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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. Super, I was down at Bronte on Friday.. no report cause I did not make it out of the harbour. They were all talking about your fish., congrats
  2. I wish the wind was like that on the weekends!!! Great going Steve,.
  3. They are making by-laws now just to make you conform too someone else standard. ~YES COMRAD There was a big joke on the radio today that some towns have by-laws for using power tools outside on Sunday!! You think its only bad in the city,, I bought some land, the town provides NO services too me other than maybe plowing the road yet I have too conform to by-laws for the local town?? Problem is goverement is over stepping their bounds, and have the law too enforce it. When that tell you too pay more try telling them no.
  4. The water's are still very warm. Can't say for sure but I would wait a while
  5. Just more business for the micro brews..
  6. LOL, I think it's acutally a by-law office not too have a paved driveway in mississauga and yes there is a by-law too park on the grass. By-laws are just a way too make money and let you know that although you may feel you are the king of your castle really you are just renting with the goverment telling you want too do. best by-law!!! == NO MORE BY-LAWS!!!
  7. On the marine broadcast all day Sat there were constant warning about waterspout activity on lake Erie .. always check the maine weather before heading out on lake erie cause she is never a forgiving lake.. http://www.usatoday.com/weather/wspouts.htm So.. these bass you talk about
  8. yea that sounds like Lake Erie this year.. Surf's up
  9. The biggest problem these days off Erie is the wind, the lake can pick up in a heart beat. I like port maitland becuase its got river fishing or Erie fishing. I went out on Sat before the storms and pulled in about a 4-5lb big Small mouth, there were lots of them on the finder or it could have been sheepies Find a hump and go, Now that I have tried it I want more bass
  10. I'm in again this year, Boat is booked, trophy is ready too go. Where are we all staying
  11. Well my new 2008 engine is giving me grief, well it could be the engine. Its a 40-hp 4st merc. When I say its brand new its a 2008 model put on this year. Now made in china but I don't think its the cause Basically when I go too WOT I stall out, not enough too stop the engine but it sputters then when I go back too mid range it works fine. I can go all the way upto WOT for a few seconds then putters. Its not bad fuel as I thought it might be too and replaced it with all fresh fuel. I think it has something too do with the fuel running out. Where in the chain that occurs is my issue. AND THE UPDATE **** After going to Bpro again, they had it on the computer and went through all the testing etc.. Still no cause over and over they tested and could not find the issue.. Then the bright young tech, saw that just prior to WOT the voltage dropped below 12v as the fuel pump sucked hard. He checked the terminals saw some corrosion cleaned them up tried again.. The voltage was just above 12v now.. When I went too the store we chatted for about 30 min if this could be the cause. Never had a battery issue yet, battery is always charged, finder etc works fine. My Engine also has the pull start option so how can the battery be the issue? This unit also has an alternator? So, I took the boat down too the water, took it up too WOT and all works great?? On the finder I have the gauge option to see voltage, and just prior too WOT, I am at 14 volts then as it hits WOT I drop down too 12 for a few seconds and then back up too 14 once I am running full out.. They tell me this is normal and it works fine, now ,
  12. When I was up near Bancroft, there were lots of people out but only I was catching, The biggest difference I could see was that I was putting lots of line behind the riggers, like almost 150' back and doing a zig zag.. Hope that helps?
  13. LB's / Bpro Selection and you know thats the average cost. Service at LB's is MUCH better than Bpro but really if you need a staple mepp's who care's Fishmasters on the grand, little more in cost that LB's\Bpro but you make that up in the information he gives. Every local spot I go that they treat me like I am a regular customer I buy somthing too support the local guy. You can never have too much
  14. Great going.. WOW I keep trying to get there yesterday but I always end up tommorow
  15. I love chaity tourn's wish I could have gotten to that one
  16. Wow great topic.. 1# Izumi (both wayne and bob) cause they were the first fishing show I watched. 2# Choronzy - Cause where ever he goes you know the walleye are there. 3# Fishing Canada team. They know the stuff too help you catch. Where Ontario. Somewhere I can relate too
  17. Perchy and Walleye Actually, from some of the reports coming out, people need too keep more "small" fish as without enough top preditors the small fish do more damage competeing for food. Send the big ones back, unless its hurt or going belly up. Now if I can only catch a fish
  18. Great report Fidel and congrats on the engagement.. Russia is a place I really want too see, oh the history!! Thanks for the pics.
  19. Yeap, was out there too on the water with the boat, it was too warm near the mouth 73F Fish were there going after bait you could see them jumping far out. I did not mark them until I started in the 120feet area. Fishing was slooooooow crap floating in the water with high
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