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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. Super going guys, Thoes picks were amazing. Thanks for sharing
  2. Sounds too much off a dooms day event.. Wonder if they are writing this for funding? Sockeye, Chinook, Coho, chum and Atlantic salmon populations are also called threatened or endangered in the study. threatened or endangered !! Ok thats a little extream
  3. outch then a double outch Nice fishing there Glen
  4. Don't click on the link... no need too boost the numbers of people looking at the site
  5. When I turn on my finder I think I see the fish mooning me Anyway, on a good finder you should be able to make out the rocks on bottom and useing a big jig you should be able to see it. When testing a friends who was 100% sure his was working we parked the boats side by side and turned mine on got the reading of depth, and you could see the jig.. Turned mine off then his on, could not see the jig and depth was off by a wide margin. little checking and adjusting he got the same thing.
  6. There maybe lots complaints with the USA. -- Not the People GCD but you got too give them credit that they do stand up for the righs that were granted them in the declaration of independance.
  7. congrats on the hook up.. You will find the more practice you get the more you will be able to "read" the FF with the fish ID off. For me I only turn on the FishID when the kids are with me..
  8. Excellent going there Sean,. One of these years I will try the Grand again. Excellent pics
  9. I fish alone most of the time, well except for the dog.. I make sure safety is as good as it can and sometimes will even hook a rope up too me as a just in case. Given the choice of fishing or trying to arrange with someone to go with you too find out there schedule does not fit yours or they cancell at the last min. GO fishing!
  10. Nice boat and fish. Looks like a great outing
  11. Kind of odd.. to say don't come spend your money in my town.. Oh well moving on
  12. Nice fishing there,WTG ! I wish I had made it down there,.
  13. Yeap we are in the Vue, now if I could only remember the details..
  14. I only catch lakers when I am fishing for anything else BUT
  15. I am just waiting to pass a deer or moose strapped to the hood of a car and as I pass by we make eye contact and it winks at me to everyone their own.. great thing about Canada
  16. Really depends on what your pulling.. in the reach 15lb Fireline if flat lineing 25 Big game on riggers. I like what Wayne said might try that next time I respool 20lb led core with spider wire connector I know the others might go lighter for the line, but my rods are multi use, walleye and salmon too expensive to respool per species
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