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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. I heard this on the radio this morning. The following is from the Toronto Star. A parting shot for Sportsmen's Show? Interactive maps: Gun ownership Mar 20, 2009 04:30 AM Comments on this story (23) Donovan Vincent and Raveena Aulakh Staff Reporters The future of the Toronto Sportsmen's Show, currently on at Exhibition Place, appears unclear after the city quietly decided to carry through with banning the sale and display of firearms at the event. Deputy mayor Joe Pantalone, who also chairs Exhibition Place, said organizers were notified last fall that a final decision had been made: After this year, the popular show would have to conform to Mayor David Miller's ban on promotion of firearms on city property. But that apparently came as news yesterday to show officials. "That's never been stated to us,'' said Ray Sriubiskis, vice-president of the Canadian National Sportsmen's Shows, which runs the event. Sriubiskis said that, as far as he's concerned, the issue is "still under discussion." Rifles are currently on display and for sale to qualified buyers at the 62-year-old show, underway at the Direct Energy Centre on the Exhibition grounds. Pantalone, who described the Sportsmen's Show as "amazing," said he doesn't think the city's move will harm it, given that in his view firearms make up only a "small part of the show." That firearms might be out of the mix – or that the show might have to move outside Toronto – also came as a surprise to gun dealers. Waterloo-based Shooter's Choice, which sells archery, hunting and fishing equipment, has had a booth at the show for about seven years, said Trevor Williams, a sales associate. "As far as I know, we'll be here (next year)," he said yesterday. "We haven't been told anything on the contrary." Williams says the retailer sells only about 50 or 60 rifles at the show, but it's an excellent way of getting the word out about the company. "People have always come here to (Exhibition Place). I'm don't know if another location will get as many crowds." Jean-Francois Tanguay, of Gravel Agency, which represents the Remington brand, said moving it would "definitely affect everyone. I don't even know if there's another place as big as this. Or if it's as good as this." Remington hunting rifles are displayed but not sold at the show. But he said "dozens and dozens" of people check them out there and buy later. About 120,000 people visit the show each year, Sriubiskis said. Thousands of them make a beeline for the Hunting Hall, the section featuring hunting equipment. "I come here just for the guns," said Christopher Taylor of Newmarket, who was checking out a firearm at Savage Arms' booth yesterday. "I'm a hunter; I like to keep up with what's new in the market." Taylor, who hasn't missed a show in eight years, said he didn't see anything wrong with displaying and selling firearms, as long as it's safe and legal. "But if the show moves really far away, I don't know if I'll go." But Michael Spitzer, visiting the Remington booth from his home in Ajax, said he would go wherever the show moved. "As long as there are guns, I will go anywhere. "I'm totally in favour of firearms present here. What's wrong with that? There's no ammunition ... if they are locked up and treated safely, I'm all in favour." The future of guns at the show first became an issue last June, after city council approved Miller's "city based'' measures to address gun violence, including a bylaw banning shooting ranges and gun clubs on city property, except those related to policing. A Scarborough rifle club at a community centre and gun club at Union Station were subsequently evicted. At the time, the Sportsmen's Show contacted the city seeking clarification about how the policy on firearms promotion would affect their operation. The day after council approved Miller's policy, Pantalone and Councillor Mark Grimes, a sports enthusiast, sought a second council vote on the matter, but later backed down on that plan. Pantalone also tried to bring forward a motion to reword a section of the bylaw that banned "promotion of firearms use" to read "promotion of handgun use." But his motion lost on a 22-18 vote. Though the show brings the city millions of dollars in parking, concessions, facility rentals and hotel rooms, councillors who voted against the motion said the city needed to be consistent on the ban. City officials and Pantalone assured organizers that this year's show wouldn't be in jeopardy. Yesterday, Pantalone said the issue was "clarified" in discussions with the city manager's office last fall.
  2. Some nice fish there GCD. Thanks for the laughs!
  3. Great report Wayne. It almost felt like Terry was there with you. Even Joe made a guest appearence. Love the pics.
  4. You're reading my mind Carole. LOL! Congrats on the new van!!
  5. AWESOME!!! And yes - take lots of pictures! Congrats.
  6. Awesome day on the water for ya Mike. But when is it that you don't have one. LOL! Thanks for the report.
  7. Very nice fish Carole and good on ya Cliff.
  8. I'm jealous as well. Nice to see an open water report even if there were no fish to be had. Great looking boat companion too.
  9. Now play nice Joey. How did you make out on Sunday? I think you've right Glen. Mind you, that shot of me talking on the phone looks great. I almost thought I had a fish on! Not always UF. Cliff smoked me last year on one of our muskie adventures, 4 for him, 0 for me. Cliff does take some great pics. Cliff thanks for the report and for being the official photographer. I'm sure it's just a first fish thing as others have said, 3rd time a charm I'm sure. Something to look forward to next season. As always a great day on the water with you, not so much with Ken. Next time we'll leave him at home. Also going to get a set of those ice scrapers for the sled next year and save on the walking.
  10. Nice fish Cliff. Good to see you can catch something.
  11. Great report and congrats to Melissa. Some quality time for both of you and memories for a lifetime.
  12. Great report Terry. I've been looking at getting a set of those ice scratchers for a couple of years and was wondering how well they'd work. I guess I'll be giving Royal a call and placing an order.
  13. Last weekend there were lots of small openings of an inch or 2 in that area. Saw lots of guys with their cars, trucks, atv's and the hut operators with the bombardiers' going out from JP. I stepped across one crack and felt the ice move under me, not sure if a vehicle would have done as well as I did walking. Be safe and have a great day.
  14. Sounds like a good morning on the water Stan, thanks for the report.
  15. Good laugh to start off the weekend. Thanks!
  16. Pretty much the approach I took in buying my last truck. Firm on the type of truck I wanted, firm on my price that I wanted to spend, and firm on the options I needed to have. Found the truck that I wanted with a list price was $21K + taxes, it needed a hitch and wiring, bed liner and tonneau cover. I ended up with all of my options including a fiberglass tonneau cover, held on my price that I wanted to spend and drove away with taxes in for $17, 000. (Spent another few bucks on the rust protection module was the only up sell I did take.) I took me a couple of years of sittting on the fence before I was committed to the idea of spending any money are all. I did a lot of homework and in the end I'm happy with my purchase. It looks like you've found yourself a good dealer, good luck with your purchase.
  17. I was going to say I'd take a couple till I saw this. What the heck, I'll take a couple if we can get enough interest.
  18. Always great to get out with a buddy. I'll be doing it again tomorrow with a few but the water will be much harder. lol! Thanks for the report.
  19. Great news!! Congrats to the new family!
  20. I bought 2 last year on sale and wish I had bought them all! Been very happy with mine and they were used quite heavily last season.
  21. A very sad day indeed when we lose a member of the family. Very sorry for your loss Bernie.
  22. Great report gentlemen. Some very nice specimens.
  23. Sweet!!!! Judging by the ice on Simcoe on the weekend it will be a while before ice out. You could do what I did when I got mine a few years ago. Scugog had just opened up while the other lakes were still frozen. Went from the river down to Port Perry and back, man was it cold. So cold that when the boat came out it had ice hanging on the sides from the spray. Wouldn't have traded that day for any other. First fishing day was a couple of weeks later on Simcoe and my Dad was the first one to boat a fish in my new ride. About a 5 inch perch at a cost of $25, 000 to get us out there. Memories to last a lifetime - priceless. Looking forward to hearing about some of your memories in the making. Congrats again on the new ride.
  24. Awesome report Cliff!!! Great to get out with you and Joe again. You're right Joe, it's been way too long. Cliff - if you want, I'll be going out again this weekend. I know that we can break that curse. BTW - you don't suck at it. I took me several years before I got my first whitefish. Just got to keep at and you will suckceed.
  25. Well I've certainly done the lake Trifactor many times before but never via air and I burned alot more gas!! Did 2 lakes via airplane before but never 3. Thanks for the report Wayne, very cool to see how you spent your day.
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