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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. Very nice boat!!! Oh too dream to be able to park a boat that size in my 17" garage
  2. I was thinking it was my fault for a while everytime I wanted to go fishing it was rainy or windy. Now I know its Cliff's Fault If only you could pick your work days when the weather was bad and your fishing days when it was good. Guess thats call retirement
  3. Great going Fishmaster.. Now if I can just get down there when the winds work in my favor..
  4. Congrats.. Opps one more post for me
  5. Go get them Joey\Paul. I only run stackers when I really have too, I prefer to run the dipseys out with my hand cranks stackers are lots of work
  6. Well done Dan. All the hard work looks like it paid off.
  7. Excellent report Sean. I almost believed you about the first fish picture, then I saw it was not a bass Sounds like you have this Bass thing down pat
  8. I second that, its the reason I went Ziplock.. Was kayak fishing and figured put my Cell and camera in the Plano Waterproof just incase of water. Well my dog in my kayak tips me and well you get the idea..
  9. I only use the heavy freezer bags and the true Ziplock brand. I have not had any issue so far. I use this for all my plastics when fishing
  10. Got too love the Monkey Puke.. Lake Huron its my top producer
  11. I use Ziplock's when I know water will be an issue, cheap reuseable and works
  12. Congrats,,, oh too fish for them again
  13. LOL, so that does not help. What one is better I want a full summer test Still a great report
  14. Anglers are advised not to consume any fish that appear to be sick, are dying or already dead..... They really need to say this??? LOL
  15. Hi All: What is the best way to repair a trailer tire, I ran over a small peice of metal could be a hook or finishing nail. This has give my tire a slow leek, I know where the hole is just wondering the best way to repair it. Also a reminder to all, always have a spare, and check the tire presure on it. Thanks Lexx
  16. Where in Erie were you.. Roughly always went on Erie for Walleye Thanks
  17. I would have find out where he was and gone had a word@!!!!!
  18. Great report and fish, Thanks for sharing
  19. Lots of Mud cats hitting everything in the river right now, and yes the ramp is still free in Port Maitland.
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