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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Nice job! I've heard it said that a roof is something that no one wants to spend the money on, who looks at it anyways!! However when it starts to leak it's money well spent. Had mine done 2 years ago after it started to leak, got it done before any there was any damage.
  2. I think we have all thought about the day we may have to give up fishing or some other passion in our lives. This past weekend I was fishing with a life long friend of mine who has come down with some serve pains in his hand and elbow. He was talking about having to give up the sport as well. Never seen him put down the rod to sit and rest for a while in our 30+ years of fishing together. I told him to get to a doctor and see what the hell was going on first. He is a subborn one. As he is welcome in my boat anytime you are as well Bigugli. As others here have offered, you should be set for many fishing trips. Lots of good (great) karma around this place. Be well Bigugli, you've got a lot of people around here that willing to lend a hand if needed.
  3. Certainly is a great way to end the holidays. Congrats. Which camera are you using? Nice feature having the 10 snaps in a row.
  4. Wayne, very sorry for your loss. Just terrible news to find on the board this morning. If I can help in anyway just let me know, I drive through Ajax everyday. My condolences to you and your family.
  5. Now I see why the board went down when I clicked on this post.......
  6. Glad to hear you got things sorted out Joe. This is certainly a great place for getting help, some really good people here. Knowing that Bernie is in Powassan makes me want to move there, so difficult to find a mechanic you can trust and count on. Now to find a job up there so I can pay Bernie when he fixed my truck.
  7. Definitely pike. We also saw sturgeon rolling as well.
  8. Great report Scuro2. Sounds like you were up there the same time that we were at Mikwam. Similar weather with similar results, report to come, just waiting on some pictures from the other guys. I'd have to say the pike were feeding on the mayflies but also on our lake the dragonflies were hatching. One night we had hundreds come out at dusk, the sky was just black with them. We also saw dozens of pike jumping out of the water, straight up like a missile being launched. Some really big fish as well. I'm assuming they were after the hatches. Very cool to watch. Thanks for the report.
  9. Good times TJ! Thanks for the report. The thing on the bonnet is a camera Brian, I think. Makes little fish look BIG!
  10. Right behind you Roy! Just going in a different direction. Have a great time and be safe. One of these years I'll make it to Lakair but for this year it is Cochrane calling me yet again.
  11. Happy Birthday! Looking good for 29.
  12. Some great stories here, nice to see everyone was OK afterwards. I'll add a couple as well. First time I was hooked was about 20+ years ago, I was shore fishing with a buddy on a very windy day. He decided to windup for a extra long distance cast, his lure came beside my head and pierce my ear on the top. I bit the line off, went back to the truck for the cutters and had him cut the hook. Then it was back to fishing with a bit more space between us. The second time is was hooked was in the thumb with a hackle ant jig. This would be about 15 years ago. I had just got a nice herring in the boat and the hook popped out of the fishes mouth and into my thumb quite deep. Ended up going to the hospital to get that one out. That herring was my dinner that night. The next time I hooked a buddy of my with my favourite spinnerbait at the time. (About 12 years ago) He had gone to the back of the boat to re-tie and when he stood up I nailed him in the back of the head with a 1/2 ounce of lead. I offered to take it out and he declined. We came off the water and I informed him that I wanted the bait back but knew they were just going to cut the hook to get it out of him. So I got my cutters and got the blades off at least. He went to the hospital and the doc could not believe the strenght of the hook as he could not cut thru it. So he made a cut beside the hook and then was able to pull it out of his skull. A couple of stitches and he was good to go. And yes we are still very good friends today.
  13. Welcome to fish-a-holics anonymous.
  14. I had an old Makita myself and loved it until the batteries dead and couldn't get a replacement for it. Bought a cord drill and it has never let me down. There are time when a cordless would be nice but not worth it for the number I time I use a drill in a year. Sounds like you got a sweet deal Roy.
  15. A great day on the water! Thanks for the report.
  16. Enjoy the new ride Cliff and Sue, Andy as well! Congrats!
  17. Would love to see one of those up close one of these days.
  18. Great report, awesome fish as well. Congrats on the team effort.
  19. Safe trip and have a great time. That shouldn;t be too difficult.
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