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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Hang in there Rick, still lots of fishing to do. All the best for a speedy recovery.
  2. A great day on the water for you Ron. I wonder if all the Kawartha's were on fire as we boated 7 on our last outting.
  3. Nice fish there Ron. Congrats! It would seem that the mid week trip was just what the doctor ordered.
  4. I'll let you know ctdd2006. Thanks again for the replies everyone.
  5. I had no idea that there was more to life then fishing Cliff. Great report Carole and congrats on the PB. It was a last minute call as my partner for the closer had to cancel do to some work commitments. First time in 20+ years that we did even fish together the fall do to schedule conflicts. I guess it had to happen sooner or later. Nice that you could make it out, the company was great, the fishing was good and I manged to get you onto a PB that beat Cliff's. Bragging rights for 6 months - priceless. I don't know why it is but we always seem to hit wet weather and great fishing but I'll take that combo anytime. Too bad you couldn't make it Cliff but we'll get out again soon. Now do I put the boat away or head down to Quinte???
  6. Personally I can't but have heard that they are a bit of pain to set up and take down. If you're on the move a lot then a "Clam" type set up might be a better choice.
  7. What a day!!! Congrats to you both! Maybe we should hit the tribs instead of musky fishing Carole? Na, you need a musky to brag about all winter long to your hubby.
  8. I did invite you as well but she must have forgotten to tell you that part. I will be out with Bly tomorrow and hoping to get her another PB. Wouldn't mind one of my own!
  9. First - My condolences to Bren and the rest the family and friends, sorry for their loss. Second - Great report as always! That 500 pounder must have been a heart stopper when you saw her at the boat. Great pics too!
  10. Just wanted to say - Have a great time everyone! Shouldn't be hard to do. Be safe and looking forward to the reports. I've made the foolish choice of going after those muskies again on Saturday and family plans for Sunday. Hopefully I'll be joining you all next year.
  11. The way the skis were biting and following for me on the weekend, I'd be heading to the bay.
  12. Great shots Limey! Nice to have some unexpected company fly into visit.
  13. Not bitter at all Cliff. I look at it this way, 8 muskies have come into my boat in 2 outtings, pretty damn good I'd say. And yes, I'll get you on the ice this winter, see if we can't get you into a whitey or laker.
  14. Peter, I'll be in touch. I know after talking how busy you are right now but I'll put together an order and we'll square up on the opener next year. As for the pic of the head shot, pm me your email and I'll send you a copy of the original for the best quality. I was there and as Cliff said, what happens on the boat, stays on the boat. Right Cliff? Thanks Cliff, the week before was your day, just don't ever do that to me again. Maybe at Lakair next year after a few brown pops we might let what happened that day slip out. The way those fish fought it would be like putting a 20hp on the back of your yak. I could not believe the power they had for this time of year. What a thrill! She's more of a fair weather fishing person EC1. Thanks for the reply It's close enough to noon, go and get'em! I know Joe. The original plan was to hit Quinte but with the forecast of the winds we opted for a smaller body of water. Foolish, just foolish. Ken and Gerry are recovering. They left with their arms in slings and wearing back braces after throwing the big baits all day. Something they were not use to. As for Cliff, just some fun times. Everyone has their day it just so happens that mine was MUCH better then his. Thanks for the replies eveyone. Almost for got Wild, no pics of the BNB special. Just a big inline spinner that looks like (as Gerry called it) a feather duster with a single blade up top.
  15. The last few weekends haven't be the greatest for me on the water. A day of fish following and a day of watching Cliff hook into 4 beauties. Certainly nice to be there and see Cliff's PB first hand but what's a guy to do to get a fish?? Sunday started off with my buddies Ken and Gerry meeting at my place for 5:15AM, loaded up and on the road for 5:30am. We were hoping to find some minnows to do some jigging but no one was open. At the lake and fishing by 8am. First cast a big fish swirls just off the boat. Good or bad sign I think to myself. We carry on working the edge and I have a follow of a decent fish. Worked along for about another 500 yards or so and decide to go back to where we started. I changed up to a Brickn'Block special, an inline spinner that Peter made up for me last year on a outting we did. I've used it a few times without any luck but for some reason it was calling to me. Second cast with the Bn'B special and fish on! And a big one to boot! After a couple of good runs we get a luck at her and my jaw hits the floor as I'm thinking it could bring me into the 50" club, I'm a little doubtful. Barely hooked, one hook in the skin on the outside of the jaw, I guide her into the craddle, nice job on the craddle Ken. A couple of measurements and photos, then back into the water she went. Considering the fight she swam away strongly. 48"x19", not a PB but my 3rd biggest so far. We kept on working the edge for a while and moved onto spot #2. With my newly found favourite bait, we worked the next edge. Just as we are getting to the end I have a fish on for a couple of seconds then gone. We go back to make another pass and I have a few follows and then bang! Fish #2 for me. Another great fight and into the craddle, thanks Ken. A smaller fish of only 44x16. We decide to have some lunch and plan out the rest of the day. At spot #3 I offer up my hot bait to the guys. Neither has got a musky before and I'd like to see it happen. They kindly say no and and make a couple more cast before setting the hook on this beauty. 44.75x17.25. and the release. Once again I offer up the bait but no takers. A fire off a dozen casts or so and hook into my 4th of the day. The boat went silent except for me repeatedly saying "Sorry" Great job on the craddle again Ken. This one would be the smallest fish of the day for me at 39". I once again offer the bait up and it nearly started a fight! Not really but Ken didn't turn it down. lol! A few follows for myself but still nothing for the guys. The rain and hail came in and we called it a day. Considering neither Ken or Gerry had seen a musky before they were both very please with what they saw. I could almost call it quits for the season after a day like that but I won't Thanks Ken and Gerry for the good times and laughs. A very special thanks to Brickn'Block for my new favourite bait. Peter, I'll need a few more of those baits. Thanks for reading!
  16. Well there goes my coffee on the keyboard agian... An early happy birthday to the misses! Thanks for the laugh Brian.
  17. Thanks for the replies. By far the best fall colours I've ever seen. ctdd2006 : You would be correct, that is Depot lake. Your stomping grounds were simply breath taking that time of the year. Glad I could do it justice with the pics that I took. I'm already thinking that I'll be spending some of my summer vacation up there next year.
  18. Nice shots there Brandon. I've got to get to the GM Center one of these days Mike, I here it's quite the place.
  19. First you steal his beer and now you are looking for the hard stuff. Oh well, what are friends for. I grabbed this shot in August when I was by. The sign does look awesome.
  20. Totally agree with you here Brian.
  21. Very sad news indeed, my condolences to his family and friends
  22. Just wanted to share a few shots that I took while up in Elliot Lake on Thanksgiving weekend. I hope you enjoy them. Managed a shot of this guy hiding in the grass. Thanks for taking a look.
  23. Great report Kemper! Gotta love the colours on those browns.
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