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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. I think everyone is in the -30% club. too late to change now. I would go kick the FA for the bad advice. "Last year after some coaxing " Make sure you never deal with them again, and for everyone reading never rely 100% on a FA advice do your homework. No one knew how bad it would be but Mutal funds are long term not short term.!!!
  2. I share a 8 foot front lawn with my neighbour, we have got too the point of carting snow too the back yard. If the weather gets above freezing I am going to hook the hose up too the hot water tank and clear a bit. It may leave ice but the least it can do is compact the snow so I can add more. How long till spring again!!!!
  3. I use mine all the time, keep the batteries warm then there are no issues.
  4. LOL, thats better than my college apartment
  5. Let me know how it works out cause I busted a tooth on my clam this weekend its in my basement for repairs
  6. Looked like a great trip, also looking forward to the ling pic
  7. Very nice boat, congrats. With the thinkness of simcoe ice, it may be a while till you get to open her up
  8. Great report.. Tooooo Cold for me.,,
  9. Looks great, the last 2 really would be great on some spinners for pike
  10. Decided to head fishing Sunday as the weather looked nice and really did not want too be stuck inside or at another mall letting the kids run. Tried to do some last minute hook up's but everyone had made plans. Oh well far be it from me to deter from fishing. With no commitments or promises of perch I decided to give the elusive whitefish another try. Got too my site at 6:45 then walked almost 1.5k out on the Simcoe, had a mild heart attach from pulling my pack then started fishing. Within the first 30 minutes I had already lost 1. Humm this might be a good day, Brought my first whitefish up not more then 15 minutes later,. I had a few more major hits and hookups but I could not get anything to the surface, Got another one around 10:30 but it was too small and back in the hole it went, then 11:45 was going to bring up my line reeled a few times and saw something on the finder come swimming in to check it out and bammm another one on this time with some weight too it, Called it a day as soon as I got it in, WOW what a day. Best Day ICE FISHING YET, MY whitefish SKUNK IS GONE!!!!
  11. What there is a limit too the amount you can have,,, I think NOT Sir!! great collection there too
  12. Nice going Shelly, One of these days I will get out there and catch one of those.
  13. Before I head to any new place I always do a search here just too make sure what I am getting into. Word of mouth and OFC
  14. Nice, just hate it when you know the fish are down there and laughing at you.
  15. WTG guys, looks like a nasty drive out. hummm perch you say..
  16. absolutly, me and the entire herd will be there
  17. The day started like any other day this week … COLD AS HELL Drive down too the Oakville Go, Met up with Bitsmith2k and the trip was on. Arrived at Fishmasters at 7am on the dot, first thought was this ain't no cooks bay. Parking was about 500feet from the ice.. Ahhh when your pulling your pack this was half the distance you walk just too get parking at cooks So meet Steve (fishmaster) got some tips bait and we headed out with high hopes. After unpacking and setting up in the cold we started to fish, We were marking tones of fish some big some small. There were a few hook ups but nothing lasting longer than a few seconds.. I call it a learning experience. But! did catch this beauty, and no it was not on there when I put it down Over all a great day on the lower grand with cold gusty winds the moved my hut with me in it but the great company and learning made it well worth the effort. Thanks Lexx
  18. colder temps mean less people -- better fishing
  19. colder temps mean less people -- better fishing
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