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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. Sweet looking fish. Congrats on the PB!
  2. WTG Gerritt! Congrats to you and the Extreme Team. Some beauties there bud!
  3. Oh no, not me.... Even had him fishing out of the back of the boat! LOL!! Cliff, in all seriousness, congrats on a FANTASTIC day! Nice to be apart of another PB for you two.
  4. Hello everyone! It's been a little while, just been way too busy. This past weekend I had a chance to get one of my co-workers out for a day of muskie fishing. Weather was great as was the company. The day started off a bit slow but as the surface temperature climbed a bit the fish started to get a bit more active. I had a couple of follows of some smaller sized muskies, had them chasing the bait as I did a figure 8 or a big oval. They would eventually just swim away. Then a nice one followed up to the boat, about 40"+ and just sat there. Wouldn't chase the bait, just gave up and sat there for a minute or so and swam away. We went back over the area we were fishing with a one of us using a slower presentation and the other a faster one. Raised 2 fish, of which one we were pretty sure was one of the earlier ones but no hook ups. We decide to take a break for some lunch, had a couple of sandwiches and some coffee. That's when it all came to light as to why the fish were not biting. Steve reached into to the lunch bag and pulls out a couple of banana's and asks me if I want one. I promptly tell him you can't bring banana's on a boat, it's bad luck, he had no idea. I figured the damage was done so we ate them and carried on fishing. A total of 7 muskie follows and one nice bucket chasing the bait but nothing boated for the day. Now I'm not really all that big on rituals or superstitions but after seeing what happened to us last weekend I'm beginnning to wonder. How about you, do you bring banana's on your boat or not? Where did this superstition start anyways? Will there be banana's on my boat in the future? Probably not! LOL! Have a safe weekend everyone!
  5. That's the same sealent that I used, you should be fine. If not I'll fix it in exchange for some time on the water with ya. As for the bow mount, what bow mount???
  6. Hang in there Gerritt. Just wanted to let you know that you and your family will be in my thoughts today. Will
  7. Congrats on the new ride!!! Sweet boat my friend. Great report as always. As others have said, if the fumes are a problem, I'd store it in a shed away from the house. I've got mine screwed to the transom with some marine silicone to prevent any leakage. After 6 years, no problems. If its a portable unit, I'd mount the transducer to a board, piece of plastic (cutting board is a good idea) or metal and just use a clamp to hold the board in place as stated before. The best advice I can give you is to just get out there and use it! Thanks for the report.
  8. Thanks for the replies. Joe - Dad did fish from the front of the boat, for a couple of minutes. He got a fish and I sent him to the back.
  9. Thanks for the replys. Joey - I always have extra batteries. Just razzing Ken as I took about 30 shots after he claimed that they were died. Cliff - You better do something about that job. I'll be passing you in post counts it you don't watch it. (In my dreams) Those waypoints should help, Timmies in Smith Falls, Canadian Tire, Walmart - all great spots.
  10. It all started last November when I place a bid on a cottage for a week at a fundraiser. Didn't think much of it and went home. A few hours later I got a call saying that my bid was the highest. The first day I had a couple of the guys from our flyin group join me. Some pretty good fishing was had. Marked a ton of fish in 40+ feet of water and jigged up a herring in a couple of minutes. We didn't give it too much time and went for some bass. Had a great time catching several bass with the biggest being about 3 pounds. Still don't know why we didn't take any pics but a good first day. The next day a front came in. The fishing was pretty tough only a couple of small bass were had after exploring tons of water. The guys had to head out around noon so a short fish and not much to show for it. Still, good times were had by all. My Dad and his wife showed up as the guys were getting ready to leave. Loaded up one group and unloaded the next. Dad and I got out for a couple of hours before the next wave of storms came in but were not so lucky. In for some dinner and plan our attack for the rest of the week. The week ended up being a very relaxing one with slow paced start to the day, a bit of work (decided to strip and paint the boat trailer.) or fishing, eating, and more fishing. It took a bit to figure out the walleye but once we got on them, it made for some great fishing. Did a bit of muskie fishing as well and boat a decent one while trolling. Too bad my Dad didn't get it but it was a great fight for me! All in all it was a great week. Now some fishing porn. View of the lake. Dad and a walleye. Myself and the biggest of the trip at 20 inches A few for a meal. A picture for Joey. DAMN YOU SUSPENDED FISH!!! One of our visitors that we had. I managed to get about 20 feet away before this guy took off. Some pics of our muskie adventure. It measured up at 37 inches. And finally a beautiful Haliburton sunset. You can bet that I'll be back.
  11. Sadly last week by buddy Ken's step Dad passed away. We were planning on some muskie fishing this past Sunday but opted to do a road trip to Smith Falls. Ken had a couple of things that he wanted me to look at and it was a chance to check in on his mom. We decided on the Rideau as Ken hadn't fished it in over 15 years and it would be about the same for me if not longer. Our day in a nut shell. On the road at 5:30am, on the Rideau by 9am, first fish at 9:15am A total of 17 fish consisting of pike, largemouth and smallmouth, off the water around 4:30pm, to Ken's mom's for dinner and to take some pictures of some things she wants to sell, on the road home by 7:30pm, stopped for gas and timmies, pulling into the Newcastle area when Ken realizes he forgot his keys at his Mom's....DOH!!!, drive Ken to his house to get the spare set, drive to my place and unload and in bed at 12:30am. Spending all that time with a good friend.....priceless. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. No real big fish caught but a great day on the water. The weather was awesome! Thanks for the PM Justin and thanks to Cliff for the use of the GPS for the day as I was having technical issues with mine. Here's a couple pics from the day. A picture of Ken after telling me the batteries in the camera were dead and that he couldn't get a picture of my pike. Seems to have worked OK for me. (The batteries were very close and did give me a warning later in the day.) Some scenery, the colours were starting to look nice. And finally the "big bass" of the day. Thanks Ken for a great day!
  12. Hey Gerritt! How are you going to reel in that 14 pounder with your arm like that?? I guess you're heading out for Joe's asparagus wraps, definiately with the drive. I hope your arm is better by then, I think your going to need it.
  13. It looks like a good place and a great location. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it down this year as I'm already booked for that the weekend. Have a great time everyone!
  14. Great stuff! Thanks for the report!
  15. WTG MJL!!! Congrats to all of team Canada!
  16. Always great to get into some of that non-stop action. Lots of fun no matter what the size or species is. Great crappie BTW!!! Thanks for the report.
  17. Oh sure.....A guy is nice enough to take you out in his comfy boat and in exchange you make him stand in cold waters for hours. He does take a great photo though. Can you pm me his number? Always looking for a good cameraman A great couple of outtings Sean, thanks for sharing.
  18. First - All the best for a speedy recovery BBNOTTY!! Second - A couple of nice fish there, thanks for the report.
  19. Looking forward the the full report. Now it's been 24+ hours since you posted this, so what's taking so long???
  20. AWESOME FISH!!!!! A quick question, is that Cliff's nail polish you're using??
  21. Gotta love those all day fishing trips. I don't get to do many of those anymore. Congrats on the great day and thanks for the report.
  22. Now that's a great trip!! Congrats guys!
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