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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Very nice Kemper. These should help off set the costs of your education a bit. Or maybe just give you a few bucks for more fishing tackle.
  2. Some very nice work. I'm assuming they have a studio somewhere or are they on display at someone elses? Heading north for the family weekend and if I'm in the area I'd like to stop in see them up close. Might have to get the girlfriend one of those trees for her birthday. She loves those Georgian Bay Pines. Shhhhhh.....it's a surprise. lol!
  3. Some great shots there Bernie. Always cool to take a look back in time.
  4. I've got the same plate myself. My came off of the set of Degrassi: The Next Generation. Some cool stuff there Nautifish.
  5. The Doc just told me that my arteries were free and clear. Maybe I should do something to keep him employed in these tough economic times. I'm in for the road trip as well.
  6. Sorry to hear of your loss Lew. My condolences to you and your family.
  7. Thanks for the link Cliff. I say bring it on!! It's why I bought a snowblower a few years ago. Now do you want to come over Cliff and use it again?? LOL!!
  8. Great report Wayne, nice to see the other pics that Joey was talking about. Thanks for the post.
  9. A buddy of mine has been using the same/similiar one for years and loves it. Never had a problem with it staying lit and it does keep the hands toasty.
  10. My girlfriends brother-in-law loves surfing. When he moved back to Ontario he took up the sport on the Great Lakes and would surf in the winter as well. Not a problem to deal with the cold these days since his move back to Australia.
  11. Good friends, good times, and a few fish to boot. Sounds like a great weekend to me even if the weather was a bit chilly. Great report Joey! Thanks
  12. Now you've jinxed me. I always like the feedback you get here. I do Google to get as much information as I can, but the info gained here can be as good if not better in some cases. The reason for the post was more of what others do or have done when it comes to buying an extended warranty. Personally I'm not a fan of them as it seems most here are not as well. Great link, you can never go wrong in checking out what Consumer Reports has to say. Thanks for the replies everyone.
  13. Just thought I 'd see how the majority feels about this. Personally I've only done it once and is was a waste of money, imo. Had 3 trucks since and never would have used it then as well if I had bought it. I figured I've saved over 2G's buy not making the purchase on those trucks. However, they're not making them like they use to, and wonder if is worth the money or not. The warranties range in price from $1000 for the power train - $3200 for what is almost a bumper to bumper for a 80K / 4 year plan. Thanks for your input.
  14. Now I'm really hungry! LOL! When's the cooking book coming out Brian? Maybe if you ask the mods nicely you can have your own cooking forum here. I, for one am OK with that!
  15. Already had lunch, too early for dinner, but I'm pretty hungry now! Looks amazing Brian.
  16. Great report and pics Leechman. Those steaks look might fine as well.
  17. Great report Cliff. Always a great time when a few OFNer's get together.
  18. Hey GCD - I did have the stress test done before the angiogram as well as an echocardiogram and the ECG to start things off. The ECG and stress test indicated that something was wrong (Up here in the north they call the results abnormal. At least that's how the docs gave me my results.). The echo showed that the heart was in good shape. I've really had no symtoms other then getting out of breath real easily. All of this came about in my annual check up when the doc first did the ECG. Not sure where they will go from here but it's nice to know that the heart and arteries are in good shape. Good to know that your end results are as simple as taking a pill a day. Getting old sucks eh?! LOL! Thanks again everyone.
  19. Hello fellow OFNers! I just wanted to pop in and say thanks. Your kind words and good luck wishes that were sent my way over the past few days were greatly appreciated. As Cliff had updated, the angiogram on Friday went well and they found nothing. I have followed up with the cardioligist in six weeks to see if anything else should be done at this point in time. In the mean time, excercise and a balanced diet. I guess that means a beer in each hand so you don't fall over. In all seriousness I will be watching my intake. I also had eye surgery today and that seem to go OK as well. Back in for a follow up there in 3 months. A very special thanks to Cliff and Carole for coming by yesterday with coffee and breakfast. Also for digging me out of the 28cm of snow that we apparently got out this way, according to the news tonight. I think Cliff was very happy to be using my snowblower to move all that snow around. Carole and I did a very good job of chatting and catching up while laughing at the snow blowing back in Cliff's face. Two nicer people you'd be very hard pressed to find. Thanks to OFC for helping this friendship connect. It is certainly a pleasure to call them my friends. So now that the doc has given me the go ahead, look out Simcoe! Here I come! PS - GCD - Very scary going into the procedure but as you said, "a piece of cake" in the end. I was even lucky enough to be give new device. Instead of the typical clamp and sandbag recovery that I had been told about from others to stop the bleeding, the doc used a plug. It's actually called an Angio-Seal I was up and around in a couple of hours and on my way home. Very sore that evening mind you but as the weekend went on things got better and are pretty much back to normal now. A little bruising and I just have to wait the 3 months for the Angio-seal to dissolve. Thanks again everyone.
  20. I finally had a moment to check in and say Happy Hew Year to everyone. For the last couple of months I've been incredible busy with work, the Christmas holidays and several trips to the doctors and specialists. Great that work has been going so well in these tough times and I'm very thankful for that. The holidays were very nice with the normal hustle and bustle of the season. Santa was pretty good to me as well. The not so great stuff has been my health. Been back in for more eye surgery (Right eye) with the left to be done next Monday. Getting use to that after several procedures. Last fall when I had my annual physical the doctor thought I should have an ECG done because it had been a few years. Heart disease runs on both sides of my family. The ECG had some irregularities to it so I was sent in for an echocardiogram which came back OK. From there I was sent to a cardiologist and had a stress test done which was labeled as abnormal. The cardiologist said it wasn't bad but something wasn't right. So this Friday I'm going in for an angiogram to get a closer look at the ticker and arteries. I'm guessing on the brighter side of this that whatever it is, they've caught it early enough to do something about it before it causes any real damage. Or they'll say it's nothing to worry about and go fishing. Hopefully I'll have that answer after the procedure this Friday. Hoping to do some catching up here while I recover this weekend. Take care and tightlines.
  21. Sorry for your loss Brian. My thoughts and condolences are with you and your family.
  22. Nice report Cliff and as always, great to spend some time on the water with you. You did forget to mention my newing scrapped up tail dancer, but then again, why bother. I figure a few more trips and we'll have this figured out. I did have my rod back 200 at one point but perhaps we should have gone back farther or even jigged. As you said, some info for the memory banks for the next time, thanks for the tips gentlemen, just a couple of newbies here. HH - Cliff hasn't installed the radio I gave him so no tunes at all. lol! Would have been nice to have you along for the day but not much room in the tinny. Next year I won't be so quick to put my boat away and you can come along with us. Couple of beauties there JayZ! Congrats! BTW - The test went well today, will more when I follow up with the doc in a couple of weeks.
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