone 16 or zone 20? Secondly and more important, I'm having trouble finding charters out of the Ontario side. Lots in the states by my cousins brother doesn't have a passport so thats out of the question. Any help or reccomendations would be greatly apreciated. Thanks.
  15. Welcome to the site. Just did a quick search on Fish-online. Looks like quite the deep lake and tons of fish species diversity. Looks like a great lake to fish for a few weeks to discover. I know it won't really tell you about what the dominant species is or what the fish bite off of but Fish-OnLine is really an amazing resource. If you get a second check it out. Best of luck.
  16. Anyone know if the ice is still safe in the Huntsville area?

  17. Wow, nice one chad. No wonder nothing else was caught. That monster was scareing all the other fish away.
  18. That far north its impossible to not have a good time. Save lots of money because you'll enjoy yourself so much you will want to go every year.
  19. Depends on the time of year. Over the summer a can of tuna is a quick snack at work. I like to have sushi once a week as my treat and, if I can, I love having my catch once a week as well (perch, walleye etc). If mercury poisioning didn't exsist, fish would be all I'd ever eat.
  20. So thats what they were doing yesterday on Cooks. I saw 3 sleds with what my buddy said was OPP in front of a hut, figured they were in a lot of trouble for that much attention.
  21. Yes! I dream of the fish I will slay with these. Who needs a rod and reel with 2 of these awesome tip-ups in your arsenal?
  22. Even with all my benifits of work I think the biggest one in a photo I had seen (until now) was 19 pounds. By hook and line, 14 pounds. As for myself my 25 incher has been my biggest.
  23. Thanks guys. Taking Chris K out there next week. I want to see him catch a laker bigger then him. That'll make for a great photo.
  24. "I love yuppie food" bwahahaha. Love those guys.
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