One of the things I wanted to make sure of, while I was home for the holidays, was that I would be able to get out at least once and do some ice fishing here in Ontario. I had planned on hitting a few lakes for a while with Dynamic_Bear and at a last minute Chris K was able to come as well.
Arriving on a favourite lake before sun up we were able to somehow set up the tip ups and tie our lines in the dark.
Mother nature was on my side as my new tip up (built by Trout junkie) went off after only about 20 minutes into our day.
Not the biggest pike I have ever caught but I'll take em all. Not to be outdone, the bugger kid had to get one bigger then mine not long after.
Not a bad fish.
Throughout the day, the flags flew more and more but getting the pike to stick was becoming difficult. I lost one, Dynamic_bear lost one, we all had a few misses and the lake was becoming more and more packed with people on their holidays.
I have a new respect for tipups after today though. It was great just sitting back, catching up and discussing fishing with good friends, waiting for the flags to fly. Seeing your tip up go off (or most times, having someone else notice for you) running over like a maniac and then taking an extra 3 seconds to prep yourself to set the hook.
We ended up going over to another lake that was busy and caught a decent number of perch. This was the biggest one that shows rod holders have multi purposes.
Only a few worth keeping but still a great day.
Hopefully I'll be able to get out at least once more in the new year to target lakers before I have to fly out west but even if I don't I couldn't imagine a better way to spend the day.
Edit: Oh, in my haste and my exhaustion I almost forgot the entertaining parts. When we were on the first lake, a couple is walking around asking 'Who owns a white ford?" trying to get the person to move their vehicle. When we went to leave, we figured out why. The guy was right in the middle of the entrance to the parking lot, blocking off all access in and out. So, I totally forget that I'm in a 2003 Hyundai Elentra and not one of my work trucks and I try to go around him in the foot of snow on the side. Of course I end up getting us stuck.
After about a half an hour of trying to get us out the guy owning the White Ford comes by, loads up his truck and leaves. Didn't offer to help us get unstuck, no apology for blocking off the parking lot...... nice guy. So we go back to work trying to get unstuck.
Finally, a large, husky, European (Chris and I debate where he is from) gentleman came off the ice and added a little muscle to help get us unstuck.
Hilarious story number 2: We are fishing lake #2 when we see a large Jeep roll onto the ice. As we slap our forheads (Ice was 6 inches thick at best) we hear Terry Goy shout "Get that thing off the ice!" To which the driver responds "Why?".
Dynamic_Bear said it best: 'If this was a comedy movie, right as the guy said "Why", the Jeep would go crashing through the ice'