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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. Just booked, 14th and 15th.. Now if I can get the 13th off from the Boss See you all there
  2. Stick to blue chip's GE, IBM, J&J they have all taken a beating but are still good companies and at a discount price. Over time when the price market flattens out they will rise. I wish Canada had more Blue chip stock but we are just too small. Like someone said, Canada banks are good. The problem is you just hope they are not hidding something in the closet.
  3. Go for it, if you goof up then you pay the $300
  4. I thought Pickeral Park was camping? Its great but burrrrrr that time of year.
  5. Now if only the wind would work in my favor I would be out there fast.. Perch at the peir ehhh hummm intresting
  6. Great for me, time too find a location to drink at.. oh I mean fish
  7. Your boat will be fine, have all the safety stuff on board and watch the weather. If in doubt don't go
  8. Second week in Nov is great for me.. Someone lets make it offical and start some preplanning
  9. LOL, still lookes like some nice fish . great report
  10. Super report, wish I could have made it up for that one looked like a great time .. Oh well... Bring on the BOQ
  11. Nice report, I need to get up there before ICE
  12. WTG Rogers, David, and Dave Love storeis like that
  13. Like all things my friends this too will pass.. Spikes will always be in everthing we do, supply and demand. Can you really say if you bought a fishing reel for $100.00 buck then found out everyone wanted it cause the factory closed that you would sell it at $100.00. They have us by the short and curlies becuase of our greed and stupidity. GM, FORD etc.. built gas gussleing things to make us feel safer on the road. Houseing moved into the suburbs cause you could but a super big house for half the cost. Getting credit was super easy so you could but a even bigger house than you could afford. Size mattered Now Auto makers are finaly shifting to better fuel economy, smaller cars trucks. HELLOOO took too long and they are paying the price. Burbs are no longer cheaper, Big houses cost lots of fuel to heat/cool drive too work, etc.. People will move closer or smaller houses Free market is only good if you have supply and demand. Higher gas costs the more people want too sell it, They will all start looking for more oil it will get cheaper over time... Only issue will be by the time it runs out will we be at other alternatives. I wish for cheaper Gas too. I also wish I could use less gas but use the same stuff.. A boat engine that gets 100 miles per liter, a house that could be heated by a candle... I think these will come before the gas gets cheaper than water. Ok I ranted
  14. Cool pic, thanks for sharing.. Eating sturgeon?? no hijack but did not know you could eat these.. Did you try it ? Sure that was done for centuries just courious about eating it.
  15. Still my best prefer method.. Like the others said., Electric is only for control when your drifting too close to others or the wind is just not strong enough to spin the blades I crank up to the lowest setting and away I go.
  16. wonder what type of gas milage / top speed it gets on open water
  17. Nice fish, with your boat why peir fish, I take my boat down too bronte and park just out of reach of everyone casting and start casting. Lots of room
  18. I remember growing up in Kincardine in the spring you could get smelts off the beach, perch in june and once the Alwifes started there die off we use to catch millions of them for fun. Then came the zebra plauge.. cleaned up the food.. less everything. Then the exposion of cormorants ... A few bad years of weather killing of even more MMR - Gives natives more rights to fish in more locations MNR - stocks lake trout not salmon Lake levels were too low, so some rivers were not even able to let salmon swim up to reproduce Add all these things up and you have a bad situation.
  19. Sweeeeeeeeet keep that up for Quite November outing
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