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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. Dog is man's best friend. Sorry about your loss
  2. hahah... Great another excuse to go too Homedepot
  3. Cool, just need some open water for me to get down there again
  4. Great going guys.. cheer up cliff it took me almost 3 years to get a whitefish
  5. You have a dirty intake (see MR buddy trouble shooting) Take compressed air and clear it all out./ That should fix your issue
  6. I feel the same way.. Bring on spring
  7. How about recording it for a webcast? Be a nice GTG event
  8. ohhh Walleye thanks for the tease.
  9. got too Say LakAir area or the North Channel by Boat. One of these days I will get further north too see what its like
  10. sometimes, survival or not you got too try and send it back. If it dies it becomes food for the smaller ones. Some fish are very hardy and will go down again and be fine in a couple min's Lexx
  11. cool pics, thing about nature, nothing wasted. Thanks for shareing
  12. Welcome back, 148 took me till college. ahhh the kegs of beer 155 was my normal weight then I got married and ........
  13. Yeap, broke down at 4 miles on the way home took it back too the dealer and it was out of warranty cause he drove it off the lot. Cost 25,000 to fix the engine, breaks everything else that broke from the factory. Guy figures he might get some money for the rims and trashed the car. Good old Mid 80's north american made car. How a lot has changed since the mid 80's
  14. Post count, means something ? Keep buying OFC hats, shirts etc
  15. That would almost make me actaully enjoy Ice fishing. Great pics Wayne.
  16. outch, I feel for all the workers and their families.
  17. this is sort of like you know you are addicted when..... Glad its back and good to hear from you Rick
  18. LOL, me too but I saw the price and said no thanks, I think cause they make them its an extra cash cow. Its a nice place, the other options in the area are pickeral park or Perfect view. Enjoy
  19. Very nice going, Seems like a good year for whitties
  20. Last time I was there the water was super low... Docks were in need of repair. Trailers were OLD. That being said, Old guy running the place was very nice, Fishing was ok, location was good. prices in store.. very high. Now this was a few years ago (2005) so alot could have changed.
  21. Ahhh a drinking and crying song.
  22. I am not sure if its only North American cars that do the rip off, but yes they do break down more. I had a single older woman come to see me balling her eye's out she had gone too the dealer to have something small fixed. The bill came to 1200.00 and she was crying cause it cleared out her savings. I looked at the bill, saw that they did the full works, even stuff that she could have put off. She called the dealer spoke to the manager and got a 400- discount (had to charge for some parts) I was disguested that they would take advantage of someone like that, and I bet the knew what they were doing. Yep, my tax dollars helping this industry .....
  23. Laura Secord House is also a stone’s throw from the Queenston boat launch Yummmy chocolate house Americans have always loved Canada and would gladly take us over just too get at our good beer, fishing and lovely ladies. We kick their butt in 1812 nope.. but a win is a win
  24. LOL, wait till they add an expire date and make you pay to renew each time
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