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Everything posted by Sinker

  1. Glad to see the pics worked out for ya! Nice carp Sinker
  2. Thanks......I'm from the very northern tip of the island, so I don't really get to see the southern end too much. I've been to St. Johns lots of times, and drove thru, but its nice to see in pictures. My dad is there now, he just took his first load of things down. He's headed back to retire....now I have an excuse to visit more!! He's coming back to pick up his boat, and he's gone for good. I'll get some pics up tomorrow from my home town. Sinker
  3. Where abouts are these taken? Great pics Bosc......I'm getting home sick looking at them all today Sinker
  4. Thanks.....now I"m homesick.... Sinker
  5. Speaking of bears.....lol http://www.jsonline.com/story/index.aspx?id=675609
  6. WTG Cliff!! Congrats on your first with the bow!! Sinker
  7. Usually, when I go for the "folded over" chips.......I'm REALLY hungry
  8. As long as there is no water in your lower unit.....your good to go. Once it starts getting cold, I change my gear lube more frequently, just so I KNOW there is no water in there to freeze, and crack the housing. Just let the engine drain in the down position before you leave the launch on below zero days, and you'll be fine. Water is the devil when it comes to operating your outboard in below zero weather. Water expands, and cracks whatever is containing it.......make sure it all drains out, and that your lower unit isn't leaking any water into it. Gasline antifreeze is always a good idea in an outboard in cold weather as well. I've had my carb freeze up, and it sucks when its cold and windy!! Sinker
  9. I put stabil in every tank of fuel I burn. This was reccomended to me by my marine mechanic, since the intro of ethanol into our fuel. Apparently, the ethanol attracts water, and can separate your oil from the fuel.....the stabil stops this from happening. I also run seafoam every spring and every fall. I just spray it directly into the carbs, let it sit for a half hour or so, then go for a good run at WOT. This clears out any carbon build up. A good point was mentioned about storing your engine in the upright position. Storing it on its side, or laying down can mess up parts in your carb if there is any gunk in there. Sinker
  10. I'd rather fish a cold front, than pack it in for the year.....I say screw it and go!! P.S....why are you putting the boat away so early? Sinker
  11. Not sure why your seafoaming it, and whatever you do , don't put antifreeze in your fuel lines! Add Stabil to your fuel, and fog the motor with a fogging agent ( avail at CT) Just spray in the carbs while running till it stalls. If your storing it inside, you really don't have to do anything to the engine......just put the stabil in your fuel tank and your done. All I do is make sure there's no water in the lower end gear case. I change my gear oil about every 3 months.....but thats only so I know for sure I haven't damaged the propshaft seal. Mine gets run until there is safe ice though....so I have a long time on the water yet! Sinker
  12. Follow the links posted. After doing it a few times, you can have it done in a half hour. It might cost you $20 a season. Cheap and easy......... Sinker
  13. If those girls could actually fish, and throw out some info that I haven't already heard, then yes, Id watch it. But, by the looks of it......No....I wouldn't watch. Well....maybe just for a bit....lol. Sinker
  14. Just one more thing to go wrong on a merc...... There is very little torque on a tiller if its set up right. I took a 115 merc tiller, for a rip, on a 20 foot lund......what a boat that was......my dream rig! Sinker
  15. So much for my theory of not getting a bird by sitting on the couch!!!
  16. Thats the way I felt. What if these people were just going for a walk, or to get supplies.....and you just released their only food for dinner? I would have at least asked first. But, who knows.....they could have just been leaving it to die, but for some reason, I don't get that feeling from people who are living in a tent on the islands...... Sinker
  17. I call that thinning out the gene pool. Its unfortunate, but if you don't play safe, your not gonna beat mother nature....she's a nasty, nasty creature. I couldn't imagine what my family would be saying if I drowned because I didnt wear my PFD.......I always have it on when I'm solo, or in dirty weather........ if I'm hunting, im wearing my camo float suit. Best investment I've made yet on outdoor gear by far!! Be safe out there folks, things happen real fast!! Sinker
  18. OUCH! I did the same thing in june last summer. Lost the whole works........plus my car keys with it!! I have a funny feeling he won't have his paperwork back in 2 weeks, it took me a few months before I had everything in order. Sinker
  19. Are you sure they had left for good? Maybe those people had intentions on coming back for thier fish after a bit of fishing close by? I know if that was my fish, and I came back to find it released, I'd be hunting you down for some choice words!! Its their right to keep it if they want. If, in fact, they did leave the island without that fish, I appologize.
  20. I'd buy it, pimp it, put it for sale, and buy a starcraft Seriously, it looks like a good little boat. It should serve you well. That boat should scoot along just nice with a 30 on it. What is is reated for? Take a close look at the gaskets in the engine. If they're black and dirty, it could have been overheated. I'd pay 2 g's for that boat.
  21. My 40 will troll down to about 2.2 MPH, but with a bucket in tow, I get 1.5. If I need to go slower than that I use my electric. I should really get a trolling plate as well.......but, It would be no good for the spots I duck hunt. A 25 should be no prob though.... SInker
  22. A 5 gallon bucket with no holes has worked for me in a pinch. There is a way to do it with an Ikea bag.....someone here will know. Sinker
  23. I'm pretty sure I was duck hunting right behind you in that first picture.....I could be wrong though. Glad to see you got into some musky action....the orange and black has been the ticket for me on sturg so far this season as well. I haven't targetted eyes since labour day weekend, but we did well on them then........I don't fish as much once hunting starts though. If your heading up there again, shoot me a pm. My boat is docked just up the road from Cliffs. Sinker
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