One of the joys in working in the wildlife field is a lot of the funny stories I've been a part of.
We were doing goose counts on the Toronto islands, counting the eggs. I go over to this one nest that a large female is sitting on and try to spook her to count the eggs. She won't move. My co-worker comes over and lifts her off the nest while I count. She keeps trying to nip me so I have the clipboard in front of me to protect myself. The male comes over and starts attacking my co-worker so be puts the paddle out to give him some distance from the male. The male bites on to the paddle and tries to pull it out of my co-workers hands. All I can think is 'imagine a member of the public seeing this. They'd wonder why these environmental workers are fighting with these geese'
Once on a lake it rained the night before and we had a few good inches of water in our boat. I pull the plug and drive off to our first spot which is about 2 hours away. In those 2 hours I forget I pulled the plug. So we get there and start pulling our nets (again, scientific study) and my co-worker asks 'Jer..... Why are we up to our ankles in water?' We had to bail like crazy to prevent the boat from sinking.
On a third lake, the water was really low so the boat was sitting about 3 feet down from the dock and it had rained the night before. I step down into the boat and slip, I figure I'm going in but we have the motor tilted up and my waders get caught on it keeping me hovering a few inches above the water. Problem is I had no way to get untangled as I couldn't reach where I was caught or pull myself up. I had to call my co-workers who proceeded to laugh for a few minutes before rescuing me.
My best fish story I can think of was 2 years ago. I'm fishing with my grandfather and be hooks into something big. He fights it, it runs back to the bottom, back and fourth for about 5 minutes before it snaps his line. We figure he had a big pike or Muskie. Later that day I'm snorkelling the spot looking for drop offs and cover and I find his lure. I didn't have the heart to tell him he hooked into someone's water pump.