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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. I had really bad luck or good luck, My wife had to work so I have both troublemakers with me this weekend. No fishing and no desire in that weather
  2. Watermellon and blueberry muffin for spoones.. For eye's can't beat the old worm harness
  3. WOW!! that is engineering Guess your Lund was just too big eh
  4. WOW, you do have the life turkey and fish dinner.
  5. Great too see you guys pulling in the Salmons.. Nice too see some Jello reports
  6. Very Nice fish. Got too love BOQ fishing
  7. Go for the muff's. Easier to make sure the kiddes are useing them
  8. Nice chair, get what you can and spend it on fishing
  9. Just wondering if anyone had time to pick this up
  10. excellent report.. I wish I could have gotten out there this year
  11. Good luck all, this is the first year I had too pass in a long time stay safe
  12. if you are not able to have a drink and drive please close "ALL resturent bar's".. No drinking at the "sky dome", Air canada centre" and every other event that has parking. If you have a drink how did you get there? There are many things out there that are just as bad as one beer, distrations (kids in the car). Cell phones, tired etc. There has too be a better way off determining if you are fit too drive. Cops just enforce the laws, doing the job that was handed to them.
  13. don't worry, given a few more years you will end up paying for your boater card renewal.. cash grab enless it went into enforcement.. but you know that won't happen
  14. You should see my "charter rates now" use too be a 6 pack of beer now I am up too a 12 pack .. Just have to win a tourny that Pay's $$$$$$$$$..
  15. Excellent, it was just one off those thing's they put the trophy in our cabin after we had already left Anywhere in GTA< I will come grab it Thanks Lexx
  16. Me, Dad, Bro and the late Terry Hunt's Daughter will be there to defend our wining title This year with a 40hp we might make more than 7 knots a hour. let the darts practicing begin
  17. Hi All: With the quinti opener coming.. Is anyone going to the vu that could bring it back too Toronto / Mississauga Thanks LeXX
  18. Terry, is correct. If the marina is under control of a habour master. They can put signs up saying no fishing and you have to go with that. MNR can also put up signs. Some people think they own the water when they don't, some people have the rights too make you leave really depends on how far you want too go. Cops or a judge will sort it all out
  19. With Such great weather I was really hopping to get too the perch derby but that was not the case. Just too many things too do so little time. Poor boat still needs to get wet. Rather than spend the time in the city I decided to head down to Port Maitland and start getting ready for the summer months. We arrived late Saturday so really only enough time to get the trailer in her spot and hook up the gas before the storm hit. Possibility of light rain my %$%&&$%^%$&*T& What do you get when you put rain, kids and toys together.. After we played around cleaning up after the winter, off too the Dunnville pier for a hour while our little guy headed home for a bath . Lots of fish biting too keep Olivia happy and she got this nice silver Bass. Her old man got big tasty sheepshead. Yummy Olivia lost a big something and I picked up a nice tree fish. note too all the Port Maitland docks are not in yet
  20. Super going guys. Looks like your little one might be outfishing you this year.
  21. Nice. I think I may have to get the boat wet
  22. Its a way for suppliers to stick it too us. When the dollar dropped and stores did not change the costs to reflect the true cost , people went too the USA, blocking out the little guy. Rather than adjust they just set it up too refuse to ship too Canada. Now the dollar is lower again they raise the price right away
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