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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. Thats the problem with the CRTC, they let companies charge on the top teir price not really what you are getting. Yes the company is correct the "best possible speed" is about all the can guarentee. There is no QOS on the link so you are out of luck. When ever signing up for internet service, if its ADSL or DSL find out where your CO is. You can call and ask the technical support team and they might let you know. You will find that they will sell you service even if you are at the far reaches giving you a connection but the slowest possible. Cable is also affected but not as much, this really depends on how old the neighbour hood is, and how dense the population is. The Speed tests that people are posting give you a rough idea, but too truley know you need to do them at different times of the day to get a good average. Due to the crtc having no teeth and driving the company rather than the customer you will continue to get dinged. Voip is not good on a low link it may work but too get a better reliabilty the just lower the frame packet. best you can do is complain, send e-mails and like most of us wait for more competition
  2. I say take the bear downtown toronto and let it on the toronto Islands that's where the most vocal people about leaving nature alone is. Now if we could just get all the cormorants too all nest there too
  3. Ah poor guy,. the looked very painfull. 8 weeks over summer that is going to be hard and itchy @@
  4. Big lakers take a long time to grow compared to Salmon. Great fish would have been a great fight. Keeping this size fish is well within the rules of fishing and no shame intended. congrats to the fisherman
  5. Me and Family folk will be there Thursday afternoon out sunday after noon.
  6. Eating bass you say.. humm Saw in OD Ontario there was a bass recipe May need to try that
  7. gooooo GG. Good on her for showing how to be a good guest. I would have wimped out American bashing is easy. cheap but easy and it goes both way's Whats the USA song.. Blame Canada. (but we are still all friends and we have better beer) East coast fisheries were missmanged for too long on all sides. When it collapsed it cost tax payers lots of money that we are getting back now from Oil. Fair is fair Seals are over popullated becuase we don't have the sharks, the killer whales, the human hunters we once did. if you got too controll them might as well eat them. Killing seal pups was a public relation's nightmare. If the pup was ugly would there be the same out cry? White snow / red blood.. Darfur, Serbia, .... brown land red blood not so much. Its a world we live in. If we could only solve the world issues by talking Peace all
  8. Great seeing you again Mike, Glad percher hooked you up again See you at BOQ
  9. WOW super rig there.. See you at Bronte
  10. I have had mine since 2005-- and its still going with no issues
  11. I was REALLY looking into going. Have to bail by 11am -- Kids Bday party and all If I make it I will ping ya all on the VHF Thanks Lexx Aka Paul
  12. I hate thoese musky on lake st clair... keep shutting down the walleye bite Mind you they are fun when you hook one with a jig and light line
  13. I have seen a few nationalities fish for Drum and carp with the intention to eat them. to everyone there own. For me I will stick too the perch and walters.
  14. WTG Cliff that was one nice Pike and report. Glad you got into them this weekend., Funny how the weather always gets better they day you have to leave
  15. WTG Cliff that was one nice Pike and report. Glad you got into them this weekend., Funny how the weather always gets better they day you have to leave
  16. ahh man rub it in I wanted to head to bronte today too but you know this work thing got in the way great report
  17. Such a nice day too,, man thats just wrong to post this for us daily 9-5 workers !!
  18. I would have to agree, People should get there radio licence and people who think they are jokers should remember they can triangulate your position in about 1 second. Last year on the water there were a couple of jokers who were piping through music on one of the channels. VERY annoying !!! Good thing is the coast guard is very aggressive about keeping 16 free
  19. If you are going to fish I check all licences before you get on board. Your not going to fish only a passenger no issuee but don't even thing about touching a fishing rod
  20. OOS fish catches happen if you want too or not. Sometimes they live sometimes they die. Its part of fishing. Even the pro's take pictures..
  21. Great going !! Thing about cottages its always work work work
  22. You can get a batt switch box that will change the power charger. Never charge Deep Cell and Starting batteries together. Hope that will helps
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