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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. They will get off with a slap well maybe the 18 and 20 year old might get something but I don't thing so.
  2. Nice pic on the finder, man I need an upgrade
  3. protected under the Migratory Bird Act .. yeap or they would all be gone by hunting season
  4. get a sling shot, cheap and easy.. Wont hurt anything but reminds them your around,.. Works really good on skunks. For a bear it mint just remind it your higher up on the food chain.,. if not you should be far enough to run like mad.
  5. WOW looks like a great hall. Yea I think we got the minnows in the same place. That was a stickleback Thanks for shareing
  6. Jeeez and I entered my e-mail address and did not win. Congrats
  7. Yeap I thought about ICE season.. cried, then went back to bed
  8. Lets See -- First I would love too see longer DTV segments. I really would love to watch the TV show on more TV channels The Score and WFN got out voted in my family with Family Channel and Discovery Kids
  9. Nice catches Cliff. Pike are good fighters if anything., yea they taste ok if you like that kind of thing
  10. I am going to give it another shot this weekend thanks for the post
  11. You get what you vote for, If anything the tree huggers are much more of a force than hunters and fishermen. Call, write, donate to who you want in power. Otherwise, gather up all the bears and send them too the Toronto Island
  12. Got too say, better use of the money I already pay, honestly how many more studies on cormerants, spring bears, and stuff do you need., More money for CO's more accountability where the money goes. Also if you make it more expensive, you will lose a segment of the population cause its too expensive.
  13. Great Job Glen.. I started making my own stuff this year, great fun.
  14. Yeap, really home my wife never gives me that question because she hates fishing from the bottom of her boots, she gets sea sick in Red Lobster.. If she does say that too me, who wants too go fishing I will have more free time
  15. Need more MNR -- call your, MP, write your MP, let your voice be heard. thats about all you can do.
  16. 60 feet is about 5-6K out. The winds are not looking good for the weekend 25 from the south. This will make it very bumpy and there is no safety getting closer to shore. North Winds are best down there. I was going to head out but with the winds I might just stay in the river. Erie is differnt waves than Huron \ Ontario. They have a lot more chop and less roll. Stay safe
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