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Everything posted by LeXXington

  1. good rod holders, all the others have offered and practice. When I am in the wind I do my change ups when going downwind with the waves, less boat control needed.
  2. Sleep and kids don't normally work well together. Funny my mum and me had a big thing about this, she was telling me ohhhh there is so much caffine in those things, as she finished off her second coffee. When you do the math on the drinks, one red bull is about the same as 2 cups of drip coffee I prefer the reb bull to cofffee
  3. Well the Results are in.. Started of Sunday early morning.. Fog bank so think I cut it and ate it for breakfast. I waited around till about 7:30 light enough too see a couple hundred feet then off I went GPS in hand. Got too where I thought they would be, it was dead calm so jigging was easy. yes the whitties were there and intrested on what I was offering but they decided too just window shop. Coming in close then leaving. I think if I tried a few more days (years I could have caugh one. After the fog lifted and the sun poked through I tried to find some bass, nope,, tried some pike,, nope.. On the way to another spot I started seeing lots of activity at 50feet.. Spent the rest of the afternoon perching.. The perch schools were only in the 55-48 foot mark if you drifted too shallow the perch seemed to dissappear. Got a bunch of jumbo's and only a few dinks most were around 7-9 inch mark. The fish were very aggressive, your bait would not even hit the floor, I tried using a high low rig but just too tough. it will be hard to get that type of day on the water again but it was fun. Cheer's too all the tips I got, I was in the right location but wrong bait
  4. You got that right Jim, Flat water was hard too find this year, I am going to try for a last time next weekend, hope the weather holds
  5. You mean shampoo and condition comes in separate bottles.. ??
  6. LOL, too funny,, Dave got too love that pic..
  7. The type your looking for is called cistern well. I think your other option is too try going deeper. With 2 kids in my house + dog and a wife that insists not to use the dishwasher we go through about 400L per month. If your getting a cistern I was told too get the biggest you can afford.
  8. yeap from the words, Whitties are a shot in the dark now in that location. pike, bass, and good old perch are the name of the game. Thanks all
  9. Hey all my ICE fishing comrads. Being that it took me about 3 years to get a whitty on the ice I was thinking about trying the same area of the Fishing for Tyler on the water. Is it worth trying in the area for whittes or should I skip that and go for the perch, bass pike etc.. Any help you can provide for fall whitties would really be helpful if they are in that area. Thanks
  10. Makes me try to be a better person.
  11. There are all sorts out there. MNR tips or hull numbers
  12. Is it spring already, I was just enjoying summer?
  13. Best of luck in the future, You are a standup guy One door closes and another one opens
  14. I don't like bear meat.. just not my flavor. unfortuantly give a few years and a few kids will be mauled or killed it will change until then keep your kids safe
  15. Keeping fish for eating... WHAT WERE YOU THINKING.. WTG .. Pike is great eating if done right
  16. Don't know read the entire document and I did not see anything about the wiskey but I am sure its in there somewhere
  17. Just wait 20 years.. Fishing will be the best ever cause only those who can afford it will go.
  18. WTG - Glen.. My redneck lingo is always updateing with your informative post's
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