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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. The really sad part is us suckers that have trucks and still paying for it .. Nothing like making payments on a 2 year old truck that they can't give away now.. Wonder what my trade in black book value would be
  2. Got mine from Getting married.. oh wait thats my wrists Find a hot tub and some beer
  3. Thanks all for the great advice, The controls for my Merc will work with a 40hp Merc, with a small part The new controler for a Yam is another $600 if the price was good I would switch when comparing the 2 its about 26lbs lighter. So far, Basspro is the best deal I have found anywhere but they don't take trade-in.. apprently my 2003 is too old yet they are still selling 2006 on the shelf
  4. Just a bump in case someone is going out there that can bring it back into the city. Please call a head to let them know your coming. http://www.perfectvueresort.com/navigation.htm If you have a boat you can also get too their location by Shermans Point. Thanks all in advance.
  5. To quote Seinfeld "Not that there is anything wrong with that" and I don't think that’s the main point of your complaint. Mutual respect, and discretion goes a long way, Sure you son would also feel uncomfortable if he walked into a room with the Grandparents doing the hanky panky. (sorry if grandparents are no longer around) Family is for life, I commend you on your openness
  6. LOL, she may not be fast but she is lucky. My model says Max 40hp. With the kids getting older (6 and 2) + the Dog I might have too get the engine to get up on a plane. Over the BOQ we could not get on a plane going into the wind.. we had too turn downwind to give us the little boost.
  7. Hi All: Yes I am actually looking at upgrading my little 25Hp. The laughter was starting to give me a complex. This is where OFC is the greatest resourse. Where have you bought you engine got the best service and price. What I am looking for is a 40HP Merc, 4st 2009. thanks
  8. Excellent, the pipes always bring out the best in people. WTG
  9. Much easier too put FOO FOO laws out there than do real work like the economy, tighten the spending etc. 21 for passengers is a little stupid, maybe great for big city with transit but come on. Oh well you get what you vote for
  10. All I can say Dan is I LOVE YOUR BOAT.. Oh yea nice fish too
  11. Great going Guys.. Good too see all of you again and talk to Loyd that man knows fishing BOQ. (and coat hangers ) Thanks again
  12. Should be locked soon but here we go. Say right away for 3 years! Take 20% of all employee's pay. Top and bottom No bonus or incentives. cut unproductive lines, cut costs etc. Massive changes Funny how the Union and Management are not doing this, and asking for more. When the ship is sinking you do what you can too live.. with Sailors saying it an't my job and the captn saying I'll wait for help. Boat will sink and no one wins Union contracts will make good fire starter as your hudling around a burning barrell. My 2006 Dodge truck at 28k needed a complete brake job to stop squeeking.. I told the dealer so its just going to make loud squeeks right, yeap you still have 80% pads left they have just rusted ... Great I said I will drive it till I have 10% left and every person who complains about my squeek I will tell them never by a dodge. Word of mouth!
  13. Hi All: I received a call from the Perfect Vue and apprently there was a trouphy left in our cabin #3. I am guessing that my fish won the Qunity G2G but unfortuantly we had already packed and left. Joanne has the trophy and is wondering how too get it too me. Is anyone going near that can pick it up and bring it back too Mississauga/TO. I won't be out there till spring Thanks Lexx
  14. Wow what a weekend, Friday after getting Tbayboy and bassmastermike we were off too the Perfect view, Very nice little place and great host's. I would stay there again in the spring. So after meeting some fellow OFC'ers we decide to head out and poke around. The fish may not have been biting for us but they were there and it was warm out. Back to the VUE and dinner, things were going great then Sean - (Tbayboy) comes out with the wine.. After a great meal off to other cabins visiting, Great too see the bunch again, chat exchange plans, tips for the next day etc. Not sure how they made our cabin spin but great JOB!! Sat morning it was warm and on the VHF we knew it would be one of those day when they say 100% chance of rain all DAY. Don't you just hate it when the condensation drips on you from the canopy on the inside of the boat. I swear at least 20 drops hit me in the first hour!!! I don't even think we had all the lines out when Mike's board just stopped and went the other way. A nice 6lb fish great way to start the day. The rest of the day we passed over fish after fish dodging boats but no takers. After a chilly lunch it was off too the reach, sorry for the people that were downwind from us. That is where I got my monster, my personal best, for the longest time we thought sheepy cause it took line out felt like a brick and had my rod doubled over. Then there were the oh NO's Day 1, was Mikes day for oops if anyone finds a nice rod and reel set we lost it somewhere in the reach. Location unknow or how it left the boat without notice. Day 2, Sean was up next with a nice rod break up.. Yea it broke on a fish yeap that’s it Day 3, not too be out done I lost a planer board in 40+k winds time we got too where it fell off it was gone, Then there was the launch issue that shall remain quiet. It was great to room\boat with Bassmastermike and Tbayboy 2 guys that are always welcome in my boat anytime. Anytime you can attend a G2G I would really recommend it, you will never find such a great group of people and the fishing knowledge in one room is something that could take you a life time to achive. Thanks again all
  15. I think if there was a larger response to stocking salmon in the Grand it coud become a world class Salmon river. I prefer Salmon in Ontario and stocking walleye in Erie, I thought long ago there was talk about removing the dunville dam or changing it too allow fish to pass.
  16. Great going wish I could have come down for that. Oh well maybe next year
  17. Wow great fish, excellent going
  18. I would have too add, Meeps spinners. Portable outboard
  19. Yeap goes both ways too, bad service is also pointed out
  20. you guys are killing me.. I really need to head out there
  21. One of these days I should try this Hunting thing
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