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Everything posted by fishnsled

  1. I'm off on vacation next week. Needed boat gas, truck gas and filled a couple of cans for the boat next week. Total spent - $170. The bonus - they were out of regular so they were giving the supreme for the cost of regular.
  2. Happy birthday Cliff!! Have a great day there bud!
  3. Nice fish Cliff! :thumbsup_anim:I see a pattern developing.....Bly's turn tonight to catch and your turn on the net?
  4. A day that will live with us forever and will never be forgotten. My condolences to the families and friends who lost their loved ones that day.
  5. SWEET fish Carole!!! Good job with the net Cliff. I guess your the offical net boy and I'm the craddle guy. Maybe she'll let us catch a big one some day.....LOL!
  6. Great report Sugarpacket and congrats on the PB!!! As other's have said, we need the pics of Rich doing the dishes. A shot of his poor withered hand might be good as well. Sorry Rich but the hands with be fine.
  7. Couldn't have said it any better Snag. Always enjoy life to the fullest, it's far too short. My condolences to you and your family.
  8. Now that's a great season, so far.... Have to agree with Roy on the speckie, sweet fish! Congrats to John!!
  9. Fishing and laundry done all at the same time.....who'd of thunk it. Been there and done that, thanks for the laughs. Certainly glad you were not hurt Sean. A few nice fish certainly makes up for the swim. Interesting to here you say small baits were the key, all of my fish on Saturday were on small plastics but Bly's muskies were very willing to chase a fair sized spinnerbait. Thanks for the report.
  10. It certainly was a great day with a couple of amazing people. ( Bly - remember it's a family board now. ) Cliff and Sue, certainly nice to chat with you two and thanks for the use of the golf cart. It's always great when a plan comes together but it's even better when you really have no plan at all. Not to often you get the Kawartha Grand Slam (Muskie, walleye, largemouth and smallmouth), in a couple of hours! Congrats again Bly on the PB, nice to get the craddle slimmed up with a couple of your fish. Also, thank you for putting together a great lunch! Cliff - I guess it's too late to take you up on your ofter to go for some salmon (I was horizontal by 10pm ) but let's try to do that one night this week. Great job with the photos as well. I think your skills are getting better since we did the bass fishing shoot on Scugog. I'm sure that Bly and I will need you again when we do the fall muskie trip. All kidding aside, you two are welcome in the boat anytime and I'm certainly looking forward to our next trip. Thanks for the great report Cliff
  11. Yep, just another Moosebunk report. You kind of get use to them after a while. Same old spectacular photos and wonderful story telling. Yep, just FREAKING AWESOME!!!! Yet again!! Thanks a ton for putting that all together, simply AWESOME! Love those Char pics! Thanks again Drew.
  12. Looks like a great road/fishing trip so far. Some nice fish there guys. Looking forward to the rest of the adventure.
  13. Cool but I wonder how it would do pulling a boat up and out of the water? Not easily going to do that I would think. Give it some time and maybe they will figure something out. Would be great for clearing up accidents on the highways in a hurry.
  14. Very sad news indeed. Although I never had the chance to meet Gary, I enjoyed his posts. He certainly added a lot to our community here and will be greatly missed by many. My condolences to his family and friends.
  15. More women next time OK? Great report as always. Love the heron pics and nice to know that I wasn't the only one struggling on Saturday. Thanks for the report.
  16. Thanks for the replys. The back is doing much better Cliff, thanks for asking. I'll be ready for the weekend. HH- We'll be out soon, hope you're feeling better. As for the bucket's lip, I think it had been torn off. No signs of any disease at all, a very healthy looking fish otherwise. I found it interesting that this fish had adapted quite well concidering it's miss fortune. I think we often wonder what happens to these fish we release. How many of them make it and how many don't. Maybe many more of them make it then we might think. So if you ripped off the top of a fishes mouth in the past year or two, I'm happy to report it's doing fine.
  17. Some great fish porn Garry. The website is nice and simple as well. Very reasonable rates too.
  18. It's been a very crazy summer for my Dad. Having bought a new home and dealing with several contractors, he hasn't had much time for any fishing. Well the work is finally done, for the most part and it was time for some well deserved R&R. The original plan was for Simcoe but when we saw the 3+ foot waves coming in we opted for the Kawarthas. The weather was great but the fishing was terrible. We fished deep, shallow, weeds and rocks. Covered just about every type of structure and cover and threw the whole tackle box at them. It ended up being the toughest day of the year for me. On the bright side, I did get the old man out for a day on the water. We did catch some fish, my Dad's first walleye in over 20 years - all of about 6 inches. We down sized and got a ton of perch and a couple of bluegills, all on the small side and I got the strangest looking largemouth I've ever got. Lots of fun and laughs and a great day with Dad, can't ask for much more then that. Here's a pic of the bucket.
  19. Well I'm still at work but on the bright side the traffic should be over when I leave. My fish partner for tomorrow has just cancelled so not sure what I'll do tomorrow, fishing some where though. Sunday and Monday a mini get-a-way with the misses. HEY UF - We need some pics of the new pup!
  20. I'll second Atlantic. Thank to my recent research and tutorial on fish identification. Thanks Tony!
  21. Hope you had a great last day. Now get out there and go All the best Roger!
  22. I know how you must have felt when you saw Teddy. Just looking at that picture had the dog grabbing onto my heart. Enjoy the new family member! I'm sure that September 12th can't come fast enough.
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